
Ch 2 vol 1

Chapter 2 Inui Yume

At noontime on the streets on an uninhabited city, two girls faced each other under the backdrop of the blue sky.

One was a girl dressed in white and blue, with sharp twintails reminiscent of antenna. The purity of her white and blue Astral Dress matched the impression of a dress suitable for a world marked by sunshine.

On the other side was a girl dressed in black and red. She had black hair and an Astral Dress where the colors of red and black intermingled with each other. However, her most distinctive characteristic is her left eye. It was a clock──an eyeball ticking away the time.

Gulp, Inui Yume swallowed her breath.

It was likely due to being on verge of death multiple times now. But at a single glance, she could read her strength.

"So, why did you call out to me? Although it looks like it has nothing to do with Doll Master." Hearing Yume's words, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, yes, that's right. Completely irrelevant to that. There's merely something that I want." "What do you want? I don't have something for you though."

"There is something. An invitation has arrived for you, has it not?" "... Heh, what? So it turned out to be that. You sure are a strange person." "Araara, ara. So, can you give it to me?"

Cheekily, Kurumi smiled.

In order to break that smile, Yume spat out from her mouth.

"No, if you want it, rely on your own strength──"

A gunshot echoed as an impact struck Yume's shoulder at a tremendous force. Yume's eyes

widened. In the blink of an eye, the girl in front had pulled out her short gun.

"Oh, then please allow me to use my strength to hunt you." Kurumi smirked a little.

Yume didn't intend on listening to this conversation until the very end. It seemed that the other party was aiming to kill her from the very beginning. With killing intent in her eyes, Yume manifested her double edged sword (Estoc).

"Ara, is that your Unsigned Angel?" "Let's go!" ".....Yes. Please give it your all."

Kurumi smiled. An extremely sinister expression appeared on the black and red dressed girl floating in the sky. Perhaps due to this unclear and oppressive feeling, Yume let out an imposing scream while charging to attack.

The battle had started.

That being said, even when seen from Empty's perspective, it was clearly a one-sided battle. There was a difference in the speed of flight. There was a difference in the range of attacks.

Despite Inui Yume's attacks flying at a speed faster than the eye could see, the girl dressed in

black and red easily avoided them perfectly. Incredible.

Was the existence of a so-called Quasi-Spirit so powerful in this world? Empty could only breathlessly watch.

Inui Yume's white and blue Astral Dress was now stained with blood. An ugly vermillion, a

miserable scarlet red.

She was terrified. Killing each other was what she had expected. However, the girl in front of her was a difficult enemy far beyond expectations.

"So, if you hand it over to me, this problem will be resolved."

The black and red girl declared. However, passing this over meant a defeat. It was owed to her loathing, extreme loathing of defeat, that allowed her to remain victorious.

"No! Absolutely no! How can I hand it over to someone like you!"

"How bothersome. I want to participate in this game that you also wish to join. The fixed number

of participants has already been decided, so there cannot be any mutual compromise between us." "Clearly you talk about compromises after the fact, I would have to modestly decline!"

"Here, is there no choice but to fight? I have already decided. Decided to participate in that game.

For that reason, I'll crush all obstacles to that goal."

A chill ran down her spine. This Quasi-Spirit, impossible. It was no exaggeration to say that attempts at communication would be futile. Kill or be killed, there was only two choices.

"You, this──!"

Attacks swung down to their targets from the Estoc sword in her hands. She understood, she understood that this was reckless.

Since, to speak from the very beginning, her attacks have not even grazed the target...!

But she wanted to win more by participating in that game, to become stronger. She could never fall at a place like this.

She had used many of her friends as food. For the sake of her own survival, she had betrayed

them. So surely, in Yume Inui's eyes, she was the main character of this world. As things stand now, retreat was impossible...!

──How stupid. Why was it impossible to understand without being alone?

In a low whisper.

A burst of pain. A hole had opened on her body. The Sephira Crystal establishing her existence had been snatched away. Rather than hurting, it was a feeling of frightening loss. Surely, if looked at a mirror now, an ugly expression of herself would be undoubtedly reflected.

"I am the same as you. No, rather my willpower is much stronger. A desire to be stronger? Is that

all? If it is just that, what a boring worthless wish──please do not stand in front of me."

A complete loss.

At the same time the invitation card was taken away, she clung onto the girl's foot with a single

hand. As the girl tried to shake her off in disgust, Yume tried to stop her.


"What else is there?"

"Tell me your dreams. I want to ask you, my dreams, what kind of dreams I lost to."

Kurumi opened her slightly shaking eyes. Inui was glaring at her with preparedness for death in the corner of her eye. Saying a falsehood now would not be allowed.

"My dream is──"

As Kurumi conveyed her dream, Yume let out a brief smile of joy. "Yes. In that case, it would be worthwhile to disappear."

She let go of her hand. For a moment, Kurumi's body moved. However, she was not qualified to

reach out to her.

Yume's lost Sephira Crystal fell down.

The feeling of breaking down in the sky was not as unpleasant as imagined──such a thought pondered in her mind at the same time.

One person fell while one remained. What remained was the black and red girl, Tokisaki Kurumi. Just as promised, she had returned.

"That, just now Inui-san, she..." "She's dead."

Kurumi coldly and ruthlessly announced. Dead, how? Was she killed by the Spirit in front of her?

There was not too much sense of reality here. Was it because those two were just flying in the sky beforehand? Simply, this conversation felt like taking place in a fantasy world.

"Ara, are you scared?"

As Kurumi smirked, Empty nodded while perplexed for a brief moment. Speaking of being frightened or not, it was certainly quite terrifying. However, Empty remained miraculously calm. The girl in front of her was not someone to be afraid of. No, it was as if someone had whispered that she shouldn't be afraid of her.

"But. I will be quite troubled if I leave you now! Although I am sorry, please stay with me for a


This time it was Kurumi's turn to look bewildered. Her eyes repeatedly

blinked swiftly as she stared at Empty. She was under the impression it would be completely natural to flee now.

Then, it was Kurumi who broke the silence.

"Ha...I understand, alright. It looks like you'll be at least a little bit useful."

Empty gently brushed her chest, lowering her head in gratitude towards Kurumi.

"Thank you, I am in your care!" ──So, who am I after all?

And what should I do from now on?

Confronted by Empty throwing around various questions, Kurumi giggled.

"Who you are or not, of course I don't know anything about it. Also what you should do henceforth, I competently do not know."

"That is, even though I know that you don't know─!"

Despite the hopes for her being seemingly omnipotent, that expectation was easily lost.

"Then, sorry to disturb you, but is there another Quasi-Spirit in this town?" "It's natural for there to not be any here. Since this town is a stage."

"Hah, stage. For singing?"

"Yeah, someone other than me will be singing. If you compare it to...an ensemble of

desperate lament and painful shrieks." "...?"

This girl couldn't fully understand the meaning behind those words. But anyway, Empty could

tell that she was talking about something painful and dreadful.

As Kurumi seemed to be aware of this, her face began to slightly flushed red.

"Forget it."

"That...no matter what those desperate lament is; it's not something that I can easily forget!"

Since the other party had already fired her gun once, she could only implement a non-resistance

policy. But it was fine, she wouldn't tell a soul! Since there was no one here at all! "Look, I can see the destination gradually. Although this is my


Kurumi firmly grasped the girl's wrist. The strength of her grip was so strong that even Empty felt some pain, but she still endured it.

She deeply felt that if she let go of that hand, Kurumi would abandon her afterwards.

Besides, even with that strong grip...being held by someone didn't feel that bad.

Looking over, the girl turned her eyes to the sky. In the middle of the town, there was a strange building among all of the modern style structures lined up. It was like a spiral, like a pyramid, with those geometrics characteristics it was quite the bizarre building.

Kurumi pointed to the building as she spoke. "My destination is that school building." "...School building?"

"Yes, it's a school building. Since that is a school." "School?! Are you serious?"

"Indeed, very much so."

Ha─, Empty, completely unable to make sense of the circumstances, sighed. "So that is to say, this is the reason. We're going to school. School life, great. Nothing to think

about, just learning, it feels good! "

"Oh dear, I would be of great support if you think that now."

Kurumi distorted her smile into a bold grin. Despite her face having such an ominous smile, the

girl couldn't afford to care about it now.

Then again, even an ominous smile was completely fine. Since there was nothing crueler than the feelings of loneliness felt at that time.

The inside of the school building was quite chilly.

"The air conditioning is working, is it not?"

"Even though outside is not that hot, this Dominion is quite unruly." "Dominion?"

The girl was left puzzled by this unfamiliar word, but it seemly unlikely that Kurumi would teach her the meaning behind that word.

However, judging from the grim expression Kurumi had while muttering that word; the girl speculated that this word was something unfavorable to


"Just to be sure, I'll ask you again. Do you wish to follow me?" "I will go, I will go. I am following after you!"

From that quick answer without hesitation, Kurumi stared blankly with an expression at a loss for words.

"─Now then, be prepared. Surely, you are not stagnating because of fear. But that is never a

good thing, isn't it?" "..."

At that instant, the girl fell silent.

"Although I brought you up here on a whim, could this burden be too heavy for Empty?" "In the first place, I don't even know what is inside that building."

Humans are afraid of the unknown──but.

It was impossible for humans to not be frightened of things they don't fully comprehend or things that they cannot touch. The fear of the night is sparked by sentiments of "will it make you suffer" from an enigma lurking in the dark. As such doubts are born, fear is created.

Only an ignorant and innocent infant would not be afraid of something that cannot be seen or known.

Based on that point of view, this girl was an infant.

Even after being told that she should be afraid, she didn't know what to fear. Kurumi thought for a while before it led to an easy to understand method. "...Do you hate pain?"

"Uhh, that's true.

"...Are you scared of terrible things?" "Of course." "Do you like fighting?" "Eh."

Kurumi whispered silently to the girl's ear without waiting for a reply.

"Empty, Empty-san. From now on, I am going to kill the Quasi-Spirits. Are you also going to kill the Quasi-Spirits who are all shaped like lovely girls?"

To kill, just like what happened to Inui Yume a moment ago. It seemed from now on, she would continue to kill again.

...However, she couldn't help but follow after her.

After all, what she knew now was only two points: "there are no

memories" and "a city built, with almost no one".

Perhaps going forward may mean dying, but if she turned back now she would surely die.

Returning back to that alley and decaying without thinking anything, it was something which was absolutely not allowed to happen.

To be left dead by inaction, granted even if God permitted that, she couldn't tolerate the same


Definitely. Absolutely.

Empty was taken aback after accidently looking outside the window. Taking a closer look, there was no sun shimmering light in the blue sky. Rather, the whole sky was brightly lit overall.

"In this world, there is no sun."

"Eh? ...That's true, I guess a sun would be too large." "Ah─this is a different world after all."

Kurumi glanced towards Empty while muttering to herself. As Empty tilted her head, Kurumi let

out a 'ha" sigh.

"Perhaps, that is it. As you have observed, here is a different world. For you at least now" "Ah, as expected."

"Let me explain later, if there even is a later." "Wow!" The situation there was surprising.

"So many...!"

There were many students.

The interior style of the classroom, while a bit old, could be found anywhere in Japan. There were wooden chairs and desks standing side by side, and some crude characters written on the

already somewhat pale chalkboard. And what surprised Empty the most where the "girls" sitting on the classroom chairs that seemed to be of the same age as them.

Alive, breathing, and moving. There was no doubt that this creature was a human being, a girl of the same generation. Everyone's clothes were varied; some were dressed in outfits resembling school uniforms while others were

obviously dressed in casual clothes.

The girls turned their attention to Tokisaki Kurumi and Empty. Under that gaze, Empty clutched her chest in relief understanding that there were other living people besides Tokisaki Kurumi.

"That's a relief. Sure enough, there are some people here who are alive."

If she had carefully examined their gazes, she would have probably noticed that these stares held nothing but hostility, malice, and murderous intent, but Empty was too happy to realize it at all.

On the podium, there were two dolls that were slightly larger than a baby. One of the dolls had long chestnut colored hair and a red kimono, giving it a somewhat gentle appearance. Rather

than saying "cute", it would be more appropriate to say "beautiful". Naturally, it also included a translation of the Chinese characters.

The other one was a rather short blonde hair young boy doll. It was wearing a pair of trousers and carrying a backpack that matched the owner's preferences. From that perspective, it was neither "cute" nor "beautiful". The word "gallant" would be most suitable in describing it. For some reason, Empty thought of it as that.

Well, that appearance was not the problem.

The biggest issue was that the kimono doll suddenly began to wave its arms, leaning over and jumping from the podium.

"The doll moved...why...?" "Usually, it will not move."

It was not relying on wires or external forces like motors to move. Very naturally, its movements

came close to a human being's actions.

The kimono doll opened its mouth.

"─May I ask you your name?"

The beautiful kimono doll spoke with a voice like a fair chiming bell. Aside from being baffled and astonished, Empty had already given up thinking about this. A doll was talking, this lack of common sense.

"New entry, my name is Tokisaki Kurumi."

In that instant, the doll's movements stopped. Its glass eyes stared at Kurumi. "You cannot join the game unless you have an invitation card." "Araaraara. It's no coincidence; I've just received an invitation."

Faced with those words, everyone but the two dolls stared at Kurumi with a razor sharp gaze as if to cut apart her body.

Although Empty could not understand, as always Kurumi began to explain in her own manner

"Against an exceptional person worthy of this invitation, it was with ease for me defeat."

After a brief silence, the doll gently swayed its neck. From Empty's point of view, the other party seemed somewhat reluctant. ...Even though it was just a doll.

"...I understand. What about that one?"

Kurumi answered back with a smile.

"I brought her along. It seems she's just appeared in this world. Since everyone is here, I'm planning on using her as bait."

"That's right. I am the bait brought by Kurumi-san...bait? Am I bait?!" Empty shouted in a panic.

"Ara, if you hate the word bait, you could also say decoy."

"Doesn't that mean the same thing!?"

"What is it now? A slave or servant would both work well. Not only do you not need sleep, there is no requirement for payment. The one that wantonly begged me, wasn't that you?"

"But I didn't ask for that! I don't remember ever agreeing to become a slave or servant!" "Well, well, that much is not good."

"Those remarks are a violation of basic human rights!"

Empty's looks of astonishment had already dissipated. A presence like hers was already a common "phenomenon". From time to time in this world, a wandering lamb having lost everything would occasionally appear.

Or to say it in other words, a wandering girl who had yet to part with her own life.

"Certainly, the power of the Sephira Crystal seems to be a small as gravel. I understand, I accept

this bait treatment."

The red kimono doll had responded accordingly. "I appreciate it."

Kurumi gave her words of thanks. As it looked to be okay for her to stay here, Empty was able to finally calm down and afforded herself to look around.

Taking a closer look at the girls around the same age, it was obvious that something unusual was in their hands.

They were weapons─objects that could fit under that definition.

Great swords, long spears, gigantic bows disproportionate to those girl's bodies──even though those were at least understandable, there was also a huge inexplicable wooden cross.

Clap, a conspicuously loud rupture. Looking at the strange doll standing on the podium, it was striking its hands together.

Clap, clap, clap.

"Everyone, the participants of this time have all arrived as scheduled. Please allow me to close the registration."

The red kimono doll that had returned back to the podium softly spoke out.

"Apologizes that I didn't tell you this earlier, but my name is Akako Machi. I will serve as the

referee of the game."

Then, the short-haired doll spoke out in a stern voice.

"Likewise, Lycos will also serve as a referee. That is to say, our words are also the words of Doll Master."

Everyone displayed a complicated response to the word "Doll Master". Fear, anxiety, timidness,

fighting spirit, hatred, all of those various emotions intermingled in the classroom.

"So then please raise your hand and introduce yourself in order. Furthermore, I will point out

false declarations of weapons and Astral Dress here."

Lycos turned its attention to Akako Machi. Akako Machi took the list with one hand and slowly patrolled the classroom before beginning to call out each name.

"Participant no. 1. Sheri Musika, please stand up!" "Here, here, over─here!"

A brown tone girl energetically raised her hand. Her beautiful appearance and

cheerful voice was somewhat reminiscent of a Brazilian style. With an innocent smile, she looked to have faintly protruding teeth from her mouth to highlight her charm.

Her clothes were extremely simple with black spats and a pink T-shirt. It was better to say that it made her look considerably younger than her actual age.

Embedded on her hand was a large optic lens── "Are those, magnifying lens...unyah!?"

"Please don't talk."

Kurumi softly whispered while casually pinching Empty's ass. However, regardless of this,

Sherri stood up to face everyone, lowering her head while making a peace sign.

"I am of the Fifth Spirit type, Sheri Musika! My weapon is the Unsigned Angel <Sekhmet> (Hollow Flaming Demon Lens). Astral Dress is Blazing Spirit Dress no. 28 <Yaqut>! So umm...should we count the number of people killed?"

She said those cruel and dangerous words in a brisk tone.

"Umm...a joke..."

"...It's not."

"Hobbies are saving money! Hanging on to money to support siblings!"

Empty nodded thinking that she might be a good child. From this point, Lycos pointed out in a sharp voice. "However, she does not have any brothers or sisters." Empty was convinced that she was a bad child.

"Ahahaha. Exposed─"

Even so, with no hesitation of what she just said, Sheri suddenly sat back down on her chair.

"Participant number six." "H-here!"

A girl stood up and bowed to the doll. Then, she lowered her head to her surroundings as well. Although it would be rude to call it old-fashioned, for some reason her white sailor suit and long navy blue skirt felt like something belonging to an old standard.

Her hairstyle seemed to match this with three old-fashioned braids. The corners of her eyes looked to be slightly drooping, which made her look quite

mild──but there was also a fatal sense of discomfort. The edge of a ring- shape knife emitting light was hanging from the waist part of her skirt.

".....Umm, what is that?"

"That is a chakram. It's an ancient Indian throwing weapon."

"Eight type Spirit, I am Tonami Furue. Weapon is the Unsigned Angel <Silphid> (Wind Ring).

Astral Dress is no. 34 <Skywalk>. My hobbies are cooking and sewing."

With the sound of applause, Empty thoughtfully clapped her hands. With a smile, Tonami waved her hand back.

Now this time for sure, Empty thought that she was a nice person.

"Incidentally, the chakram that one has, your head would come off flying with a single strike."

"No, but even so, I still want to believe she's a good person...!"

If everyone was lovely, virtuous, and docile, then perhaps this world would change into a dead space without a given pause.

Such a hunch tightly wrapped around Empty.

"Participant number 11. Blue...is it?"

"...Tsuan. Tenth type Spirit, Tsuan." (TL note: Kanji 蒼 can be read as blue or Tsuan)

The girl answered in a quiet voice in response to Akako Machi's question. Dazzling hair that snatched once sight away and a determined gaze that cast a cold indifference everything, such beauty had charm regardless of gender.

"I would like you to stand up."

Hearing Lycos' words, Tsuan stood up silently.

In her hands was a long handle war halberd. A combination weapon that combined a sharp spear with a Warhammer, it was free choose between stabbing and smashing.

Empty turned her attention─their gazes intersected. Her heart was beating extremely fiercely. Rather than shame or shyness, this was due to an intolerable sense of dread.

"Weapon is Unsigned Angel <Lailaps> (Celestial Wolf). Astral Dress... Extreme Death Spirit Dress no.15 < Brinicle>."

Hearing what Tsuan had said, the classroom fell into chatter. Everyone's

eyes focused on her, but she gave a feeling of not thinking about it, as she just stared at the scenery outside the window.

"...Why did everyone get so noisy?"

"The name of <Lailaps> is famous in this world for defeating 100 opponents and crushing them

with a single blow."

Indeed, if one could swing that weapon freely, it would be simple to crush a single person.

"But, it's impossible to lift such a weapon for a long time. She's not a gorilla."

A sudden chill, the atmosphere of the classroom froze. Tsuan glared at Empty─with that gaze,

Empty thought "Ah, I'm dead". Starting from the top of the head, it would be a single brush for

an attack.

Apparently, it seemed that Empty's impression had brilliantly rubbed the girl's nerves the wrong


Suddenly, Kurumi revealed a bright smile.

"Ara, ara, it seems that you are working on your role as bait very quickly. I'm so happy you are working so enthusiastically."

"T-that wasn't my plan in the least! How to describe it, it accidently slipped!" "...Hobbies, none. That's all. ...I am not a gorilla."

"...Not a gorilla."

Tsuan said it twice, perhaps to stress its importance.

While glaaaaaaring intently at Empty, Tsuan sat down. Empty slammed her face downward to continue to escape from that gaze.

"Now then...continuing on participant number 13." "Yes~."

The girl holding the crude wooden cross and doll stood up. Compared to the other girls she was extraordinarily young. The girl was like sugary confection covered in pink Lolita fashion. She was the only one casting an innocent smile towards everyone since the very beginning.

"Fourth type Spirit, Ibusuki Panie. Weapon is the Unsigned Angel <Talos> (Bronze Monster). Astral Dress is Old Thread Spirit Dress no. 52 <Victoria>. Thank you for your consideration, Onee-chan."

Faced with that smile was a blessing in this world. The only ones who barely responded to it were Empty and Tonami Furue. The rest all muttered "idiots" while casting a disgusted look."

Since from the moment she appeared in this classroom, she and everyone else here was not the same type of people.

Although Empty was the only one who couldn't understand, but── "...?"

"What's wrong?" "Oh, no it's nothing."

Empty was the only one who perceived the subtle unnatural two-face nature of Ibusuki Panie. That being said, it was truly a minuscule uncomfortable feeling. For Empty's thought process right now, it would be best to do her utmost to grasp the current situation. It would be unnecessary to be strongly attached to this subtle information, so Empty immediately disregarded that uncomfortable feeling.

"My hobby is sweets. Panie is happy as long as I get to eat sweets. But, Panie needs a lot of

reiryoku to eat sweets. So, need to kill. Uhh." "That's a terrible incentive..."

"Other people are likely to be similar."

"Everyone's trying hard! Hey, hey, ohh──!"

Finally, Panie spoke while raising her arm, but nobody joined in agreement.

"Participant number 15."

"Yes! I am Hijikata Isami!"

A short-haired girl nimbly stood forward and lowered her head. She looked to be part of a veritable sports department with sports shorts and a blue jersey

on top.

Her reddish brown eyes held an atmosphere of an unyielding will, with a Japanese sword held in her hands (although it may be a bit too big to be called that) she looked like a cheerful samurai.

In regards to the not only just her name and physical education attire, Kurumi gave a look of disgust.

"What's wrong?"

"No, that type, I'm not able to deal with." "Ahh...I understand, I understand."

"Of course there is no other meaning behind that? Even though that doesn't exist, but..."

"I heard that! It doesn't matter! Because you are also the type that is difficult for me to deal with!"

Kurumi pursed her brow as Empty jumped up. Isami, while holding up her Japanese sword, let out an ahahaha laugh with that look. Then, the girl behind her supported her glasses up as she spoke.

"...Start introducing yourself quickly."

"Oh, that's right! I am of the First Spirit type, Hijikata Isami! My weapon is the Unsigned Angel

<Yinbentabei>; Astral Dress is Special Military Astral Dress no. 28 <Heiseiwei>! Hobbies are fighting! Interest is also battle! Let's all cut each other down together! But ideally I would like to slash unilaterally! Well, best regards!"

It transition from an athletic department to a human chopping department.

Indeed, upon a closer look there was a dangerous color in her eyes. How to describe it; she looked to be the type that would kill people cheerfully.

Continuing on, it was the girl who had cautioned Isami last time.

"Participant number 16." "Yes."

A long black haired girl wearing glasses stood up. She was wearing a uniform: a navy blue blazer, white blouse, and a checkered skirt of average length. The glasses were the so-called low- rimmed spectacles that looked good being suspended above the corners of her eyes.

If Isami was part of an athletic organization, then she would be part of a

literary one. It also gave the impression of having the attributes of a super- aggressive discipline committee

member...as Empty would judge so.

The girl with the western-style bow crossed gazes with Isami──exchanging fearless smiles.

There was likely a strong rivalry involved, Empty couldn't help but think that was the case.

"...Second Spirit type, Takashita Ayame. Weapon...Unsigned Angel <Crotos> (Primitive Longbow); Astral Dress is Stellar Spirit Dress no. 79 <Alnasl>. Hobbies are reading."

After that brief introduction, Ayame and Isami crossed gazes once again. In the absence of all other feelings, their fighting spirit began to seep out.

"How nice, a rival, what a youth feeling!" "...If it is just youthful, then it is fine."

This was not just brimming in youthfulness. That point Kurumi made very clear.

"Participant number 19." "Ohh."

Even in this particularly rich lineup, an eye-catching girl stood up. Firstly were her clothes. A sailor suit with a tie removed along with a long skirt. Held in a single hand was a long spear marked with a poisonous color as it dripped down a quite disgusting purple liquid.

Golden hair, but it was obvious that it had been dyed. There were marks of black hair on her head that make her resemble pudding. Her expression seemed close to exploding. In other words, if given the chance, her temper would explode immediately.

Compared to the other students,

"Ninth Spirit type, Nogi. Weapon is the Unsigned Angel <Basilisk> (Joyous Poison Fang). Astral Dress is the Brilliant Spirit Dress no. 63 <Angel Dust>."


Empty, having felt it was a bit unnatural for an introduction, gently raised her hand.

"Yes, bait-san."

"I know your last name, but what is your given name?" "..."

As Nogi sulked and shunted her face the other way, Lycos open its mouth as a substitute.

"Her name is Aiai." "Aiai."

Lycos nodded gently as it said her name again.

"Nogi Aiai."

"...That's an interesting name!"

Extremely quiet, the atmosphere in the classroom froze once again. Even Kurumi had a

dumbstruck "what did you just say..." expression on her face. "To say a name is interesting is really embarrassing..."

Aiai muttered with a murmur.

"...Uhh, I'm sorry."

"Head to the back of the school building later to pay me back." "Hiiiiiiii!" Empty clung onto Kurumi's arms, but Kurumi, feeling that it was inconvenient, quickly pulled

her away.

"Participant number 23."

The next one to stand up was a very strangely dressed girl. Slightly brownish hair, a slim body, and above all, her face were hidden underneath bandages.

While standing up, her movements felt a bit rigid likely due to concealing her face with bandages. Her clothes also stood out excessively like a sore thumb, resembling just like a patient's pajamas. Even though there was sense of cleanliness in that cyan color, it still looked out of place in the classroom.

"...Sixth Spirit type, False Proxy. Unsigned angel <Gyges> (Invisible Finger). Astral

Dress...Hollow Spirit Dress no. 19 <Mastermind>."

She stood up indifferently, bowed her head indifferently, and sat down indifferently.

"Are you...sick?"

She did not react at all to Empty's whisper. Kurumi stared at her intently. Merely on the account of spite.

Merely on the account of annoyance.

...From this, it was a little strange for Empty.

"Participant number 27."

Hearing Lycos address the crowd, a girl with plain bundled black hair silently raised her head. Her clothes were a remodeled indigo blue colored sailor uniform, with a short skirt to the point of being overexposed. From the gap of that sailor uniform, a fluttering black lace was visible; in any case, it was obviously not chainmail.

With a fierce expression, a sharp glint in her eyes wary of negligence, and a glimpse of those fiendishly seductive thighs...it was exactly just like a kunoichi.

She appeared to be strong. Very, very, quite much so appearing to be strong. But for some reason, there was a very dangerous atmosphere surrounding her, as if she would say "Ku, kill me..." after being caught by the enemy.

"Seventh Spirit type, Sagakure Yui. Weapon is the Unsigned Angel is <Qibaoxingzhe> (Seven Treasure Pilgrim>. Astral Dress is...Hidden Form Spirit Dress no. 34 <Idzuna>...nice to meet you."

She whispered coldly before immediately sitting back down.

"....It seems to me that you are the type to say "Ku, kill me" after being caught." "...!"

In the moment Kurumi whispered that, Empty judged it necessary to immediately pinch her own stomach with all her strength to prevent another mishap, but nothing had happened.


But while she continued to stare at this scene, there was no incident at all. Having said that, it was not herself, but Kurumi instead──of course Kurumi was also keeping her focus resolutely, but she look calm otherwise.

"Participant number 29." "She is absent."

Upon hearing what Kurumi had said, Empty tilted her head──but in a short while let out a dumbfounded expression.

It was her. She was girl that fell during her vicious fight against Kurumi and disappeared like sea foam.

Akako Machi and Lycos nodded after looking around the classroom and confirmed that she was not here.

"Attendance number──none. For convenience, it will be number 29." "So it's me."

Sitting next to her, Kurumi had stood up.

Then with a charming voice, she gave a bombastic self-introduction.

"Third Spirit type, Tokisaki Kurumi. Angel <Zafkiel>. Astral Dress──Spirit Dress of God's Authority, Number 3 <Elohim>."

This time the atmosphere did not become noisy. The space froze──no time had stopped. "...Angel? It is not an Unsigned Angel?"

Tonami Furue timidly raised her hand to ask a question to Akako Machi. The doll then rotated its head in rebuttal of those words.

"No, Tokisaki Kurumi has an Angel. Clad in an Astral Dress of God's majesty. That is to say──she is a so-called genuine Spirit."

It was such a heavy silence that even the sound of someone's breathing could be heard.

The atmosphere became extremely unstable. Although Empty did not know why, the girl known as Tokisaki Kurumi had revealed her identity without any concern. It seemed even among this group of distinctive personalities, she remained top-class──a girl worthy of reverence.

Empty looked around to observe everyone's reactions.

Almost everyone was shaken and exchanged glances with nearby people. The only exception was the girl named Tsuan. She tightly kept her focus on Kurumi without wavering──even when her line of sight intersected with them.

Immediately, Empty's mind felt the danger of just like encountering a bear in a forest, as she couldn't help but look away.

Meanwhile, Kurumi smiled and waved her hand back every time her gaze intersected with

someone else's.

"...Can you believe that?"

As Nogi Aiai muttered those words, several people expressed their agreement. Others seemed to be too afraid to cross gazes with Kurumi.

Lycos once again clapped its hands to gather everyone's attention. "So far, ten people have arrived."

"U-uhh. Haven't I not given my introduction yet?"

Empty sharply raised her hand.

"It is unnecessary."

Lycos replied back with a voice that clearly expressed boredom.

"I-I always feel that you are excluding me!" "Alright. U─hh, what is your name?"

"My name! Empty! Ah, I'm called that name for the sake of convenience." "Astral Dress...it appears it doesn't exist!"

"Since I don't quite know what an Astral Dress is, probably not!"

Empty spoke out with her head stood proud.

"This guy really was just born..."

As if amazed, Nogi Aiai muttered out.

"When I was born? I am about 17 years old...anyhow I think I am around that age."

While tilting her neck, Nogi Aiai muttered out an "ah──..." while pressing her hand against

her face.

"Uhhh, Empty-san. We are not humans."

Tonami timidly spoke out.

"Yes, I know that, but.....?"

As Empty slanted her head in confusion, Tonami let out a sigh.

"Can I leave it to Tokisaki Kurumi-san to explain everything from the beginning?" "Eh, I don't want to. It's too much of a hassle."

"Please explain if you can!"

Empty's shoulders were shaking, but Kurumi still looked the other way.

"──We are not human beings."

Nogi Aiai muttered out loud. At that moment, Empty's movements came to a complete stop.

"That's right. We are Quasi-Spirits. Although we use to be human, we are now an existence living in the neighboring world. What we need now to survive is not a heart but the Sephira Crystal. What is necessary more than anything is a...dream."

Tonami took over speaking for Nogi Aiai." "...Dream...?"

The girl softly nodded while smiling.

"You can also consider it as a purpose for consciousness. Our physical bodies do not exist. So, if

you think about it, it is just like a ghost." "A...ghost?"

"I want to do this, I want to be like that──if there is no such dream, Quasi- Spirits cannot survive. I do not get hungry, but I cannot survive unless I want to eat delicious food. If you want to dress yourself with beautiful clothes, if you want to keep singing, just keep wishing to do so. And──"

Isami stood up with a fearless smile.

"If you don't fight, a Quasi-Spirit is also unable to survive. Just like us!"

"Yes. Fighting, fighting, killing each other. If you don't cut down each other lives, you can only see the reality of survival fade away."

Adding on to Takeshita Ayame's words, Sagakure Yui continued on.

"──At the end of gradually fading away, all that waits is annihilation. Since we are creatures

that can only continue to live by consuming our dreams." "Uhh. I-if that is the case...is everyone?"

Empty looked on at Lycos──the doll nodded while declaring with an awe- inspiring voice.

"The ten people here have gathered together to kill each other." Empty was at a loss for words.

"This is a war (date)."

Lycos declared.

"This is a mutual battle at close quarters (date).' Akako Machi spoke out.

"In order to decided who will stand at the very end." Lycos continued on.

"Please, please do your best to kill each other." Akako Machi declared.

Lycos gently took out a jewel like object from a bag. The size was probably around a baseball. However, it was too strange to be called a gemstone. Describing it, it was like smaller fragments sticking together with

adhesive...from that appearance it produced a feeling of unease.

"To the one that survived, the ruler (Dominion) of the tenth region (Malkuth), Doll Master, will

provide her this Sephira Crystal."


Fuu, someone let out an exhilarated sigh. "Uh, what is the Sephira Crystal?"

Empty turned towards Kurumi while asking. After thinking for a moment, Kurumi thrusted her

hand into Empty's chest, softly sinking her fingers into her chest. "I-iyah?" Kurumi ignored Empty's cry of confusion.

"The so-called Sephira Crystal is like a heart for a Spirit. No, it is the heart. We are producing reiryoku from that small crystal."

"If it disappears──" "You'll die, won't you?"

"Eh. In that case, is it possible that is a huge Sephira Crystal?"

In all honestly, there was only a bad sense of foreboding coming from that. As Empty was thinking so, Akako Machi unexpectedly replied back very calmly.

"This Sephira Crystal is the weight of a hundred Quasi-Spirits. That is to say, the one that obtain

this will gain the power of a hundred people." "One hundred people..." Everyone held their breath, peeping out their surroundings to survey the circumstances. If one was not careful, a brawl to the death would soon begin at this place. The fighting spirit filled the room at an accelerated pace.

"──If you want this power, roar out proof that you are strong. That is the message from that


"Things like that are being thrown in for a momentary game...I can't believe it." Akako Machi rotated its neck to refute Ayame's mutters.

"For my superior, it is not a game. It is in earnest. By acquiring this Sephira Crystal, the victor

can finally fight my superior at an equal footing. Otherwise, that person will not survive." "I see. Then you are in the same position as us."

──You cannot survive without fighting. If you don't kill each other, you

cannot survive. It wasn't good if there was an overwhelming power difference. As for knowing why, there was no fulfillment in life with such a gap in prowess.

"Everyone, there is no objection. If you want to refuse, leave this classroom silently." Lycos' attitude turned serious.

Not a single person tried to leave the classroom. Not even Tonami who appeared weak, or Ibusuki Panie who looked ill-suited for battle, did not intend to leave.

"Hey, hey, doll-san. How should we get started? Ready, set, and begin killing each other all at


Panie had asked.

"Opposed! I am opposed! Perhaps it is just a rough idea, but I believe that I will get dragged into

something terrible in front of my eyes!" Empty, sensing a bad feeling, raised her hand. Akako Machi, who ignored her, replied back.

"As it is, that is out of the question since it the amount of influence luck holds becomes an issue rather than it being purely a competition for strength. Please leave this classroom every five minutes. The order of going out will be determined by lottery. "

"Well──. In that case, it would be better to leave as soon as possible. Since you can ambush them one by one afterwards."

Listening to Panie's words, everyone's attention except for Isami focused onto Kurumi. Only Isami was looking on with brighten irises. Kurumi then spoke while laughing cheerfully.

"In that case, I want to get an early pick as possible. It seems that the longer you wait, the more

you'll become targeted."

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Be sure to let us go first!"

Empty desperately appealed, but the doll continued to ignore her.

"Trying to seize every opportunity is no good." "It's a very serious problem for me!"

Akako Machi took out a paper box where lottery slots could be drawn from.

"My apologizes for the preparations being somewhat simple, please draw lots from here."

The Quasi-Spirits all drew out from the lottery as they pleased. Empty was giving her prayers while at the same time intently watching Kurumi draw from the lottery──.

The result.

"To go so far as to be the very last. To go so far as to be the very last. Kurumi-san, you didn't have any lottery luck at all!"

"You're too noisy, Empty-san. Well, anytime is okay for me." "Did you take my life properly into account?"

"No way."

"That's too awful──"

Glancing over at the exchange between the two, Sagakure Yui stood up.

"So, I am up first."

Everyone stealthily glanced at her appearance. Sagakure glanced back at Empty──Empty clutched tightly against Kurumi in fear.

"The Sephira Crystal will be mine."

Opening the door to the classroom, Sagakure's figure quickly disappeared. Kurumi looked on at her while quietly whispering something to Empty. "You, I wonder if you are willing to be useful?"

"Can I survive if I do that?"

"If handled carefully, it would be for the best going forward."

Despite Empty feeling a bit uneasy with that reply, there was no other choice but to continue to grab onto this chance.

"W-what should I do?"

"It's very simple. Just ask them before they leave. What are they wishing for, what are they fighting for. Fortunately, you are powerless. That is something everyone understands...so they might open their heart to you."

"...I'll try."

Empty stood up and looked around at the students. If pressing on in any order, the first person to ask should be the girl named Tsuan, but──

"U-uh..." "..."

Responding to that voice, Tsuan turned to look at Empty.


People will sometimes die from just being stared at. Empty was experiencing that sensation in earnest right now. She felt that she would be cleaved opened just for trying to reach out to her hand.

Rather than hatred, it was better to say that she had no interest in Empty. However, Empty also felt that this time she would end up dead if she let her curiosity get the better of herself.

"...It's nothing..."

Tsuan's interest faded away as Empty hastily withdrew.

The sound of giggling laughter. Turning around to look, Tonami Furue was waving her hand in invitation. Feeling saved, Empty sat down right next to her.


"It's hard work, getting involved in such a situation soon after being born." "Y-yes. It's quite not easy. Umm...how do you know I was just born?" "Us Quasi-Spirits are born relying on our own the reiryokuken." "Reiryoku...ken?"

"Hmm──let's say for example, you have this manju here, right?" "Yes."

Tonami placed the white manju on the desk. After that, while clenching her fist with nothing held, she opened her hand once again. There, another white manju appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Alright, now there are two." "Eh, a magic trick?"

"No, I created the manju with reiryoku. The reiryokuken is the boundary that we create. I am literally omnipotent within its interior. It can create desired things and the situation I hope for──"

Listening to Tonami's words, Empty hurriedly held out her hand.

".....Un──come out Castella, come out Castella, come out Castella! Sweet, fluffy, and with a

thick syrupy filling, come out Castella!"

She opened her hands.

It did not appear.

"It's not coming out."

"Yeah, of course there are several conditions for a magic trick just like

now. You can only reproduce the same items at hand or those that would not be considering strange to the surrounding background. For example, textbooks and chalk can be created in this classroom. However, a knife wouldn't work, since it would be strange to have a knife in a classroom."


"Also, the items that can be produced will change in proportion to the size of reiryoku. Empty- san is likely at the level of not being able to produce anything yet. Hard to say, but you're at the level of classroom...fluff?"

"Only at the level of fluff!"

Tonami giggled while nodding her head.

"So that is how everyone knows that Empty-san was just born. Since, if you can't develop the reiryokuken for yourself, you'll die from only being lightly tapped."

"H-how can I get the reiryokuken to appear!"

"If taught to you, will you participate in the killing? Since being able to generate a reiryokuken means that you will be considered a possible threat. It might even make your Unsigned Angel and Astral Dress manifest soon."

Empty groaned upon hearing Tonami's words. "Ugh, ughhh. But..." "Although it is really dangerous not being able to use the reiryokuken, your current situation

might be a bit safer, Empty-san." "It's time, Tonami Furue."

Akako Machi turned to inform Tonami. Tonami stood up with an apologetic smile on her face.

"So, I will be taking a step out first. Good-bye, Empty-san." "Y-yes. Please take care~."

As Empty waved good-bye, Tonami also bashfully returned the gesture in kind before leaving.

It was difficult to imagine that she was throwing down the gauntlet and entering a battle after this──she looked just like a student going home from school.

Empty let out a sigh as she decided to challenge the next Quasi-Spirit. "I have nothing to say to you."

Takashita Ayame unhesitatingly refused to converse with Empty.

"D-don't say that."

"Likely, it's Kurumi who told you to inquire some information, right?"

"Absolutely not, there is no such thing like that at all?" (TL: Entire sentence is said in katakana in JP, likely to convey

Empty's guilt at lying)

Ayame coldly stared at Kurumi. In turn, Kurumi feigned ignorance while staring out at the window, all while still mindful of that gaze.

"As I thought, I can't imagine her as a Spirit." "Spirit...is that different from a Quasi-Spirit?" "Completely different...comparing those two that is!"

It was Hijikata Isami who interrupted abruptly. Ayame glared at her with an irritated expression, giving the impression that Isami had forcibly wedged herself into the conversation.


"So, that is to say, there is not just Quasi-Spirits here, there are official ones as well?" "Yes...it'll be just like that."

"And one of them is Tokisaki Kurumi!"

"...One of the initial ones. The living beings that first existed in this world. We just happened

to get lost in this world by chance."

Empty tilted her head in response to Ayame's statement. "Did you...get lost?"

"Eh. This is the neighboring. The neighboring world. In that case, the world adjacent to this one is──"

"That is to say, it's the world where we used to exist. Memories and common sense are likely

obtained from when you lived there. Me as well, that is generally the case for everyone!" "...Like that..."

Empty placed her hand against her chest while thinking about herself.

Even if she couldn't remember anything, she would at least like to know a name.

While watching Isami and Ayame leave, she wished for that.

"Everyone, are you all dead?"

Inconsistent with her youthful face, Panie calmly blurted out the contents

of her cruel imagination.


"So, here is heaven...or hell, or at least I think it is such a place. Panie and everyone else can hardly remember anything but names, but I only remember encountering very painful things. So I remember once praying that I didn't want to die."

It may have been an accident.

She may have been bullied and chose death.

Or it may have been so abrupt that she didn't know how she was killed.

"Just by using the reiryokuken here, you can eat cakes every day and not gain weight, all of that is very good."

"In that case, why fight?"

Suddenly, all of Ibusuki Panie's movements had stopped. "──I will die. I have to fight."

Empty was left puzzled by that reply. It was clear that dying by battle was a possibility, but it was strange to think that she would die if she didn't fight.

"It's not what you think. ...Um───, Panie thinks that her choice will begin tomorrow. So, need to work hard to survive till tomorrow."

As Panie said so, she left the classroom while following the instructions from the doll.

"Starting around tomorrow...you'll start?"

Looking at Kurumi──she seemed to be eavesdropping on that conversation while gesturing with her hands.

"U-uhh. Hello, False-san." "..." The girl turned her face away in silence.

"I want to talk a bit with you, what do you say?"


Just five minutes of silence, she quickly stood up and left the room. "Ahahahaha, you got rejected."

"Being rejected is unpleasant to hear! That person is just shy!"

"Even though I don't understand it that well, that's probably not it!" "Oh no──it's just simply being ignored."

And so, the ones who came over to talk were Sheri Musika and Nogi Aiai.


"You'll be coming over to talk to us anyway, right?"

"Well, I...I don't want to talk about things important to myself." (TL: Nogi switches from the feminine I (atashi) to the masculine I (ore))


"S-stop calling me that name, you bastard! Call me Nogi! No─gi─!"

Nogi began to pinch and twist Empty's face. Looking on at this scene, Kurumi clutched her

stomach in order to suppress her laughter. "Ouccccccch, sorry, sorry, I wasn't careful!" "So, what did you want to ask?"

"Well...what is the Sephira Crystal?"

"The source of our lives and power. For me, that person, and also for you as well."

With a tap, Nogi struck her own chest with her fingers. "Well, to be accurate, we only have the fragments." "Fragments...?"

'Only the original existence has a true Sephira Crystal...a Spirit. What we have is sort of like a

fragment of that."

"Is there any difference?"

"Even from just a fragment, the size and energy capabilities would vary. But if it was a true Sephira Crystal, we can do nothing against its power..."

Nogi folded her arms to ponder it over for a while before opening her mouth to convey her thoughts.

"Right. For a comparison, it's like a disaster. While we are overstretching past the human level, a Spirit has the feeling of a typhoon coming to destroy everything."

"...Although that's being said, probably Aiai as well has not seen a real Spirit yet."

"Eh, Kurumi-san is..."

Tokisaki Kurumi.

An existence of a different magnitude compared to a Quasi-Spirit, a genuine, authentic Spirit.

"I don't agree with what that guy said." "Is that so? She looks real to me." Nogi frowned in response to Sheri's words.

"Hey. If that is true, we wouldn't be opponents that can match her."

──The power of a Spirit, it is distinct from the Quasi-Spirits that exist here. It's not just the case of being in a different magnitude. The species is different, the point of origin is different, and most of all, the power itself is different.

"Well, if you can reach the level of the Dominion, I don't know..."

"Ah, uhh, what is this Dominion? Is it a card game series to play with friends?"

"You are totally wrong. ...The so-called Spirits, one day they all disappeared from this world. Although there were some areas that didn't have Spirits to being with, but anyway all of them disappeared completely. It's rumored that they went beyond to the other world. That is to say, this neighboring world suddenly does not belong to anyone anymore."

God was gone.

The king had abdicated.

In other words, this was the battle to decide the next king.

"Now, this neighboring world is currently dominated by the Quasi-Spirit that is closest to an actual Spirit. That is the Dominion."

"Hah, I see."

Empty nodded her head.

"But if you can capture that lump of Sephira Crystal──you can obtain a power comparable to


Sheri's facial expression suddenly turned into something that would inflict chills to people that

saw it. Empty couldn't help but keep her distance from her, but Nogi instead boldly laughed.

".....Yes──that Sephira Crystal is absolutely worth killing everyone for." "Eh, can it be solved peacefully?"

"Do you think it can be solved peacefully?"

It most likely wouldn't work, Empty considered. The doll had said earlier

that it was the equivalent of a 100 Quasi-Spirits. If they could gain the power of a 100 people, it was no wonder that everyone was motivated.

"Oops, it's my turn now. Well then, see you next time."

"Next is me...Then, the last one is the self-proclaimed Spirit, survive properly will you? Since

you ought to be killed by me."

"Ara, ara, I'm looking forward to seeing you."

Kurumi giggled while watching Nogi leave the classroom. ──Afterwards, Empty finally walked towards Kurumi.

"You haven't begun to gather any useful information. How useless."

"No, it was all very helpful for me. No, it's because Kurumi-san did not clearly inform me, so it

couldn't be helped."

"A lady should not chatter and jeer without cease." "So, is Kurumi-san really a Spirit?"

Finally, Empty had asked this to Kurumi.

Everyone recognized that power. The Spirits, that which is said to be strongest to the point of being categorized as a different species.

If Kurumi was among them, Empty had to ask her.

"Yes, you are right. I am a Spirit──a genuine one."

Without showing off, the girl had spoken. She couldn't tell if this was lie, since the two had not

spent enough time for her to discern the truth.

Empty raised her voice with an impressed cry in admiration. If she stepped in to too heedless territory, that old-fashioned pistol would soon be raised from her hands and aimed at her head.

But, only this she had to ask.

"...Why are you participating in this battle?"

According to the previous conversation, a Spirit already possessed a special Sephira Crystal. In that case, there was no point in getting that.

Even if called a Spirit, the circumstances can still vary. ...I wasted a bit of power. So, I would like that Sephira Crystal as a backup power supply. Since I am a Spirit anyway, it'll be easy."

"Hmm, I see."

"It is time, well then Tokisaki Kurumi-sama." "Yes."

Kurumi stood up and walked out with her gun in hand. On the verge of leaving the classroom, she spoke to Empty.

"So, let's go, eyewitness-san." "Ah, um...I know, let's go."

Just before leaving the classroom, she noticed Lycos and Akako Machi staring at them. Incidentally, those dolls──at first Empty thought to herself "what the hell were they".

No one thought it was strange that the dolls moved and laughed, or was that the power of the Dominion "Doll Master"?

Lycos and Akako Machi gently vocalized in a classroom where everyone had left.

"Nine attendees, one absent, one proxy."

"In accordance with those with the naming bearing the Quasi-Spirits, use the Unsigned Angel as

a slaughtering device to massacre the enemy."

"Lust and hope, clad in despair and desire, dancing in madness." "Submit all the blood and souls. Make your way to the shrine." "Come now──let us begin our war (date)."



Soon after, a sporadic clap, clap, clap, sound was heard.