
Chick Hunter

Maddie and Castelie. They're after someone's mistress for money. The more fees they receive, the more they do not hesitate to hurt or even kill. Earning money has never been so easy, at least that's what they thought for the last two years. Live comfortably, spend money and get back to work. It was always like that until Melody came with a different assignment than usual. More and more money was offered, which Maddie and Castelia couldn't resist. However, who would have thought that such a high-value mission would be a disaster? The target named Joshua is a man Castelia desperately avoids, a man who has been missing for several years. Ten times the cost of restitution and eternal imprisonment, the stakes were too bad for them to stop. but they should have stopped because, after that meeting, their lives are no longer the same

Kravei_Vei · Urban
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145 Chs

My Facking EX

Instead of answering, Castelia held her breath without daring to open her mouth. She wished not to lie but to confess she did not have the courage. Castelia had lied too many times, but one lie had to be covered up by another to keep it from being exposed. "I-"

Maddie interrupted, "I always trust you, Cas." Maddie's serious expression said there wasn't the slightest doubt. "Fucking Melody is trying to blame us because Joshua often doesn't come home but I trust you. I don't know what you're doing out there, but you wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

Feeling like not done letting the burden out yet, Maddie added, "I know you well. We've been friends for a long time and have been together since we were kids. I believe that you will not lie to me."