
CHIDEL HIGH (psycho in love)

PROLOGUE Chidel high school is a school for the rich and also the school known for the bullies apart from that their curriculum activities is the best known all over the world because they stand out. Talking of sports, education,tourism,and so on they are always at the to p table. Ray Morgan is one of the best student in chidel high school and also every girls crush,he has a body of a Greek god,build muscles and also good in all sports,he's the captain of the football team in chidel high school. Ray Morgan has one best friend named Liam Maxwell who's also play as forward in there football team but he's not as handsome as Ray but he also stand out among others,you will always see them together coz they are like the snail and it's shell. Mara and Clara Nelson are sister's but there parents are both late which makes them an orphan they stay with there Aunt Linda who's there mother's sister but she treat them like a trash. Aunt Linda has a daughter named Kathy. Kathy is just like her mother coz she's always at Mara and Clara's throat but Mara been a tough girl always beat up Kathy whenever she's rude to her especially her elder sister Clara They are also a student of chidel high school. Stephanie Collins is the daughter of Mike and Miranda Collins and the only child who is the bully in chisel high school and she's also crushing on Ray Morgan. Stephanie has two friends who are also bullies and they are Mia and Morgan Ray and Mara are like the sun and the moon who are always at each other's throats but deep down they are in love but because of the ways they put up there fight always they don't know they love each other What happened when Liam started making advance towards Mara? What Happened when Ray and Mara later knows that they loves each other? What happened when Liam and Ray the two best friends hate each other and fight over a girl? What happened when Stephanie starts a fight with Mara over Ray? What happened when chidel high school known as the best start to crumble just because there bests student starts a fight anywhere the see each other? Who's going to win this battle? Let's grab our popcorn and sit,let's start the journey of chidel high school.

Authoress_Harry · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Ray's threat

💞Mara's POV💞

I was on my way to the bathroom when I noticed everyone gathered around the fountain in the center of the school.

Curious, I made my way to the fountain and managed to get to the front.

There, I saw books scattered around inside the fountain. I rolled my eyes at whoever would be stupid enough to do this to someone else books and was about walking away when something caught my eye.

I sighted a novel "Best friend shouldn't know how you taste" which look quite similar to mine. My eyes Immediately widened in shock as I grabbed the novel. I opened it and saw my name written boldly inside.

I grabbed another one of the books 📚, an exercise book 📚 this time and sure enough, my name was on it.

I felt unbelievable anger well up inside me as I realized that all the books in the fountain is mine and as usual, only one person would dare do that. My greatest enemy Ray Morgan.


"You sick bastard!" I yelled marching up to Ray, my wet soggy books in my arms.

He turned around as though expecting me.

"To what do I owe this pleasant visit Mara?" He said in a tone that annoyed me all the more.

"You did this to my books 📚📚📚, you moron!" I yelled pointing to my books. A look of mock surprise crossed his face.

"Moi? Oh Mara, I wouldn't dare. You know me."

"Yeah. I know you. I know you're a moron, a fool and a fucking idiot."

"Mara! Language!" Ray said again increasing my anger.

"I'll get you for this Ray. I promise you that." I said walking away only to trip on my shoelaces and fall on my face. The already raucous laughter increased.

"Maybe instead of getting me, you should get your shoelaces tied."

I glared at him. He was so gonna pay.


"Mara, are you sure about this?" Anna said.

"Of course I am... Come on Anna. Don't tell me you're planning to back out now."

"Of course not. It's just..."

"Just what? You saw what he did to my books 📚📚📚. If you're really my best friend, you'll understand how much I need to do this.

It's already 1-0. It's time to even the playing field so are you in or out?"

Anna sighed. "I'm in."

"Good. Now let's go over the plan and Clara shouldn't know about this."

💞Ray's POV💞

My Victory over Mara two days ago still makes me smile every time I remember it. It really feels good to win 😋😋.

Because I admire how she looks that day doesn't mean that we are still enemies.

Anyways, I'm currently with my friend talking and chilling 😎. While that was going on, I got an anonymous note from someone who told me to meet her in the school's storeroom.

The note said that she was one of my admirers and that she would really like to hook up.

That last line caught my attention. So I quickly left my friend and went to the storeroom to meet my mystery girl.

It didn't bother me that the storeroom was creepy and abandoned. All I wanted was to see who the girl was.

I tried running away but one of them poured water on the floor and I slipped and fell down.

I screamed once more as the girls stood beside me and began humming.

"We want you Ray Morgan. We want you." One of them said. This time, I didn't care. I stood up and ran out of the storeroom despite the fact that the door was locked. I just had to get out of there.....


💞Mara's POV💞

I burst into laughter as I watched Ray's video for the umpteenth time.

Gosh! The guy screams like a girl. Even Katy could never scream like that 😅.

Yeah you guessed right. I'm responsible for the whole thing in the storeroom. I watch a lot of horror movies, so it was very easy to choreograph.

It's the perfect payback 😋. Now that I have the video, I'm gonna upload it to the school website.

Let's see Ray try and woo any girl again when his nickname is Scarred Boy or something like that.

"And done!" I squealed excitedly to Anna who was watching off the last of the ghost make-up from her face.

"Mara squealing? Ray's video must be making you feel good inside."

"Of course. Not only is it hilarious, payback also taste delicious."

"I doubt it's that funny. Lemme see."

Soon, she was laughing her guts out while I smirked beside her😏. Revenge sure is sweet!

💞Ray's POV💞

I walked into the school, the events of the previous day still fresh in my mind.

Whoever it was, the person was really good. Hopefully, the whole thing wasn't recorded. If it was, then my life is ruined.

Anyway, as I walked by, I began to notice that students would start to laugh.

The whole thing got me really confused and scared as I began to pray that my worst fears hadn't come to pass. But unfortunately, it was too little, too late.

As soon as I stepped into the classroom, everyone suddenly burst into laughter. That alone scared me to the core.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously approaching my best friend.

He snickered and said "Where did you go yesterday?"

"Uh... I... You seeee..."

He interrupted me by placing his phone in front of me. There I saw my worst fears actualized.

It was a video of the event that transpired in the storeroom. It shocked me just watching it.

"Do I really scream like that? "I wondered🤔🤔🤔.

By the time the video was over, he and those around him as well as the rest of the class were all laughing their heads off.

The feeling of being the butt of the joke made me want to enter inside a hole and never comes out.

Just then, Mara stepped into the classroom, all smiles. That pointed to her as the clear culprit.

After all, who else would have the guts to do something like that?

💞Mara's POV💞

I walked into the classroom with a bright smile on my face 😏. Who knew the sound of others laughing could be so melodious to one's hearing 😋😋?

My smile deepened even further when I sighted Ray walking towards me😀😁.

"You!" He said angrily.

"Hiya Ray." I replied chirply deciding to play dumb.

"How dare you do something like that?

You even uploaded it on the school website."

"Me? Do something? School website? I don't understand. What are you talking about!"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about Mara and I swear, I'm gonna make you pay for it." He said menacingly in a manner that sent chills down my spine.

I tried to deny it but something in Ray's words made me scared. He sounded murderous and it freaked me out but I couldn't show it.

"Good luck with that, Boo Boo Kitty." I said walking away.

"Oh and Ray?" I called.

"What?!" He asked turning around.

"I want you!" I said ghostly 👻, making the whole class laugh as Ray hurriedly exited.

I laughed along, ignoring the feeling of dread that Ray's threat gave me 😱😥.....


What will Ray do to Mara?