

why…why…why am I like this?.. Why was I not like the others? Why have I been born this way?.. I don’t understand. Cheruta is her name. the freedom which she yearns for… A grim reaper she is. Being forbidden to use her mana…down on earth she is alone. Quite happy u may have thought. Being caught by some hunters and sold off to a lab. will she ever have her freedom back?

Rexanne_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 4: Our meeting.


An arrow passed.

She was surely not ready for that. She jumped.

"H-huh?! What the heck is this! I just came here what are they doing trying to kill me?" Cheruta exclaimed.

As she walked in a hood in the woods. She bumped into someone. A young boy, perhaps at the age of 14 or 15.

"Apologies, my lady" he bowed.

" May I ask why are u here? I mean war is going on here. "

"What am I doing? Boy, what are u doing here?!" Cheruta thought

"I was on my way home," he answered.

"Well be careful." he bowed and went away. Cheruta found it strange.

"Do humans bow to commoners as well?" she thought.

" A strange one she is… a mage? No, she is much more powerful than that." the boy thought to himself.