
Cheat musou X DxD

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, a milf to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of reality. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the first thing he asked was to have a personal dimension where he can train to his hearts content. And he also wished for a Wife yeah a wife because he lost his confidence to get a girl even after he hit his Forties so, he just prayed god give him a wife to love like some lolipop he want to suck. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But actually after spending 100 million years in the training dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. but is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life. HELL NOO!!Then how was he dragged into the madness of the boobs Deus. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in market, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver for you. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar as pretty decent and good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter: 9

Sera woke up after I finished making breakfast.

"Good morning, dear." she said when she entered the kitchen after freshening up.

"Good morning, honey."


I gave her a morning kiss, as usual, like I used to back in the Asora.

She sat at the dining table on the floor. Because our house is traditional, everything is in a traditional style. I have planned to renovate the house.

We chatted a bit and then finished breakfast. After that, I went with Sera to the door, and stood in the garden.

"So, shall we start now?"

[Remember only one percentage is left so don't become impatient.]




I'm about to start the fusion of my energy and body now; I don't want to delay it any further.

Taking long breaths, I slightly spread my legs and stood in a martial arts stance. My posture is perfect, although it's difficult to maintain this position as my body isn't used to it. After a while, I changed my position.

Now, I'm in a crouching position, with one leg straight and one leg bent, both fists clenched and aligned with my waist. While being relaxed, I started with some sit-ups and different positions. Slowly getting my body familiar with the basics, I practised various positions and postures for two hours.

These postures and techniques came from the library, it was stated that these forms have an effect of Charging and awakening the ideal or blocked energy path of the body which helps in circulation and use of any kind of energy inside a body.

My body is very adaptable, so it didn't take much time to adapt to them.

"Huff-ha-huff, handling these powers is really difficult in this new body, but there's some progress." I said catching my breath. These although looks simple are extremely mentally draining, and it is even more harder now that my old memories are like it happened yesterday which made my thoughts run wild

which is hell distracting.

[Dear, now you should switch to weapons, and there's no shortage of monsters in this Forest. And there's no better place than a battle to test your strength.]


"You're right," I was thinking the same. I first checked my status, which I got from this door. Although it can't show my powers in numbers, I can definitely use its skills and titles. It's a very powerful and shortcut way.

I already have some skills that I acquired after getting the door system. Sera is currently trying to control this door and its settings, a delicate and slow process because it was found after Sera's analysis that this door is no ordinary one; it's a Divine Artifact . And among Divine Artifacts, this door holds the highest rank.

There's a spirit inside this door, which is in a dormant state. We're trying to awaken it. Although I can travel to any world with Sera's help, I still use this door because of its convenience.

"Sera, show me my status."




[ Name: Rudra Vincula Amoris ]

Level :- ????

Age: 100 million

Soul Seal: (9%) *sealed*

Soul Mate: Seraphina Vincula Amoris

Title: [ Reincarnated Individual ] [The One Who Has Lived Long Enough to See the Downfall of Civilization] [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

Strength: Ex+

Speed: Ex+

Defense: Ex+

Endurance: Ex+

Stamina: Ex+

Magic: Ex+

Luck: Ex++

BP: 20000

Physical Skills: Hands of God, Way of Art, Way of Weapons, Way of Craft, Way of Technology, All-Seeing Eyes, Parallel Thinking, Wisdom of Old, Master Chef (new), Uncontrollable Libido (new)

Magic: [ Origin ]

[ Fire ]

[ Water ]

[ Earth ]

[ Wind ]

[ Time ]

[ Space ]

[ Void ]

It is my current status. After sera merged the door with my own system, it evolved and this is the window that I got.

The new addition are Level, BP and Titles.

I have hunted so much monsters in the forest that my level has already crossed the limit and become question marks.

But I still gain BP which is of no use to me right now, maybe in future it be useful.

There is not much change in the title except the additional ones from the Door. If I want I can delete those title with the help of sera but I let it be because only a retard will let go of those convinent.


After my monologue, I took out the Omni sword from the Inventory.

[Omni-Sword] :: The pinnacle of all swords. The blade remains shiny without tarnishing, and the edge is always perfectly sharp. It's said to be capable of cutting anything, but that depends on the contractor. Not for sale. Contractor: Rudra Vincula Amoris.

Although these weapons are weaker in terms of quality and strength compared to the ones Sera and I made together in the pocket dimension. In this world, the Omni sword is definitely one of the strongest weapons, alongside the Absolute spear, formless bow, and other weapons made by Sage.

I buried the dead Sage with respect when I first entered the forest to collect some cash. But surprisingly, I didn't not encountered any monsters, despite this forest being famous for deadly and calamitous-level creatures.

In this world, the strength and abilities of any being are measured in levels and skills. The higher the level, the stronger the individual. But for the people here, this forest is no less than hell. The mana flowing in this forest has caused the monsters to evolve rapidly, increasing their strength to a hundred times more than normal.

Even a normal person or even if a genius needs to spend their entire life just trying to surpass level one hundred. In this forest, even the weakest monsters start at level one hundred. In this world, anyone who willingly enters this forest must have crap for brains, because coming here means committing suicide, and that too in the most painful way possible.

Once again, I looked at this entire 500-metre area covered by the Barrier. In the middle, there's a three-room log cabin with a garden in the back where vegetables beyond imagination grow. And this barrier that covers the area is impenetrable, even to the craziest dragons. As I was lost in my thoughts, Sera's voice brought me back.

"[If we had met Sage, he would have been a great friend to you, I can see that you two have a lot in common in your way of thinking.]

"Huh, how's that?" What is she talking about, how could Sage and I have anything in common?

"[Look, all the items Sage made are beyond the capabilities of any country or anyone else , and they're very unique. And haven't you forgotten when you were locked in the library for years collecting information, and then crazy magic items were being churned out like a lunatic?]

"No, no, that's called passion. Even you, reading all those dirty books from around the world, looked like a crazy woman with that creepy smile," I teased.

[Shut up, don't waste time, there's only five percent left for today.]

"Okay, okay, my bad." Although her voice sounds angry, she's not. That's just how we are."


I stepped outside the barrier and used my skill All seeing eye which can also work like [Life presence]. A violet-coloured pulse emanated from my body as the centre, and an image of a kilometre radius appeared in my mind.

[Wait a second, I'll project it on a screen.]

As Sera said that, a black screen appeared in front of me, floating in the air. It was thirty by thirty square in size. It displayed everything like Google maps within the influence of my skill.

All the monsters appeared in red colour, while my cabin and the barrier had an icon indicating 'Home' above them.

At the bottom of the map, there were four colour-coded icons with their meanings:

- Light Green: Ally

- Dark Green: Vegetation, indicating forests with small tree symbols

- Water Droplet: Water sources, rivers, or oceans

- Red: Enemies, and several others which I chose to ignore for now.

I focused on the map and noticed some faint red icons on my right, indicating a group of monsters near the forest edge, and a single red dot on my left, representing a stronger enemy. The intensity of the red colour signifies the strength of the monsters; the darker the colour, the stronger the enemy.

Apart from left and right, I also spotted some medium-intensity red icons scattered in the north. Since the barrier blocked the south, there were only monsters in three directions.

"Sera, what do you think, which way should we go first?" My instincts are telling me to go left; I feel like I'll find something good there. But right now, I can't control my powers, so I might get into a bad situation.

[You should go north first, gradually increasing the difficulty so that you can gradually unseal the remaining one percentage.]

"Hmm... Alright, let's go then," I said, setting off towards the north. As soon as I stepped outside the barrier, it felt like a thousand eyes were staring at me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Like it ? Add to library!

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