
Chapter 13.

Chapter 13.

"Did you see the workshop schedule for the first quarter?" Jihoon asked Woojin who just returned from a long conference call with the business department team. When Woojin sat down wearily, Jihoon patted his head.

Jihoon was smiling widely as if he had good news. One of the things Jihoon never forgot to do everyday was to visit the secretarial and HR teams and gossip with them. Jihoon was always the first one to find out the latest news and rumors in the office.

Woojin quietly pushed Jihoon's hand away and shook his head. It was one of Jihoon's habits Woojin hated: touching Woojin without warning.

Jihoon grinned and asked, "Are you going to skip work again soon? Like the last time?"

"… It's none of your business."

Woojin always gave him the same answer to any personal questions he asked, but Jihoon seemed unfazed. Persistence had to be his middle name.

Jihoon smiled at Woojin like he found him cute, and pulled the chair closer to Woojin.