

In the afternoon after school, Wang Yi made his way towards the tutor's villa complex, but he had already made up his mind to end the tutoring arrangement.

They met on the lawn, where the girl's expression seemed slightly off. "You don't want to continue?" she asked, a tinge of disappointment evident.

Wang Yi furrowed his brow. "No, it's not because of the pay," he explained. "With the college entrance examination approaching, I'm afraid I won't have enough time for tutoring. It's better to end it now." He acknowledged that the girl was already paying a generous sum, even more than the usual rate of a hundred yuan per hour, offering a hundred and five.

Gao Yurong looked at Wang Yi for a while before reluctantly responding, "If that's the case, then alright..."

Wang Yi felt relieved seeing Gao Yurong's agreement. Having spent considerable time with her, he knew she could be a bit stubborn, and he had been worried she would object.

However, he also knew that her objection would hold no weight. Despite their lengthy acquaintance, ending things amicably was important for the sake of their relationship.

Just then, Gao Yurong spoke again, "As a token of appreciation for tutoring me for so long, I'll treat you to a meal."

Wang Yi quickly declined, "There's no need."

Gao Yurong remained silent, her gaze fixed on him. After three seconds, Wang Yi conceded defeat and helplessly said, "Alright then, where shall we go to eat?"

A slight smirk formed on Gao Yurong's lips. "Let's go to my place. I'll cook for you and show off my skills."

Wang Yi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, skeptical. In the nearly year-long duration of their tutoring sessions, he had never seen Gao Yurong cook. Of course, it could be because he rarely visited her house.

Nevertheless, Gao Yurong didn't strike him as the type who possessed culinary prowess, although he kept that thought to himself.

"Is it too much trouble for you? We could go out to eat instead, and I'll treat you," Wang Yi suggested. While his finances were tight, he could still afford a meal. Of course, it wouldn't be at a high-end restaurant. Wang Yi simply couldn't afford such places.

Zhao Han and the others had invited Wang Yi twice before, but after two times, Wang Yi had declined their invitations.

Gao Yurong fixed him with a stare. "Do you look down on me? Do you think I can't cook?"

"Of course not," Wang Yi hurriedly replied, not wanting to offend her.

"Then come with me."


Finally, Wang Yi followed Gao Yurong to her house. Upon opening the door, a spacious, bright, and tidy living room greeted him. It seemed larger than his own home, which was actually the case. With two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony, Gao Yurong's living conditions surpassed his by a significant margin.

A faint, pleasant fragrance filled the air.

While Wang Yi had been Gao Yurong's tutor, he had never met her parents. He only knew that they were separated, with her father residing in Kyoto's base city and her mother in Jiangnan's base city. Gao Yurong's mother seemed busy, as Wang Yi had never encountered her, nor had Gao Yurong mentioned her parents in their conversations.

"Please have a seat. If you're bored, there's a TV and a laptop. You can entertain yourself," Gao Yurong said in a more relaxed

manner after entering the house. After changing her shoes, she slipped into a pair of home slippers. Her fair, tender feet gracefully touched the ground.

Wang Yi initially wanted to offer help in the kitchen, feeling uncomfortable with being served and waited upon. However, considering the potential awkwardness they might face in the kitchen, he decided not to say anything.

Gao Yurong returned to her bedroom to change clothes, and even with the distance of a door separating them, Wang Yi's extraordinary hearing picked up the faint rustling sound of her garments. A vivid mental image of Gao Yurong changing clothes appeared in his mind, reminding him of her good figure. The scene was a bit too stimulating, but Wang Yi quickly regained his composure. He focused on the notebook placed on the hall desk, searching for a movie he might be interested in.

Gao Yurong emerged from her room, having transformed her sportswear into casual attire suitable for home. She had also let her ponytail loose, allowing her bright and captivating aura to radiate. Wang Yi glanced up and found himself momentarily entranced. Gao Yurong had always appeared reserved and distant, and this was the first time he saw her in this light.

Wang Yi promptly averted his gaze, realizing that women could be formidable creatures. But the image of Gao Yurong changing clothes in her room lingered in his mind, causing his thoughts to briefly wander.

"What are you looking at?" Gao Yurong's melodious voice brought him back to reality, accompanied by a gentle fragrance wafting in the air. Even from the corner of his eye, Wang Yi could see Gao Yurong's long hair cascading down. He composed himself and responded calmly, "Star Wars 6."

"Oh," Gao Yurong replied before moving away. It seemed she had found nothing noteworthy to capture his attention. She headed towards the refrigerator in the corner of the living room. "I forgot to ask, what would you like to drink?"

"It doesn't matter," Wang Yi said, though he added, "Just not mineral water."

"In that case, you can have the juice I squeezed last night. It's frozen," Gao Yurong swiftly retrieved a slightly cloudy orange drink and placed it in front of Wang Yi. "I added various fruits to it. I'm not sure if it suits your taste."

Wang Yi glanced at the cup before him, picked it up, and took a sip. It was refreshingly sweet and tangy, a chilly delight. "It's good, actually," he admitted. In truth, Wang Yi preferred tea, but he didn't voice that preference to Gao Yurong.

Gao Yurong seemed to catch something in his response, her eyebrows raised slightly, expressing a hint of discontent. However, she didn't say anything and changed the subject. "What kind of food do you like? Let me check if we have the ingredients in the kitchen."

"I'm fine with anything," Wang Yi replied, feeling a bit helpless. He genuinely disliked causing trouble.

But Gao Yurong was determined not to let him off easily.

"Okay," she said, dismissing his reply. She grabbed an apron and tied it around her waist. Her slender waist and long legs made for an elegant sight as she turned and headed into the kitchen.

Wang Yi shook his head, listening to the clatter of pots and pans coming from the kitchen.

Soon, the tantalizing aroma of cooked food wafted out, causing Wang Yi to take a whiff and mutter to himself, "Seems like it's not bad. It looks appetizing."

Emotions stirred within him as he anticipated indulging in a meal of rich, savory flavors. Soon enough, Gao Yurong arrived with the food, opting for simplicity by preparing four dishes and a comforting soup. Despite its modest presentation, the spread appeared mouthwateringly delicious, evoking a tantalizing sensation that stirred one's appetite.

To Wang Yi's surprise, Gao Yurong unveiled a bottle of red wine that he couldn't identify. Both of them poured a glass, adding to the sense of occasion.

"Give it a try and let me know what you think," Gao Yurong said, her eyes shimmering with anticipation as she looked at Wang Yi.

Being familiar with Gao Yurong, Wang Yi saw no need for pretense. He simply picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks, placed it in his mouth, chewed thoughtfully, and then raised an eyebrow.

"Well?" Gao Yurong asked, her nerves evident.

"It's not bad," Wang Yi responded honestly.

"Is that all?" Gao Yurong's expression revealed a hint of disappointment.

Wang Yi, giving her a sympathetic look, sighed softly. "No, it's actually delicious."

Gao Yurong nodded, satisfaction beaming across her face.