
Check the other one in my library, it's the same.

Young Natsu lives in the heart of the forest with his adoptive father, Igneel, a mighty fire-breathing dragon. What more could he possibly desire? Little does Natsu imagine the surprises awaiting him on that early summer day... [This story is full of fluff and romance, so if you are in the mood for something light, then this is for you. Get that edgyness outta your system.] Additional Tags: [Romance], [Fluff], [Slice-of-Life], [Family], [Light-hearted], [Dragons], [OOC - Out of Character], [Erza x Natsu], [Au-ish in some cases], [No-Harem]. ———— Patreon Link: Patreon.com/penfu (There is already 20 chapters over there!)

FoxesAreTheBest · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The scarlet-haired little girl (3)

" Right now you see me in the form of a human being, but this is only one of the many forms I can take with my spells. " Grandeeney explained to her " What Natsu told you earlier is true, my real appearance is that of a dragon and my full name is Grandeeney Marvell. Does that scare you? "

A dragon ... Erza thought about it for a moment. Until then she had always imagined that dragons were cruel creatures like those told about in fairy tales, but the one in front of her did not look like a ferocious beast. Grandeeney had cared for her and had shown that he cared for her. Erza had already seen many things in her short existence, and the idea of a good dragon was not so absurd.

" No, you seem like a good person. "

" Very good. " Grandeeney continued, " I am glad you are not afraid, because actually the man you saw earlier, Igneel is a dragon as well. "

This news surprised Erza a little more, but after all, the man had not seemed bad to her either.

" Natsu on the other hand is a human being like you. " Eventually Grandeeney also decided to sit in front of Erza.

" Igneel found and adopted him many years ago and is teaching him his magic. "

Grandeeney looked serious but Erza would never have imagined either the fact that the two adults were dragons or that the child she had spoken to was a wizard.

" Do you have a place to return to? " the dragoness continued to ask her " Is there a family waiting for you? "

Erza shook her head, she had already lost everything long before she was even involved in that shipwreck.

" Then I have a proposal for you. " The little girl raised her head. Grandeeney's gaze was as stern as ever, but it did not seem threatening; that must have been just the way she looked at others. " If you want, you can stay here with me. After all, I've been thinking about taking an apprentice for a long time. You could live here and I would teach you sky dragon magic. " Although it bothered her a little to be anticipated, Grandeeney had to admit that Igneel had hit the nail on the head. It had really been a long time, more or less since Natsu had arrived in the forest, that the dragoness had begun to wonder what it would be like to live with an apprentice. 

After all, just as Igneel was the last of the fire dragons, Grandeeney was also the last of the sky dragons, and she worried at the idea that after her death, all her arts would be lost forever. She never imagined that she would one day teach her techniques to a human, but there was always a first time, and looking at Erza during the previous days, she was convinced that perhaps the little girl was the right one to start with.

" I also have a lot of magic about the medical arts to teach you. " Grandeeney continued to explain to her " What do you think? "

That was certainly the most incredible proposal Erza had ever had in her life. Until a few days before, she was a slave, with nothing and no one, without even the right to dream of a future, and now before her was a dragoness ready to offer her a home and the chance to become a sorceress in turn.

" But you don't need to answer me now. " Concluded the dragoness, misunderstanding her astonished silence " You may even think about it a few days ... "

She didn't even need to think about that answer!

" I'm staying! "

The dragoness was already getting up but at that answer she was stuck in the middle for a few moments. It took her a while to nod and finally take note of Erza's decision. " Perfect, but for now the only thing you need to do is rest: go back and lie down. I was preparing a medicine to apply to your wounds. "

" Grandeeney, thank you for everything! " Erza's voice stopped her again halfway, and this time when the dragoness turned to leave she finally did so with a smile. It was true that she hated men and dragons, but perhaps fate had given her a gift by bringing Erza in front of her lair. That child seemed bright and intelligent to her and would certainly be the ideal apprentice, much better than Igneel's son.

Meanwhile, while Grandeeney was thinking these things, the dragon was already on his way to the clearing where he was staying, with little Natsu still on his shoulder. The child was so engrossed in the tale of his encounter with Erza that he did not even realize that his father was dragging him away by weight.

" Did you see, she woke up at the end! She said her name is Erza Scarlet! "

" She has a pretty sound. " chuckled Igneel who did not think slaves had the right to own a first and last name, given how cruel humans were to them.

" I'm glad Grandeeney healed her, even though she needs to rest more. And do you know Igneel? Erza smells really good. "

At this the dragon snickered louder " Females always smell good. " While chatting the two had finally arrived at their destination and Igneel, had taken the opportunity to shed his burden and resume his original appearance.

" Is that why I stink? Because I am male? " The dragon only then noticed that his son was sniffing under his armpits and decided to bring one of his large nostrils closer to better check. The smell forced him to retreat sharply. " Natsu, when was the last time you took a bath?"

" I don't know ... " The child struggled to remember the date " It seems to me that there were still flowers on the trees. "

Too long!

" Shall we have another contest? This time who can get there first and dive into the lake? "

Two seconds later Natsu was already running away. Ah, poor Igneel! How much care it took for a man cub, and the hardest thing was to remember everything that had to be done. The memory of a dragon like him was used to counting centuries, not days and weeks. And by the way, Igneel could no longer remember when he had taken his last bath either. Not that a dragon like him really needed one, especially when molten lava was the only thing he liked to bathe in.

The reptile was still still sniffing his scales when Natsu's cries brought him back to reality. What was going on? Oh, no! He had forgotten about the giant anaconda that lived in the very waters of the lake!

" I'm coming! " And Igneel wasted no more time in taking flight and rushing to his son's rescue. Ah, how many things there were to remember in raising a little man!


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