

The entire martial arts hall fell into silence as the sound of Wang Yi's fist hitting the target gradually dissipated.

As the astonishing number appeared on the screen—


The group of warriors sitting on the sofa instantly rose halfway, their eyes filled with shock as they gazed at the numbers.

Are you kidding me?


If it were a seasoned martial artist delivering such a punch, no one would bat an eye.

But Wang Yi, an eighteen-year-old newcomer participating in the quasi-martial examination, had just achieved this feat!

What kind of monster was he?

"Could there be something wrong with the instrument?" one warrior couldn't help but blurt out.

Many shared the same thought, their gazes shifting to Chief Instructor Wu Tong beside the instrument.

Suppressing the shock in his eyes, Wu Tong took a deep breath. He glanced at the instrument but didn't bother to check it, instead turning solemnly to the handsome boy before him.

"Try another punch," he said, his tone carrying a tinge of excitement and anticipation.

Without hesitation, Wang Yi threw another punch.


The resounding impact reverberated throughout the empty martial arts hall, shaking the hearts and bodies of those present.

As the number appeared, it read: "3698kg"!

Intense joy spread from the corners of Wu Tong's mouth, manifesting in a burst of laughter.

Who was Wu Tong? With his keen eyesight, he didn't need a machine to confirm that Wang Yi's punch had surely exceeded 3000kg.

Asking Wang Yi to test again was merely to obtain a more precise measurement.

"The instrument is functioning properly, and you are in perfect form. This time, you've passed the boxing test!" Wu Tong exclaimed, his delight evident.

Never had he anticipated finding such a talent like Wang Yi in the quasi-martialist assessment.

No, this surpassed mere talent.

However, before anything else, there were still certain matters that needed confirmation.

"Wang Yi, tell me, have you ever practiced genetic power training or the guidance technique?" Wu Tong asked Wang Yi with great seriousness.

If Wang Yi had trained in the genetic power cultivation method or the guidance technique, although he would still be considered a genius, his evaluation would undoubtedly be lower.

Of course, there were other methods, such as special genetic medicines, that could achieve such effects. However, thorough investigation would be required to ascertain this, and Wu Tong didn't believe that Wang Yi was that foolish.

Moreover, those genetic medicines were highly expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary people.

If Wang Yi had no such problems and could generate punching power of around 3,700 kilograms at the age of eighteen, he would be an extraordinary genius!

"No," Wang Yi replied firmly.

Wu Tong gazed into Wang Yi's resolute and clear eyes and nodded after a long pause. With his perceptive abilities, he could naturally discern that Wang Yi was telling the truth.

An overwhelming joy flooded Wu Tong's mind, as if he had stumbled upon a grand treasure.

For Wu Tong, Wang Yi was indeed a treasure. At eighteen, without practicing the genetic power training method, he could deliver a punch with a force of 3,700 kilograms!

What a remarkable concept! Even as Wu Tong tried to imagine it, his head began to spin.

He recalled stories he had heard about the accomplishments of geniuses who were selected into the elite training camp—the ones shared by his superiors and the president of the Jiangnan Base City General Assembly Hall.

Normally, within the Jiangnan Base City, two or three geniuses would be selected into the "basic training camp" each year. But typically, only one person would make it into the "elite training camp" every five


Wang Yi undeniably possessed the qualifications for that.

Of course, it was merely a qualification until it received approval from higher authorities.

After all, gaining entry into the elite training camp was a matter of great significance. The entire world had numerous eyes fixed on each spot. Even Wu Tong, let alone the president of the Jiangnan Base City General Assembly Hall, lacked the authority to make the final decision. They would have to apply for notification to headquarters.

The only regret Wu Tong felt was that Wang Yi hailed from Jiujiang City, not the talents nurtured in their own Yangzhou City.

"Why is Jiujiang City so wasteful, allowing a genius like Wang Yi to come to our Yangzhou City for the quasi-warfighter assessment?" Wu Tong mused, puzzled. However, when he glimpsed the dazzling numbers on the punch strength tester's screen, his doubts quickly dissipated. "No matter, since Wang Yi came to our Yangzhou City for the assessment and has successfully passed, it will be counted as our Yangzhou City's accomplishment. Hmph, those guys from Jiujiang City, even if they come to our doorstep in the future, they will have nothing to say."

"We didn't invite Wang Yi; he came here on his own initiative," Wu Tong concluded, his mind racing with numerous thoughts.

The martial arts hall fell into a hushed stillness, with everyone fixated on the numbers displayed on the punch strength testing machine.


Wu Tong clapped his hands twice, rousing everyone from their daze.

Wu Tong smiled and addressed Wang Yi, "You have passed. You may step down now. If you're tired, you can rest in the designated area, but please refrain from wandering around. We will soon proceed to the next test."

The designated rest area mentioned by Wu Tong was the sofa where the group of extreme martial artists sat.

Wang Yi, however, declined the offer, shaking his head decisively. He returned to the spot where he had stood before, attracting shocked, strange, and awed gazes from his fellow participants in the quasi-martial arts examination. They regarded him as if he were a monster.

Yunxue stood by his side, having observed the scene for a while. Now, seeing Wang Yi's return, she couldn't help but ask, "How did you do that? Are you really only eighteen years old?"

Without a second thought, she assumed they were all human, and Wang Yi was a few years younger than her.

3700 versus 1100—such a tremendous gap!

Wang Yi pondered for a moment and replied seriously, "Perhaps because I am a genius?"

Yunxue was left speechless, her mouth still stuffed with snacks.

With Wang Yi's exceptional performance ahead, the subsequent tests would seem mundane.

Wu Tong proceeded with perfunctory patience, assessing the remaining eight participants.

In the end, the results were in: ten passed the first round of the punch test, while two failed.

Though the strength of these two individuals was not too shabby, exceeding 890, they fell just short. It could only be said that luck was not on their side.

The second round of assessment focused on speed.

Wu Tong walked over to the speed test instrument, skillfully switching it on. Then, he turned to Wang Yi, with everyone's attention now fixed on him.

"Wang Yi, you're up first," Wu Tong said with a smile.

In truth, with Wang Yi's strength, passing the speed test was a given.

But Wu Tong wanted to learn more about this boy. Hence, Wang Yi was selected to go first.

With the eyes of the public fixed on him, Wang Yi strode calmly towards the speed test track, exuding a sense of focused determination.

The track spanned a mere 100 meters, a short distance for someone like Wang Yi.


In a burst of explosive energy, Wang Yi leaped forward like a cheetah, effortlessly gliding across the runway with the speed of a gust of wind, covering the distance in what felt like a mere breath.


Bringing himself to a sudden halt, Wang Yi's shoes skidded along the ground, emitting a sharp scraping sound.

Wu Tong's gaze shifted to the instrument's screen, where the number "58.2m/s" stood proudly.

"Very impressive! You've passed!" Wu Tong exclaimed, a satisfied smile gracing his face.

Wang Yi, too, couldn't help but glance at the number. He was well aware that as one's physical fitness improved, warriors were categorized into different levels, starting with the warrior level, which further split into junior, intermediate, and advanced ranks.

Typically, a punch strength of 4000kg was considered the benchmark for senior fighters.

Similarly, a speed of 60 meters per second was the threshold for advanced fighter-level physical fitness.

With his recent punch strength of 3700 kg and a speed of 58.2m/s, Wang Yi's physical prowess was inching ever closer to that of an advanced fighter.

Though others had anticipated his remarkable abilities, witnessing the results firsthand left them in a state of sheer astonishment.