

A story told from the 3rd person of a girl named Kimo, who has to go through a new life at college, a beautiful girl and her troubled past.

kroyvo · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


It was now morning, Kimo had been up the whole night recalling the events of yesterday; how she had argued with her mother on the last day she might see her, and how she had met the nice woman that helped her to her room. Kimo remembered what she had said her name was… "Saki" it was a lovely name she thought, she hoped the two could become friends as she still had none. There was still a couple more days until school started, but nobody she knew lived in the area, and on top of that she has no money so she really couldn't do anything anyways. Maybe Saki would want to do something, no that's impossible she decided. Saki could never want to hang out with a weird girl like her, plus she quite literally ran into her, she probably thinks I'm weird she thought.

Kimo, at last, got up out of her make-shift bed and went to go get some food with the little money she had left. She wondered if it would last her until school started, she hoped it would. When exiting the door she saw none other than Saki on the other side locking her door. "She lives across from me?" Kimo's mind raced with fear and nervousness, what if she was mad at her or didn't like her, it would be weird living across from someone that hates you. In the middle of her thought process she didn't notice the slight smile Saki gave her from across the hall.

"Going somewhere?" Saki asked in her soothing voice Kimo remembered.

"I was a-actually about to go get something to eat." Kimo was nervous and surprised, she was sure she looked like a tomato right now.

"So was I, mind if I tag along?"

"Yes- I mean if you want to- I don't have much money right now, so…" Kimo felt bad as she wanted to thank Saki for yesterday but was dirt poor and would barely be able to make the week as is.

"What do you mean? There's no need to pay for me, actually I'll pay for you, just pay me back with your charm" Saki exclaimed. Kimo was happy that she would do this for her, although it hurt her pride a little; she didn't like it when people pitied her and really didn't want to owe her even more.

"We can even come back to your place to eat if you want to" Saki said nonchalantly.

Kimo did not like this idea. "No- I mean not no as in I don't want you over at my house- not that I do- not like that-" Kimo got flustered in her own words.

"It's fine sorry for bringing it up let's just go get something to eat okay?" Saki seemed so unbothered to Kimo, not in an uncaring way, but just in the way she sounded so understanding.


They had walked the entire way to the ramen shop without a single word between them. Kimo was still flustered after what had happened yesterday and now this was being put on top of it.

They reached the shop and Saki asked: "What do you want?"

"Whatever you want to get me, I haven't eaten in like a day so I'll take anything" Komi said.

"A day?!?! You haven't eaten in a day!? Didn't your mother and father send you down here with some money?" Saki said angrily she sounded almost like a mother with that caring tone in her voice.

"My mom didn't send me down here with anything and my dad is dead… I'm pretty much on my own, the only reason I can even pay off the apartment is cause of the school." Kimo's voice sounded defeated and submissive. She was scared of what Saki would think of her now.

"Well, I'm going to fix that! I'll get you anything you want off of that menu and after that we're getting you some furniture. That's why you didn't want me to come into your apartment right? Cause it was empty?" Saki said everything so matter of factly which shocked Kimo. "Why would she do this? What about her money?" She didn't know what to say.

"But-" Kimo tried to say.

"No saying but, it's happening. Now order what you want." Saki said sternly.

Kimo had gotten her favorite dish, and as Saki said they would, the two went to Kimo's house and ordered a bunch of furniture online. Kimo tried to protest when she wanted to get her the expensive stuff saying it was too much, but Saki ignored her and bought it anyway, explaining money was not an issue for her. Saki left at about 7 that night, before that the two exchanged phone numbers and socials and were up all night texting each other; Kimo arguing about how she had spent too much on her, and Saki denying it saying she was just doing what was right.

By the time school had arrived all of the furniture had all shipped and was put together. She now had a bed, a dresser, a TV stand, silverware, a couch, and all the other basics. She had wondered how much this cost looking at the scale of it all and promised herself she would pay back Saki as soon as she got the money. Nervous about the first day of school which would be tomorrow, Kimo decided to just chill for the rest of the day, mentally preparing herself for what was to come.