

Time seemed to slow down as Lin Youyu finished making her wish and began cutting the cake. Suddenly, Wang Yi's cell phone rang, breaking the tranquility of the moment. Ignoring the curious gazes around him, Wang Yi excused himself and stepped away to answer the call from his father. He furrowed his brow in confusion, as it was unusual for his family to call him unless something important had happened. Before leaving for Lin Youyu's birthday party, he had informed his family about his plans, and his father had jokingly asked if it was a female classmate's house.

As Wang Yi listened to his father's voice on the phone, his expression changed drastically. He stood up from his chair, excitement evident in his voice as he spoke into the phone, "Dad, what did you say? Mom suddenly passed out and is now in the hospital?" After a brief conversation with his father, Wang Yi ended the call, hastily glanced at Lin Youyu immersed in the festivities, and hesitated for a moment. He quickly composed a message and sent it, apologizing for his sudden departure, and then swiftly made his way outside.

Leaving without saying goodbye felt rude, but Wang Yi didn't want to dampen Lin Youyu's birthday celebration with his personal affairs. He would have to apologize later.

With an urgency burning inside him, Wang Yi quickened his pace, his steps becoming more determined. Gao Yurong, engaged in conversation with Lin Youyu, noticed Wang Yi's abrupt departure and became surprised. Wang Yi wouldn't leave without saying a word, especially not when he was with Lin Youyu. Something must have happened.

However, Lin Youyu hadn't brought her phone with her, so she remained unaware of Wang Yi's absence.

"Wang Yi!" Suddenly, Wang Yi heard someone calling his name from behind as he had just walked out of Lin Youyu's house, preparing to break into a run. He turned around and saw Gao Yurong, clad in a lavender dress, chasing after him.

"Why did you leave without a word? What happened?" Gao Yurong, being someone who exercised regularly, quickly caught up to Wang Yi, slightly out of breath.

Wang Yi glanced at her and composed himself. "I have something urgent to attend to at home. I need to go back and handle it. Please apologize to Lin Youyu on my behalf."

"What's the matter exactly? Can I help?" Gao Yurong stood in front of Wang Yi, concerned.

Wang Yi met her gaze, his eyes sparkling with uncertainty. He didn't intend to share his troubles with Gao Yurong, but he blurted out, "My dad just called and informed me that my mom has been hospitalized. I need to rush to the hospital to see her."

Gao Yurong's initial dissatisfaction with Wang Yi's abrupt departure dissipated upon hearing his explanation. Wang Yi's urgency to see his mother, under such circumstances, was understandable.

"Where to? I have a car. I can take you there," Gao Yurong offered immediately, demonstrating her level-headedness.

"Thank you," Wang Yi expressed his gratitude.

Gao Yurong gave Wang Yi a playful look. "What's our relationship anyway?"

Gao Yurong's captivating eyes, combined with her coquettish tone, made Wang Yi's heart flutter. Under the dark night sky, the two of them sprinted together along a peaceful tree-lined road.

Gao Yurong swiftly made a phone call, exchanging a few urgent words with the person on the other end. She then turned her gaze to Wang Yi, concern etched on her face. "The car is waiting outside. We can head to the hospital right away. I hope Auntie will be alright."

Wang Yi nodded, his gratitude towards Gao Yurong growing stronger within him.

Suddenly, Gao Yurong seemed to remember something and spoke again, her tone carrying a hint of peculiarity. "You left without a word earlier, and it frightened Youyu. She thought you were angry and nearly burst into tears." She paused, her words hanging in the air.

Wang Yi felt a pang of guilt. He had indeed neglected Lin Youyu's feelings, consumed by the news of his mother's hospitalization. All he had wanted at that moment was to leave as soon as possible.

Lin Youyu must be feeling hurt.

"I'll explain it to her," Wang Yi whispered.

"You, really..." Gao Yurong glanced at him, her voice trailing off with a soft sigh, her exact sentiment unclear.

Wang Yi and Gao Yurong hurriedly made their way to the main entrance of the community. A black car was parked by the side of the road, with a driver standing nearby. Spotting Wang Yi and Gao Yurong rushing out, the driver promptly opened the rear door.

Both Wang Yi and Gao Yurong climbed into the car. Gao Yurong already knew which hospital Wang Yi's mother was admitted to and wasted no time instructing the driver, "Let's head to the district people's hospital as quickly as possible."

"Yes, miss," the driver acknowledged before starting the car without delay.

Beneath the night sky, the black car sped along the road.

Inside the vehicle, Wang Yi and Gao Yurong sat together. Gao Yurong glanced sideways at Wang Yi, who had his head slightly bowed. The ambient light cast a shadow under his bangs, accentuating the sharp contours of his face. His specific expression was obscured, but his lips were pressed together, conveying a sense of tension.

"Don't worry, Auntie will be fine," Gao Yurong offered as a reassurance, unable to provide any more comfort.

"Yeah," Wang Yi replied in a hushed voice, yet he couldn't shake off the feeling of self-blame.

His mother was ill and hospitalized, yet he had gone to a classmate's gathering. Even though he knew he wasn't at fault, Wang Yi couldn't forgive himself.

"I'll call Youyu and explain why you left. Otherwise, she won't be able to sleep tonight," Gao Yurong said, pulling out her mobile phone.

"Please apologize to her on my behalf," Wang Yi requested.

"I think it would be more sincere for you to apologize to her in person," Gao Yurong glanced at him again. "Youyu has always been sensitive, and she rarely opens up to people. If she cares about you, she'll be deeply affected. I believe she's feeling devastated right now."

Wang Yi found himself at a loss for words.

Gao Yurong had been so forthright, directly acknowledging Lin Youyu's feelings for him. At this moment, he couldn't pretend to be oblivious.

But when it came to handling girls like Lin Youyu, Wang Yi was unsure of himself.

After conversing with Lin Youyu for a while, Gao Yurong turned to Wang Yi and relayed, "Youyu said she'll come back later."

"Isn't she still celebrating her birthday? Is it really alright?" Wang Yi's heart warmed,

but he didn't want Lin Youyu to go to such lengths in front of their friends and family.

Gao Yurong shook her head. "She's stubborn. I couldn't persuade her."

Gao Yurong glanced at Wang Yi. "So, what do you think? Isn't it touching?"

Wang Yi was momentarily speechless. Gao Yurong had been so direct in her words that he struggled to find a suitable response.

In a fleeting moment, countless thoughts whirled through Wang Yi's mind, and his heart swiftly found its resolve. In this world, he would face great dangers and terrifying trials. He didn't even know how many he would encounter. Even the love of his son and daughter before him wavered and hesitated. How would he confront the tempestuous storms and contend with ancient beings that endured for eternity?

The driver in the front seat remained focused on the road, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening behind him, steering the car diligently. Before long, the car arrived at the District People's Hospital.