
Chasing The Vengeful Villainous Heiress

(MATURE CONTENT) Before you read, know that both MC's have a bit of loose screws in there heads. I'm being literal. Read and you'll find out what I'm talking about. They need help. But in the quest for revenge, no one can be completely sane, I guess. Anyway, just read on. I hope you enjoy it. Synopsis 1 A Villainess, they called her. A killer. A psychopath. A demon. Mentally unstable, and a crazy bitch. Well, they were right about the crazy part but it wasn't exactly the kind of crazy they were thinking of. Though she got arrested more than a dozen times, faked her death, and was thrown into an asylum when her assistant was killed and she was framed by the culprit, that's not the kind of crazy we're talking about either. Valerie Ross, the heiress of Ross and the Villainess of the century has only one desire, aside from her quest for revenge of course, and that is to get laid by her husband, Maximus. She is secretly crazy to have him lay his hands on her. It's not an impossible feat as he too would love nothing more than to torture her in bed, like she wants, but their circumstances aren't that simple. While she agreed to get married in order to use his powers, position, and affluence to get her revenge, she never spoke about her feelings. And Max, who had mixed feelings for her, both love and hate after getting hurt by her once, was always wavering in his decisions when it came to her. But let's see, will his feelings of love and possessiveness triumph over his feelings of hate and loath? Find out. Synopsis 2 "Valerie, Valerie, Valerie. Do you know why I keep chasing you?" Valerie looked at this man in front of her with no vivid emotion on her face and she sighed. "What do you want, Max?" "It's not a 'what', Valerie. It's a 'who'." He took a lock of her hair and kissed it. "I want you and I will chase you down and make you suffer more than you made me suffer." "And when do you plan to make me 'suffer'?" Valerie asked, showing no hint of fear as she folded her arms. Max's lips curled up in a smirk and he said, "It's up to you, princess." Valerie, the heiress of the Ross group, the second-largest corporation in the country, had a bad reputation for being a villainess. A villainess by choice, attempts on her life were made. Crimes were pinned on her back. So, she decided to lay low. She decided to take a vacation. But even then she could not enjoy her 'vacation' in peace. Her ex was following her! They used to date back in highschool. Now, he was the representative of the Stewart group, the leading corporation in the country. "You can't escape my clutches, Valerie Ross! I will chase you to the ends of the Earth if need be. Even to the depths of hell!" Unable to ignore him, she decided to confront him. Bind him to herself and use him as a pawn in her game of revenge chess. But that was until, he decided to make her 'suffer'.

Author_fredah · Urban
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58 Chs

Neither the power, nor the fame

The old man led Valerie outside the hall and towards a bench in the middle of flower pots and flowers that had fallen asleep, leaving their green leaves to stand in defense.

He sat down and tapped on the bench, beckoning her to sit as well.

"Have a seat." He said but she was hesitant and said,

"I don't think it's my place to sit next to you, old man." She said. "Since you're the head of house Stewart."

"Hm, even without anything said of my position, you were able to figure it out." He said.

"Only someone dumb enough wouldn't notice." She added. "The owner of the house is truly remarkable."

"Then," he slowly took off his mask and showed his face. The same face she had seen that morning. "...would you mind sitting next to this old man? Just this old man and not any head of house or whatnot."

His words... She took his words to heart and sat next to him.

"Honestly, I did not think we would meet again so soon." He said.