
Check in System in Douluo

Hello Everyone. I do translation i decided to translate this novel as it is one of my favorite fan-fiction based on Douluo. If you want I can translate other novel that you want but dont forget to give support

Translator_nim1 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 42: Stubborn Su Yuntao

Life is like a play, all depending on acting.

Sometimes, there's no choice but to put on a show. Wang Feng sighed in his heart.

Joining the Martial Soul Temple will undoubtedly restrict him, and most importantly, he will have to follow their orders.

This is not what Wang Feng wants...

So, he had to act, making Bishop Jie Ke of the Martial Soul Temple mistakenly believe that he had no potential value to be cultivated, and thus give up!!

From the beginning of this act, Wang Feng didn't intend to conceal anything. However, upon further thought, this is Norton City. Even if Master Ma Xiunio reports, it won't reach the Pope's side, only the higher-ups of the Martial Soul Temple.

Wang Feng had even less reason to do so.

Whether it was the martial soul or testing the soul power, Wang Feng didn't hide anything.

His soul power was indeed only at the fifteenth level. Wang Feng described the situation in the Hunting Soul Forest as seven parts true and three parts false.

Bishop Jie Ke's deductions were not far off. When Wang Feng used the Thousand-Year Soul Ring, he had thought about it this way, so he followed their line of thought.

Because he compressed and refined his soul power, it was only at the fifteenth level, and it didn't look like he genuinely absorbed the six-thousand-year soul ring. So they must have suspected some issues and even speculated on certain conclusions as if nailing down a coffin.

In fact, Bishop Jie Ke's deductions were not far from the truth.

If it were a true innate full soul power soul master, there might be a chance to absorb the thousand-year soul ring, especially one with the recovery ability of the Starlight Fox.

As for the Golden Lightning Leopard, it was entirely impossible.

If Wang Feng didn't have the Meteor Tears, the best-case scenario might have been like this. Even if he barely absorbed the six-thousand-year soul ring, he wouldn't live long, destroyed by the immense soul power brought by the Golden Lightning Leopard's soul ring.

Wang Feng directly followed Bishop Jie Ke's words and answered without showing any signs of acting! It could be said to be extremely clever!

In simple terms, I predicted your predictions... That's why I could successfully act without anyone noticing.

However, that mysterious youth made Wang Feng feel quite surprised. Based on his understanding of Douluo Continent, Wang Feng roughly guessed the other party's identity but wasn't sure.

"The biggest gain may be this token?"

Wang Feng looked at the token.

Similar to the third-grade special token in Master Ma Xiunio's hand, although it had no real authority, it allowed entry into the Hunting Soul Forest and provided a form of identity disguise!

At that time, when going to the Martial Soul Temples in other cities for soul power identification, having this token would be much more convenient!

On the contrary, using this token to claim the subsidy of golden soul coins became the least useful point in Wang Feng's opinion.

Su Yuntao led Wang Feng down to the second floor.

"What a good child..."

Ma Xiunio looked at Wang Feng's back and sighed. Perhaps this is fate?

Encountering a rare battle between soul beasts, but due to the wrong choice, one misstep after another led to the current situation.

When going down the stairs, it was already dark.

"Su Yuntao! Why did you make me wait so long!"

The woman was still in the hall. At this moment, seeing Su Yuntao bringing Wang Feng down, her resentment, which had almost disappeared due to waiting too long, flared up again. She then looked at Wang Feng beside Su Yuntao and couldn't help but sneer, "What, little kid, don't you know your soul power level? Did you hunt the soul beast yourself?"

She wanted to ridicule a bit.

But Su Yuntao's face was so gloomy that his drink interrupted her, "Enough, Sisi, shut up!"

Sisi was suddenly stunned. Su Yuntao usually dared not speak to her like this.

Su Yuntao ignored Sisi, directly taking Wang Feng outside the Martial Soul Temple, leaving Sisi stunned in place.

"Little guy, be more optimistic."

Su Yuntao patted Wang Feng's shoulder heavily.

"..." Wang Feng.

It seems that I acted too well. Yuntao has already been unconsciously touched.

Even being a bootlicker doesn't want to do it anymore.

"Master Su, don't be so sad. I won't die."

Wang Feng whispered, "Besides, I haven't finished writing the story of my soul shattering the sky for you to read."

Hearing this, Su Yuntao's eyes became sour, and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes...

This little guy, although usually careless, unexpectedly thought of himself at this moment.

Wang Feng: "..."

Although Yuntao is a member of the Martial Soul Temple, he is ultimately just a lower-level member of the Martial Soul Temple. Compared to those higher-ups, he is much more human.

Grandpa Master Ma Xiunio is the same.

"I'm leaving."

Wang Feng waved to Su Yuntao, leaving Su Yuntao with a lonely figure.

Seeing this, Su Yuntao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Su Yuntao, what just happened? Have you become audacious? Dare to shout at me so loudly?"

At this moment, Sisi ran out and coldly said, "Where's that kid? I teased him a bit. What? Is he your relative?"

Su Yuntao was simply too audacious. He dared to shout?

Humph, as long as I show a cold expression, I bet you'll obediently come and apologize!

However, Su Yuntao coldly glanced at Sisi:

"If you say one more word, do you believe I'll kick you out with one foot!"

That icy gaze made Sisi shiver!

When did she ever see Su Yuntao looking at her with such a cold expression? It seemed like he really wanted to kick her out...

With a start, Sisi hurriedly spoke in a low voice:

"Yun, Yuntao... I, I was wrong... Don't be angry..."

"Hmph!" Su Yuntao glanced at her, feeling sad inside, then turned and walked directly into the Martial Soul Temple.

Sisi also hurriedly went inside, and vaguely, there were anxious apology sounds...


Returning to the Norton Academy, unexpectedly, he encountered two people at the entrance.

It was Tang San and the Master.

"Little San, Master? What are you doing here?"

Wang Feng looked at the two, suddenly surprised.

However, Tang San walked directly over, his face heavy, "Feng Ge, did you just go to the Martial Soul Temple?"

At his words, Wang Feng's heart moved, nodding:

"Yes, I went for an assessment! After the assessment, it seems a bishop came and said I won't live long, my soul power will gradually dissipate, they won't let me join the Martial Soul Temple, and won't save me... Feng Ge doesn't believe it at all. I eat, drink, and sleep every day; I'll easily live a hundred years!"

Hearing this, Tang San's face was initially heavy, but he showed a bitter smile.

Sure enough, Feng Ge, carefree as always, afraid of nothing.

Tang San looked at the Master.

The Master sighed, "Indeed, that's the style of the Martial Soul Temple! If Little Feng absorbed the soul ring of the Starlight Fox without any issues, they might value him and cultivate him. But since it's the soul ring of the Golden Lightning Leopard, knowing Little Feng's situation, they probably won't expend effort to save him."

Wang Feng looked at the Master with some confusion.

"Feng Ge, sorry, I told the Master about your thousand-year soul ring in advance." Tang San quickly apologized.

"It's okay, I didn't ask you to keep it a secret." Wang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"But I asked the Master, hoping he could help you. The Master said he has a way." Tang San continued.

"A way?"

Wang Feng was puzzled.

The Master nodded, looking at Wang Feng, saying in a deep voice, "Little San asked me to help you. You have extraordinary talent, but you mistakenly absorbed the soul ring of the Golden Lightning Leopard. Although you barely absorbed it, your body can't withstand the pressure of the six-thousand-year soul ring. I guess the bishop of the Martial Soul Temple mentioned that using your soul power and martial soul now will shorten your lifespan, right?"

"He did say that," Wang Feng's heart moved, smiling, "But it doesn't matter. Even if I don't use martial soul, I'm still very strong."

"But you still won't live long. That's a fact." The Master shook his head and continued, "There is a way to solve this, but the Martial Soul Temple won't help you. However, I have a friend who is a Soul Saint!"

"If I ask him, he should help you use soul power to suppress the soul ring of the Golden Lightning Leopard. He can clear the soul power in your body. However, even if you recover completely, your soul power will hardly have any improvement. You can only save your life."

After speaking, the Master stared at Wang Feng.

Wang Feng secretly sighed. Little San was really reliable, involving the Master.

The Master's friend should be the famous Flender?

"And the prerequisite is that you have to become his disciple. Only then will he take action," the Master continued.

After listening, Wang Feng felt not only admiration but also sighed inside. In the Douluo Continent, characters are generally consistent – the righteous ones are truly righteous, and the antagonists are truly antagonistic.

The Martial Soul Temple won't help, but this Master will, probably because of Little San's plea. Even though it's Flender who will make the move.

"Thank you, Master, but it's really not necessary." Wang Feng smiled and said, "Actually, my body, I know it myself. It may not be as bad as you guys imagine. I mean it... I can't explain some reasons to you, but still, thank you."

After saying this, Wang Feng waved to the two and returned to the dormitory.

Leaving the two stunned in place.