
Check in System in Douluo

Hello Everyone. I do translation i decided to translate this novel as it is one of my favorite fan-fiction based on Douluo. If you want I can translate other novel that you want but dont forget to give support

Translator_nim1 · Book&Literature
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227 Chs

Chapter 156: Qingbao Combination (9)

This Soul Fusion Technique is too exaggerated.

Ning Rongrong is just a level twenty-plus auxiliary soul master! Even though her physical qualities have improved quite a bit in these three months, compared to the soul king with this beast soul, it's almost like comparing heaven and earth.

"Rongrong's current strength is not enough to compare with him, and she's even at a significant disadvantage."

The Grandmaster pointed to the blue-clad male, "But it seems like she has endless soul power, with no decline in her condition or any injuries. Look, on the other hand, he's already showing signs of fatigue. If it continues like this, he will be the one defeated."

"Unless his companion also takes action. But considering his pride, he might not allow that."

The Grandmaster seems to be very familiar with this male, speaking in an extremely calm tone.

To have a back-and-forth battle with an auxiliary soul master who is just level twenty-plus and slowly declining in condition is quite embarrassing if word gets out.

"Oh, it seems like the Jade Swallow Combination is changing tactics. It looks like they don't intend to clash head-on with Rongrong!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu suddenly said.

Hearing this, everyone looked over...

"Tian Heng! I'll buff you up! Don't worry about this girl for now, go defeat that guy. Their Soul Fusion Technique relies on both of them; if one gets caught, the other shouldn't be able to maintain the state!"

The deep purple short-haired girl in the Jade Swallow Combination hurriedly shouted.

Upon hearing this, the male slightly stunned and nodded.

He had gotten a bit heated just now; he hadn't expected this.

This Soul Fusion Technique – as long as one of them is caught, what's there to fear?

"We didn't expect that the Shrek City Grand Spirit Arena would have such hidden talents."

The male said with a deep voice, "One Soul Fusion Technique has pushed me to this point... But it ends here, Thunderous Wrath!"

As he spoke, his thousand-year soul skill lit up again.

His whole body emitted a blue light with flickering thunderbolts, and his right hand manifested densely packed scales, transforming into the appearance of a dragon's claw.

"Bilin Red Poison!"

The girl's martial soul lit up, and a large snake with an entirely green body sprayed a faint red mist towards the male.

In an instant, the male's overall momentum surged by twenty percent!

"Tian Heng, let's end this quickly; we've exposed ourselves too much."

The girl said urgently.

The male didn't say anything but directly rushed towards Wang Feng.

He was much faster now!

Ning Rongrong's current state couldn't catch up... but she also had no intention of pursuing.

"Is he... planning to attack Wang Feng?"

Ma Hongjun was dumbfounded, "Why provoke him when you're not fighting Rongrong properly?"

Others were also somewhat speechless.

"According to the normal strategy, as long as one person is interrupted, the Soul Fusion Technique should break."

The Grandmaster said, "Ning Rongrong's current state is very strong. It seems she can maintain it for a while, but he may not be able to last. It's uncertain who will win if they continue this way. However, if the choice is to interrupt Wang Feng, breaking the Soul Fusion Technique, then Ning Rongrong will also return to her original state."

"Moreover, both of their strengths after the Soul Fusion have been given to Ning Rongrong. In their view, Wang Feng is the weak link."

"So, attacking Wang Feng is the right strategy... it's just..."

At this point, the Grandmaster fell silent.

Everyone understood...


In the Spirit Arena,

The male rushed crazily towards Wang Feng.

'The power of both of their Soul Fusion Techniques is given to that girl from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. This guy shouldn't have any strength left. As long as I catch him, the girl should break the state herself!'

He secretly thought; the power in his hand condensed wildly.

Wang Feng, seeing this male suddenly rushing towards him, was also taken aback.

Why is he coming to find me all of a sudden?

Is he planning to concede?

As he was thinking about this,

The male extended a claw shimmering with lightning directly towards him.

Seeing this, Wang Feng frowned, the Xuanming Armor disappeared, standing still, he directly threw a punch at the male!

Second Form, the two collided!

The male's face changed drastically!


Almost in an instant, his entire person was sent flying by this punch, turning into a streak of light, crashing into the wall of the Spirit Arena!

The Spirit Arena seemed to shake.

Suddenly, the whole place fell silent.

It seemed like no one expected this young man to have such terrifying strength.

Just now, watching the intense battle between Ning Rongrong and that male, everyone thought they were the real main attackers.

But they discovered that the youth in the Qingbao Combination seems to be... the strongest?

The remaining girl stood still for a long time before coming back to her senses, walking to the male's side, helping her lover up.

"We concede."

The girl's gaze fell on Wang Feng, extremely solemn.

As the girl's words fell,

The originally quiet square instantly erupted into countless cheers!

The host also just came back to his senses, loudly proclaiming:

"The Qingbao Combination wins!"


Ning Rongrong excitedly jumped up, as if she hadn't expected to defeat the opponent with her own strength.

"Wang Feng, we won!"

Ning Rongrong excitedly pulled Wang Feng's arm.

Wang Feng could almost see under Ning Rongrong's mask, the excited, flushed face.

"Let's go back."

Wang Feng shook his hand, indeed worthy of being from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family.

I didn't expect to encounter them in the first round of the 2v2 combination.

"Wang Feng, our Soul Fusion Technique is so strong!"

Ning Rongrong thought triumphantly, "Now I also have the strength comparable to a Battle Soul Master! Being a Battle Soul Master is such a refreshing thing!"

Wang Feng couldn't help but smile.

Being a Battle Soul Masters refreshing? You don't know how many beatings they have to endure; do you really think it's so refreshing?

The Glass Golden Lotus body just now seems to make Ning Rongrong immune to pain or, in other words, rapidly recover.

Any damage can be instantly restored, unless using a move far beyond Ning Rongrong's strength at that time to crush her.

Otherwise, it's basically equivalent to ineffective damage, and the soul power continues to flow.

The physical qualities, including perception, reaction, strength, speed, and so on, have been increased by at least five times. Otherwise, it's impossible to have a back-and-forth with the opponent and still have a significant impact.

Soul power has at least a five-level increase, and Ning Rongrong's soul power just now should be at full level thirty or even surpassing level thirty.

The Golden Lotus has a thousand-year soul ring, which is equivalent to attaching a thousand-year soul ring to Ning Rongrong; that's the most powerful part!

This Soul Fusion Technique indeed exceeded Wang Feng's imagination.

"Golden Lotus is really strong."

Wang Feng sighed.

However, the consumption of soul power by this Soul Fusion Technique is too massive.

He just displayed it, and now he only has a tiny bit of soul power left.

How long did it last? About ten minutes?

"If you keep fighting, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on."

Wang Feng looked at Ning Rongrong and said unsparingly.

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's excited face turned even redder, pouting, "Wang Feng, what nonsense are you talking about! Annoying!"