
CHIDEL HIGH (psycho in love)

PROLOGUE Chidel high school is a school for the rich and also the school known for the bullies apart from that their curriculum activities is the best known all over the world because they stand out. Talking of sports, education,tourism,and so on they are always at the to p table. Ray Morgan is one of the best student in chidel high school and also every girls crush,he has a body of a Greek god,build muscles and also good in all sports,he's the captain of the football team in chidel high school. Ray Morgan has one best friend named Liam Maxwell who's also play as forward in there football team but he's not as handsome as Ray but he also stand out among others,you will always see them together coz they are like the snail and it's shell. Mara and Clara Nelson are sister's but there parents are both late which makes them an orphan they stay with there Aunt Linda who's there mother's sister but she treat them like a trash. Aunt Linda has a daughter named Kathy. Kathy is just like her mother coz she's always at Mara and Clara's throat but Mara been a tough girl always beat up Kathy whenever she's rude to her especially her elder sister Clara They are also a student of chidel high school. Stephanie Collins is the daughter of Mike and Miranda Collins and the only child who is the bully in chisel high school and she's also crushing on Ray Morgan. Stephanie has two friends who are also bullies and they are Mia and Morgan Ray and Mara are like the sun and the moon who are always at each other's throats but deep down they are in love but because of the ways they put up there fight always they don't know they love each other What happened when Liam started making advance towards Mara? What Happened when Ray and Mara later knows that they loves each other? What happened when Liam and Ray the two best friends hate each other and fight over a girl? What happened when Stephanie starts a fight with Mara over Ray? What happened when chidel high school known as the best start to crumble just because there bests student starts a fight anywhere the see each other? Who's going to win this battle? Let's grab our popcorn and sit,let's start the journey of chidel high school.

Authoress_Harry · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

My Crush

Welcome my children said Aunt Linda.

When did you start seeing us as your children just come to the point i know your so called daughter has shown you the video said Mara

You this brat why are you bent on spoiling my reputation you keep fighting about in public said Aunt Linda

oh what about your daughter who keeps wagging her tail when she sees boys and how are you sure she is still a virgin huh am better than her she is always at the bottom of the class and we top the class ask her said Mara

And why should i believe you you liar said Aunt Linda

Believe me or not Clara let go and Clara is not cooking, you guys should cook or else i will beat you up just like the way in the video Mara dragged Clara upstairs

Huh this girl drives me crazy said Kathy

Clara what are you thinking about asked Mara

I don't know why Matt looked at me in that manner said Clara

Just shake it off and lets prepare for school tomorrow said Mara

Hmm answered Clara

***************At kitchen****************

Kathy was busy cooking and was sweating

I wonder why mom brought that Mara home it is Clara that supposed to cook not me said Kathy

Kathy prepared the dinner they ate and went to sleep

*****************At School**************

Matt saw Clara and Mara going to school he saw Clara was depressed

See you later sis said Mara

OK said Clara

As Clara was about to enter the class someone drag her to a corner

She was scared at first coz she tot twas Stephanie and her dogs

Who is this said Clara

It is me Matt said Matt

Why were you looking at me in that manner it is because you pity me or what asked Clara

No its not because of that replied Matt

Then what is it tell me asked Clara

💞 Matt POV💞

I was going to my class when I saw my crush Clara and her psycho sister Mara

I know you are shocked when I said my crush right,yes am crushing on her but I don't know know to tell her.

When I saw the way her sister dealt with Stephanie, Mai and Morgan at Green Grande Palace on Saturday that gives me a creep

coz i don't know how she's going to react when she learnt that am crushing on her sister

Maybe she's going to murder me or beat me blue black or even broke my ribs

When I saw the scene on Saturday that makes me fall much in love with Clara all over again coz she's the opposite of her sister

Looking at her alone makes me hungry for for love, affection, attention and .....am even short of words but I don't know how to approach her

I have to be man enough to do that but when I saw her sister going to her own class that gave the the opportunity to approach her

I saw her going to class , before she could enter I drag to a corner but the look of her face makes me smile.

Who is this she asked

It is me Matt I quickly answered

Why were you looking at me in that manner it is because you pity me or what she asked with a frown on her face

No its not because of that I replied

Then what is it tell me she asked

But I was short of words coz I don't know what to tell her but my next action amazed me

I kissed her , like I kissed😘 Clara ,my first love, my first crush and that was also my first kiss

When I tot she's going to push me away or slapped me ,but to my utmost surprise she kissed me back

Then we start fighting for dominance but makes me snake my hand in her waist then squeeze my ass and the gasp

She open my mouth to talk but I use my tongue to explore her mouth when we are at the edge of taking things further we hard a voice coming close.


Whose voice is that?

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