
Cheat musou X DxD

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, a milf to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of reality. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the first thing he asked was to have a personal dimension where he can train to his hearts content. And he also wished for a Wife yeah a wife because he lost his confidence to get a girl even after he hit his Forties so, he just prayed god give him a wife to love like some lolipop he want to suck. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But actually after spending 100 million years in the training dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. but is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life. HELL NOO!!Then how was he dragged into the madness of the boobs Deus. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in market, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver for you. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar as pretty decent and good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter :4

After separating their lips both Rudra and sera locked eyes and again leaned towards each other's lips. Sera was a little tall as she was in a Mature adult form meanwhile Rudra was in a teenager from albetly on taller side.

Sera looks like a woman in her mid twenties, she had black shiny hair and blood red eyes which has a sharp glint to them, at the top her head are two majestic and curvy horns which are protruding from her forehead. She had a healthy tan skin with big breasts and a big bust, which looks perfect for childbirth, her body has the right curves in the right places. She also had a muscular body and well defined six pack abs and a lean but firm and muscular frame yet soft and flawless skin. She is basically the dream girl of Rudra.

This was not her first form as she was at first a blond haired and blue-eyed girl, but after she got access to Rudras memory and the library of eternity, she got the perfect type of appearance and body according to Rudras liking. Also her beauty level is inhuman as she doesn't know the common sense of normal humans. Her charm is all time high in order to get Rudras attention.

Rudra being a fan of Milf with big boobs and muscular women, he fell in love all over again after he saw her changed appearance and leading that was another war between husband and wife with both trying to dominate each other, obviously in bed.

Rudra was also not far behind sera in terms of look, though the original yuuya was quite good looking, he didn't want to take over someone else's appearance, so he researched and got the perfect looks he can get and had requested god to change his appearance after reincarnating.

Rudra has looks that can cause war over the ladies to just take a look at him, he has the same black smooth and shining hair as sera, and he has a set of Abbys like Black eyes which has a mysterious shine to them, like it would drown you in them if you were to gaze in them directly.

His body is well defined and jacked without any fat containing to them a courtesy to his limitless body which provided him the perfect body that exists in the multiverse. And not to forget his Lil slumbering dragon which has veins bulging out and ready for war even while sleeping.


Though they wanted to enjoy as much as they could inside the bathroom for not being able to touch each other for a long time ( that's for them as they have not separated for more than a day in the training dimension), they know now is not the time to do that.

Rudra has some tasks to do to have a smooth sailing life here on earth especially Japan, though he is not going to stay here for a long time but it is better to have all the small hiccups dealt with.

After exiting the bath Rudra came out of the bathroom, sera has returned to his soul. He went to change his clothes and wore his contracted clothes. .

*Humming* Rudra was humming as he was preparing to go to the market.

[ Honey can you also buy some traditional clothings i want to try wearing it]

"sure why not."

I was going to go to the mall. I want to buy a computer and some electronic devices as this home is barren if not for some furniture.

My today's goal is to buy clothes for sera and myself, some mobile phones, a TV and many more including the school stuff I will be needing when I enter ousei academy. As for money it is not a problem that doors skill

[ Money conversions ] which literally makes me the richest man on earth. Though I had not hunted monsters in the forest actively, I had still hunted some to get that piece of armour and some super useful magic items.

[ It is such a loss that we cannot take anything out of that training dimension except the experience we have gained other wise this equipments will be like a toddler in front of a veteran ]

" Yeah such a shame " I also lamented the fact that all the magic items i created with sera inside that training dimension was a sort of simulation and when the time ended all of the stuff vanished so, i still haven't given sera a wedding ring. But I still have all the experience and knowledge, so it will not take me much time to create a piece of equipment that can surpass the current strongest equipment made using the same metal as I have different methods of processing techniques of any kind of metals.

It was one of the condition of God that the things I made and produced in my dimension will all be like a virtual thing that is until I reincarnate in the real world only after that anything I produced or make will be real and I can take it in or out of that dimension.

so, for the time being I put all of that at the back of my head and headed out of the house, locking the door.


" Urgh … so, fucking annoying" I am so irritated right now.

[ Relax , Honey, remember they are just some bunch of navie kids.]

" I know but they can at least try not stare so

much, didn't their parents teach them to behave" currently I am at the mall and the whole way people were looking at me like I am some kind of rare creature, like they found some extinct animal walking their towns Street.

[ It was you own fault for not thinking about your looks and walking without covering your face if you want to avoid trouble ]

" I- just forget that in excitement, and I didn't think that I won't be able to use magic as well, haa~" *sigh* I was thinking after I reached my limit in this Avatar I would gain back my powers but no one told me that I need to start from the basics and cultivate my magic and adapt my body from the very beginning to use my powers.

Right now even if I can process something in a blink of an eye my body cannot keep up with my movement and thoughts, and my mana pool is like a raging storm right and I need to calm it down and settle it to be able to use even a single drop of mana.

[ Don't be depressed, you will not even take more than a week to adjust all the problems, and you're still stronger than most human right now without even any buffs ]

" I know but why the hell is this training not leaving my life, it's stuck to me like a curse" just thinking about training again after those millions of years training is making me sick.

[ Pfff ~ ]

" Don't laugh, ugh..!"

Finally after ignoring those annoying gazes I reached the mall and first thing first I went to the clothes section as I was passing by on the second floor. There was some sort of event going on the first floor but I just ignored it and focused on my own task.

Immediately after entering the clothes section I picked up a mask and cap from the nearby display and wore it, and after that no one was openly staring at me. I entered the men's fashion floor and there were a variety of brands. I used the [ Appraisal ] skill and picked the best quality clothes, pants, shirt , t-shirt and some other regular clothes. Fortunately after wearing the cap and mask my looks didn't gather that much attention so, I was able to shop relatively peacefully.

I also got the lady staff to help me pick up some ladies clothes that sera liked. At first the lady staff gave me a strange look when I mentioned buying female clothing but when I said that was for my girlfriend she then gave me a knowing smile. 'I can't understand what the hell she is thinking in her head'

[ Let her be dear, look at that one piece and that bikini. I also want that red dress.]

I took everything she ordered and paid for them to deliver it to my house at a later date, and obviously I cannot use the item box here in the public, if a large amount of goods vanish in the air it will create a lot more problems than I want to deal with right now.

After that I went around the mall wasting money like water, I bought a high tech computer, plus extra monitors and two whole gaming sets and other things that I fancy on the posters. I also didn't forget the laptops and charges plus an AC and washing machine.

After paying the bill, they said they would send a team to set up the whole thing the next day, then after finishing some other grocery shopping it was already noon and I wanted to go home and eat some meat that had been staying in my item box for a while now.

*Stretch* "Finally now all that left is to go home and eat a delicious supper"

[ I am also excited to try those earthly outfits.]
