
Chapter 49: Power(2)

We were in an ironic situation where one had become a guild's executive, and the others were looking for someone to take them in, even though we all started together.

I couldn't help but feel relieved that I did not become one of them.

When I looked around, I saw Lee Ji-Hye and other familiar people from back in the shelter. They didn't look all that bad. Considering that I've been through some pretty hard training myself, I was also in good shape. We were the newest investments of the Blue Guild, after all. It was only normal that they would work hard to manage our improvement.

When I thought back to the time where I couldn't adapt initially, I realized that I've come to accept this world's reality, almost forgetting that this wasn't the world where I came from. I couldn't believe that I'd been so preoccupied that I'd forgotten about this fact.

Except for those I'd interacted with inside the shelter, I did not recognize the other people crowded around. It did not take long for me to access their stat information and potential with my ability. These were not easily noticeable from every person's outward appearance, so I was beginning to feel glad that I had the ability with which I could use to gauge their power.

Although there were a few rare ones, I knew Cha Hee-ra would not deem them worthy enough. Still, I found it important to go through everyone so I wouldn't miss out on a good investment.

"I think everyone looks promising."


It was the expression of the trainees and the expression of the assigned instructor that made me feel good about myself. They were all painfully aware of the new power I wielded and thus felt wary around me.

Among the seven parties operated by the Blue Guild, they were not worthy enough to be chosen after all. If I were them, my best course of action would be to band together and prove my worth by getting stronger. Getting into a guild wasn't all about the gold. It was also about getting your support system in any situation.

With the instructor, I could guess that he felt too arrogant in being chosen by the Blue Guild but ended up getting the meager task of becoming their errand boy. Little did he know that the real investment the Blue Guild participated in were for people with real potential.

The recruitment system also made individuals devalue themselves after not being chosen when they could be talented all on their own.

When I looked at the instructor through my ability-activated eyes, I took careful notice of his growth limit.

'His stats are low overall…'

"It's not been long since I came here, but… I'm curious about how education works here."

"Oh? I can explain it to you if you want me to. It's not that hard to understand."


"In the first place, the goal is to get the people here their jobs, but in fact, there are only a few who actually achieve this. I guess you know that these few are the talented ones in the batch."

At his mentioning of 'talented ones,' I knew Jung Hayan would be a prime example of this.

"Oh, I see."

"People who have survived the dungeon without indulging in any combat have a hard time finding their aptitudes, so they receive training almost immediately. In the case of wizards and priests, they usually check whether they have the potential for magical power. If not, they are automatically transferred to melee. Those who judge that they cannot fight, whether through basic combat methods or other tactics, will enter the non-combat army and receive separate vocational training."

"Vocational education…"

"That means cooking, cleaning, among many others. Some are employed in restaurants and forges run by the imperialists, while others are engaged in service jobs like beauty salons by utilizing their specialties from Earth."


"It's not so bad. Sometimes, the guilds also recruit for vocational purposes. Cha Hee-ra of the Red Mercenary Guild also has a hair designer in the guild."

"Ahhh. Yes. I know." I nodded as if I knew, although, in reality, I had only heard of this now. It surprised me. I knew women were particular about their looks, but I never took Cha Hee-ra to act in that manner.

"Then, in the case of those who fall into the non-combat army…"

"I usually respect all choices, but I don't recommend it at the training center level. If you are pushed to the continent without a clear aptitude, the result won't be very good. Chances are, you won't get recruited. Though you can find somewhere else to offer your services and receive adequate payment… Well, most people still want to belong somewhere, you know?

"That sounds understandable."

"Yeah. Most of them want to go to a medium or large guild, but… Guilds have already established their standings aren't interested in recruiting, rookie or not rookie. However, fret not Kiyoung, you'd be a hot commodity regardless."

I blinked. I had heard this a lot. Was it flattery, or was there a meaning hidden underneath?

"How about small to medium clans?"

"I don't know what to say about them, but the situation is worse for small and medium clans. Most of those who did not receive contact from large or medium-sized guilds end up entering the smaller ones. It cannot be said that the survival rate of new recruits in small and medium clans is high."

"Is there a reason why?"

"Compared to the large guilds, there is hardly any available space, so the first reason is forceful eviction. Although it may vary from guild to guild, there are quite a few of those kinds of clans here, just as there are black companies on Earth. Accidents that arise from excessively outsourcing of large guilds are also common accidents… There are more and more Guild Masters who exploit guild members to achieve desired results. Those who die without a granted insurance are also another reason."

"I see what you're talking about."

'I don't think I need to hear more.'

You can see how this continent worked and operated. In truth, the harshness of it was the perfect twin of modern society back in my old world.

Large guilds are the object of everyone's envy, and small and medium-sized clans take those considered the 'leftovers,' most of the time having to throw them in the end. I knew for sure there was a difference in salary as well.

If the tutorial dungeon proved to be hard, then the continent itself was hell.

What interested me were the non-combat and vocational choices that the instructor had mentioned. I took a mental note to check these people out.

After all, there may be people who were selling bread lazily without realizing their inner talents.

"Other than that, we have time to educate ourselves on the general common sense of the continent. The relationship and history of the guild, the Holy Empire and the Republic, and the Kingdom Union."

"It's a part of this world we haven't learned properly yet."

"In the case of the team leader, training will be conducted at the guild level. The same goes for trainees. Even if someone among the remaining members enters another guild or clan, training will still be separated for each guild. You see, we have a separate training period to grow new recruits to their true potentials."


"In the case of Blue, training is relatively loose and easy to understand, but in the case of other guilds, it is a bit tricky."

"I see. Thank you for informing me."

"It's my pleasure. I'm very happy to be able to help."

With this, I tapped him on the shoulder. It may have been just a simple, cheeky act, but the instructor's mouth hung open.

"I will repay you for the story you gave today."

"Well, you don't need to…"

"No, no. Thank you very much."

It was for my benefit as much as his. I knew chumming up to common folk would help me out later.

As I let my eyes roam over the throngs of people crowding around, I saw Lee Jihye glancing my way with a strange expression.

'Shall I approach her?'

Of course, I had no intention of bringing her in as a party member. However, I decided I was too busy. I still needed to make the list for Cha Hee-ra and find worthy party members of Kim Hyunsung's party. I also needed to make time for my training as well as administrative work.

And my list of priorities didn't even stop there!

'There's also exploration and potion manufacturing.'

The dungeon strategy Kim Hyun-sung was planning and the products to be released in the Holy Continent also needed my attention. With the rate that I was working, I was bound to collapse from overwork sooner or later. At the very least, I needed team members to help me out with my work.


"Do you have anything you need?"

"No thank you, I do not."

I looked around the venue again. This time, I saw familiar faces entering the training center.

'Lee Sang-hee…' Kim Hyunsung was with her.

My lips curled in distaste as I also caught Lee Seolho entering, trying his best to remain unnoticed. As long as he was on probation, he wouldn't dare stir up trouble again. Several administrative team leaders went to greet them, and they bowed in response.

This type of greeting was natural. They were, after all, on the same rank. Of course, it was different for normal guild members and instructors. Their greetings fell upon deaf ears.

The exception was Lee Sang-hee, who readily greeted each of the guild members face to face. She then approached me afterward.

"You were here first."

"Yes, Lee Sang-hee."

"This is what I said to Mr. Hyunsung, but I will repeat it again. If there are any necessary personnel, I will allow him to recruit them. We will do our best to help you with whatever aspects of the guild you see fit to work on."

"Thank you."

I saw Lee Sang-hee smiling at my words.

'Don't worry, I'll work hard.'

Unlike other people where I had to continually stay on the high alert, it was quite reassuring to be with Lee Sang-hee. It was inappropriate to describe her in this way, seeing as she was only thirty-three, but she felt just like a mother to me.

"Thank you very much for your hard work."

"No, it is my pleasure."

After exchanging my greetings, I took a seat in a place I found suitable. Trainees wearing nervous expressions came trailing in not long after. They must be thinking about whether they would get an offer too.

In their eyes, we were the high rankers they needed to impress.

The Blue Guild Master quietly stood on the podium and opened his mouth to speak.

"You have worked hard so far. Everyone who was brought here, even those who did not understand English and had a hard time endured well."


"In my heart, I would like to educate you a little longer until you can safely settle in the continent, but I would like to express my apology for not being able to do so due to various circumstances. You will soon leave this place and head for the Holy Empire of Benigore. Today, some of you may be contacted by guilds or clans. In addition, there may be people who might come together to form their own clan."


"Otherwise, there will be some of you non-combat soldiers who will be drafted into the Holy Empire. Each person lives differently, but there is only one thing I can tell you."

The venue stayed quiet at this.


"Stay alive."

What an ominous phrasing.

"Our Blue Guild has a guild house in the western part of Lindel, the free city. We are always waiting for your support."

I knew the hidden meaning beneath his words, and embarrassment flooded through me at the realization.

'Not even one…'

The Blue Guild had no intention of recruiting any new personnel today. These survivors decided that it was not worth sacrificing the guild's money and manpower.

'So cruel…'

Just like modern society, this continent was not free from selfish interests.