
cherry blossom in the winter snow( update on a indefinite hiatus )


Ariel_Espino_jr · Realistic
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12 Chs

home sweet home ( chapter 9 )

<p>( chi's pov ) " I'm finally home " ( end of pov )<br/>_____________________________________________________<br/>( mei's pov ) " I wonder what the other's are doing " ( end of pov )<br/>_____________________________________________________<br/><br/>(fang's pov )" well that was a heck of a day " ( end of pov ) <br/>_____________________________________________________<br/>7:00pm<br/>( yin's pov )" I wonder if gu's felling ok " (end of pov) <br/>"yin come down here dinner is ready" yins mom said " ok mom " yin said, at the dinner table yin asked his mom how to cook chilli garlic shrimp " its easy first fry the shrimps on both sides with oil for 30 seconds then mix the tomato paste ketchup and chili garlic sauce together then put the mixture in the pan with oil let it simmer for 1 minute and while letting it simmer stir it after 1 minute transfer the shrimps to the sauce and cook for 3 mins then and a bit of sugar" yin's mom said "oh thank mom" yin <br/>__________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br/>8:00am sunday <br/><br/>"yin im heading out" yin's mom shouted "hmm ok..?" yin replied ( yin's pov )" ah what time is it " ( end of pov ) " shit its 8:00am "yin said yin then gets off the bed and goes to the kitchen " hm looks like mom already cooked breakfast" yin thought to himself after eating yin went to shower ( yin's pov )"ahhh nothing beats a nice warm shower" ( end of pov ) " well that was a nice shower" yin said <br/><br/>ring! ring! ring! <br/><br/>"who's calling?" yin said to himself he then answered the phone " hello? " yin said to the caller "yin are you free today?" chi asked " yeah why?" yin answered <br/>"well i wanted to ask if you wanted to go to central park" chi asked " yeah i would love to haha" yin said " really lets meet at 1:00pm then" chi asked " ok " yin replied.<br/>_____________________________________________________<br/>1:00pm <br/>at central park <br/>( yin's pov )"i wonder were chi is "( end of pov )<br/><br/>ring! ring! ring!<br/><br/>"hey chi were are you?" yin asked " im by the Fontaine " chi replied " oh think i see you" yin said " i see you too" ( end of call ) " yin " chi said " have you eaten yet?" yin asked " not yet " chi replied " should we get something to eat then? " yin said " yeah were do you want to go? " chi asked " hmm wackdonalds i guess "<br/>yin said " ok then " chi replied <br/>_____________________________________________________<br/>_____________________________________________________<br/>AT WACKDONALDS 1:45pm <br/>"hello sir welcome to wackdonalds what would you like to order" the staff of wackdonalds said "yin what do you want? " chi asked " a coke and a burger with fries i guess" yin said " o then two cokes and burgers with fries pls " chi said to staff " ok that will be 246 pesos pls" the staff said " here's my card " chi said" no let me pay chi " yin said " no its fine " chi replied <br/>" no I'll feel to embarrassed to eat if i dont pay " yin said " dont be embarrassed this isn't much haha " chi replied with a smile " fine " yin replied " you two sure are a lovely couple " the staff said " what " yin said " nothing" the staff replied with a smirk, your order number is 692 and here's your receipt" the staff said " ok " the chi replied and takes the receipt <br/><br/>15 minutes later <br/><br/>"ORDER 692 IS NOW SERVING! " a male staff shouted "oh thats are order ill go get it "yin said " ok then " chi replied yin then stood up to get there order, on the way to get ther order yin bumped it to someone " im sorry" yin said "oh its ok oh wait yin? " fang said " oh fang your here too? " yin asked.<br/>_____________________________________________________ <br/> ☆~ / END OF CHAPTER / ~ ☆ <br/>_____________________________________________________<br/><br/><br/></p>