
Chapter 1

In the face of death, people's wisdom emerges. Today

I'm standing in the face of death thinking,


Why did I do this?

If I had not done this, I might not have died today.





A few days ago

I am Aditya. I have just returned home after completing my studies at Oxford University in England. I met my parents and relatives and went out to meet my friends. Haven't seen anyone for a long time.

I went to everyone's house. But many of them have moved to cities. Some have moved out of the village in search of jobs in other villages.

Rahul and Nadeem are the only ones to call it quits in the village. They are also my very close friends.


One day we three friends were sitting together and chatting when Rahul said in the context of a conversation "It's been a long time since we went anywhere.

I also agreed with him. Even so, being out of the country for many years, there was no opportunity to spend time with friends.

Then Nadeem said, "It's good to go for a walk, but you have decided where to go."

Rahul says yes, I have decided that in my mind.

Then Nadeem said well where is Suni....

Rahul = "Mahua-ghat".

Hearing the name, I felt a strange feeling inside my mind. Without letting anyone understand, I said why there.....?

There are many more beautiful places to go there.

Nadeem does not say I will go to 'Mahua-ghat', because I have heard that it is a mysterious place.

I kept quiet for some time, said ok whatever you think is good.

Rahul says ok then we will go out tomorrow. We all decided to board the train at 10 o'clock the next day.

The next day we reached the station at exactly 9.30. Rahul has already booked the train ticket. But the train is late. It was supposed to arrive by 10pm but it arrived after 11.30.

then what else


With fear in my chest and a smile on my face, I left for Mahua Ghat.

After going to the train, the train left after some time. The train is running at its own pace. And I was looking out the window.

The train has already passed a few stations.

Suddenly the train stopped at a station. It was around 2.30 in the night. And the name of that station was Ikra station.

Rahul and Nadeem both came out fresh, but I don't know because there is still something stuck in my mind which I cannot express.

After some time my eyes fell asleep.....After a while,

Suddenly I noticed K Jane standing in the corner of the station and she was looking at me. The lights were on in the station so I realized that she must be a girl. I thought it was almost 2.30 in the night, what is a girl doing at the station so late...?

I was curious. Without thinking about anything else, I went down to him.

But the more I move towards her, the more she moves backwards. After walking like this for some time, he started going towards the back of the station.

And I also keep walking behind him without considering the pros and cons. The girl was about 14-15 meters away from me. I picked up my pace to catch him, he picked up his pace. At one point I called him and said

'Here's what you're listening to'

There is no cure.

"Who were you doing alone at the station so late at night?"

I didn't get any cure either.

Finally I had to run to catch him.

But a little further, I see that there is no one in front. 😲

Suddenly, Xeno vanished into thin air.

There are only forests and forests around. Maybe it was the full moon that day, because of this I understood the position of the surroundings a little bit. Feeling a little scared, I realized that I was in danger. I thought to close my eyes and look back.

At such a time, suddenly someone said from the back "What happened" Aditya.

My hands and feet were getting cold from fear. I did not dare to look back.



With a long sigh, I looked back with some courage. I see that mysterious girl standing in front of me 🤒🤒🤒

Seeing his face face to face makes me die.

He was looking at me with intense eyes, and he had a sharp knife in his hand 🔪🔪🔪

Seeing this, the life has come to my hands.



Great fear in my heart, but I showed a little courage in my face and said 'you-you'

..the girl was actually Mahua..

The girl said yes, I am that Mahua.

I immediately turned back without delay, after running for some time I suddenly fell down with a tree, my leg was cut, but I stood up with difficulty, and just as I was going to run, I saw Mahua in front of me.

My fear level has increased a lot now. Before I could say anything Mahua attacked me with the knife in his hand.





I woke up immediately.

I mean, what happened to me till now was just a dream.....