
Chickens Old

Dark creatures do as Demorgon bids, and his royal guard keeps order with an iron fist. All gods and temples are suppressed except for his own Dark Tabernacle. But with the re-emergence of the sword, Demorgon’s power may be waning. Evil monsters invade the city, and sections of Targas Adur have fallen to their influence. It’s up to you to slay them.

HUGUEL_0568 · History
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10 Chs


"Because with effort we could be a force for right and justice in a corrupt world."

"There's only one way you can convince me to help you out of here."

"What's that?"

"Promise to find some training in swordsmanship."

"That's it?"

"Is it too much to ask that you know what you're doing?"

"That sounds reasonable."

"Then you promise?" The sword's not giving you any real options.