

We were shown to our table where he pulled out my chair like a gentleman and I sat down. It didn't take long for a waitress to appear at our table.

"Good evening Sir," she was staring at him and who wouldn't he was very attractive. No need to deny it. I bet if I wasn't here he would charm off her pants and panties off of her. He cleared his throat breaking whatever wonder world she was in. Blinking her eyes a few times she came back glancing over to me finally realizing that he has company and I might be his date which I'm not. It's just dinner. "Ms..." She handed us the menu telling us about the special before she left with our order. "Excuse me, I'll be back with your order." She left so dishearteningly. I felt bad for her the handsome man didn't look her way or gave him a second of her time.

"You always attract them don't you?" I said

"Are you jealous?" He said wearing that stupid look on his face.