
Chasing The Vengeful Villainous Heiress

(MATURE CONTENT) Before you read, know that both MC's have a bit of loose screws in there heads. I'm being literal. Read and you'll find out what I'm talking about. They need help. But in the quest for revenge, no one can be completely sane, I guess. Anyway, just read on. I hope you enjoy it. Synopsis 1 A Villainess, they called her. A killer. A psychopath. A demon. Mentally unstable, and a crazy bitch. Well, they were right about the crazy part but it wasn't exactly the kind of crazy they were thinking of. Though she got arrested more than a dozen times, faked her death, and was thrown into an asylum when her assistant was killed and she was framed by the culprit, that's not the kind of crazy we're talking about either. Valerie Ross, the heiress of Ross and the Villainess of the century has only one desire, aside from her quest for revenge of course, and that is to get laid by her husband, Maximus. She is secretly crazy to have him lay his hands on her. It's not an impossible feat as he too would love nothing more than to torture her in bed, like she wants, but their circumstances aren't that simple. While she agreed to get married in order to use his powers, position, and affluence to get her revenge, she never spoke about her feelings. And Max, who had mixed feelings for her, both love and hate after getting hurt by her once, was always wavering in his decisions when it came to her. But let's see, will his feelings of love and possessiveness triumph over his feelings of hate and loath? Find out. Synopsis 2 "Valerie, Valerie, Valerie. Do you know why I keep chasing you?" Valerie looked at this man in front of her with no vivid emotion on her face and she sighed. "What do you want, Max?" "It's not a 'what', Valerie. It's a 'who'." He took a lock of her hair and kissed it. "I want you and I will chase you down and make you suffer more than you made me suffer." "And when do you plan to make me 'suffer'?" Valerie asked, showing no hint of fear as she folded her arms. Max's lips curled up in a smirk and he said, "It's up to you, princess." Valerie, the heiress of the Ross group, the second-largest corporation in the country, had a bad reputation for being a villainess. A villainess by choice, attempts on her life were made. Crimes were pinned on her back. So, she decided to lay low. She decided to take a vacation. But even then she could not enjoy her 'vacation' in peace. Her ex was following her! They used to date back in highschool. Now, he was the representative of the Stewart group, the leading corporation in the country. "You can't escape my clutches, Valerie Ross! I will chase you to the ends of the Earth if need be. Even to the depths of hell!" Unable to ignore him, she decided to confront him. Bind him to herself and use him as a pawn in her game of revenge chess. But that was until, he decided to make her 'suffer'.

Author_fredah · Urban
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56 Chs

Into the lion's house

Valerie got out of the helicopter with Max's help. He practically lifted her out of it and into his arms, startling her.

"Put me down." She demanded but he played deaf and held on to her as he walked into the building.

Valerie brushed her hair back, embarrassed. This was work.

Then, she glanced at the place they were going to. It was a villa. And probably belonging to Max. She sighed.

"What? Are you disappointed I didn't kidnap the princess to a castle?"

"Because you're a big black dragon? No thanks." She rolled her eyes.

"You're right. I'm not the dragon. Rather, I'm the prince who's taking the princess home. And then when you get inside, you can thank me to your heart's content. Oh right, our marriage is already set in stone so what more could I ask for?" His words were beyond shameless but she just had to do with it.

They got in but he still refused to let her down and started heading up the stairs to the room that had been prepared for her.

Valerie folded her arms. What was he planning?

The only thing that crossed her mind was the possibility of Max wanting to have sex with her and though she had no problem with intercourse, she felt he was rushing things too much.

Besides, the contract was not reprinted yet and signed so they were not official yet.

But she had accepted his help so it would be only fair if she went along and had sex with him, right?

Hmm, she felt conflicted and confused. What would a normal girl do in times like this?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Max asked and she answered, fearing that if she kept quiet, he might get mad again and glare at her with raging eyes.

"Wondering why you're taking me to the room right away."

"Of course, it's to get you out of that salt-smelling outfit." He answered but suddenly paused, halting his steps, and asked, "Oh dear, did you have some naughty thoughts just now? What did you think I was going to do with you once we got to the room?" He asked but Valerie shook his head.

"You're so unpredictable. How am I supposed to know what you're planning to do?" She asked and he snickered.

"I know I am," he resumed walking. "But is it so much so that the great Valerie Ross doesn't know what I'm thinking?"

"Please, you know the answer to that." Valerie said, hoping that would brush the topic aside.

They got to the room and Max slammed the door open. Once they were in, Valerie's eyes stung at the bright ray of pink emanating from the room. What in the world... Was she a child?

"So, how do you like it?" Max asked with a grin on his lips.

Valerie hated pink. She hated it so much that she despised seeing it. Yet, Max made her room, the decor, the furniture, the bed!!! And even the curtains were pink. He was really out to torture her, huh?

At this rate, she was bound to run mad with his antics.

"It's the worst." Valerie gave her honest opinion and he slowly put her down to stand on her own two feet.

"That's great to hear." Max said, looking delighted and she looked into his eyes which were brimming with some sort of greed. It looked like greed but she could not really classify it as greed.

The expressions in his eyes were not very clear so she could not tell exactly what he was feeling at heart.

"I'll take a shower now." She said to him and slowly took her hand off his shoulder but he grabbed it and said,

"In the meantime, I'll get the contract ready. Come down when you're done." He said and she nodded before he let go.

She watched him leave and shut the door after himself. Once he was gone, Valerie gave out a sigh. Her body felt weak from facing Max and trying not to get on his nerves.

Tiptoe. She couldn't stay on her tiptoes at all times so there would definitely be times when she got on his nerves and got him angry. Not a bad thing though.

It wasn't like she was planning to be a complete puppet or a doll. After all, it was her reactions he found amusing so she would show it to him clearly.

Just as she was about to take off her diving suit, a knock resounded on the door and she yelled,

"Who is it?"

"The master has asked us to tend to you." It was a lady's voice and presumably a maid.

She was not comfortable with other people's services as in the past, she had been mixed with a lot of rotten people who tried to take her out on her uncle or Lucy's order.

Though she was certain these were Max's people and they would not harm her, she was still not comfortable with it.

"Tell your master that I'm fine by myself." She said, "The only person I can let be near me when I'm defenselessly taking a bath is him, so I can't have anyone else near."

"I will make sure to relay your words." The maid said and walked away.

Once Valerie confirmed she was gone, she knew she had to hurry up with her bath before Max came in to create a scene.

She took off everything and went to the bathroom.

While in the shower, she made sure to wash her hair carefully. Though it didn't get drenched by the seawater, she felt sticky and salty. She felt uncomfortable so she washed everywhere thoroughly, spending more time than she anticipated.

Walking out of the bathroom, she found Max sitting on one of her table chairs with his legs crossed and a towel next to him. She frowned. He was fast.

He had changed out of his diving suit and looked like he had taken a bath before coming here. She could smell the faint scent of almond soap coming from him.

Compared to his almond soap, hers was strawberry. Strawberry shampoo, and strawberry soap. He didn't even leave out that small detail when transforming everything to pink.

Anyway, how long did she spend in the bathroom that he was able to get ready before her? Didn't he need to prepare the contract tor something?

"I heard that my service is highly sought by the princess." He said and beckoned her closer with his finger.

Without hesitation, she walked towards him and watched as he patted his thigh, instructing her to sit on his thigh.

Valerie pursed her lips. She has nothing but a towel on so it would feel uncomfortable sitting on him like that. What if the towel fell off? No, what if he took off the towel?

Max watched her. Her hesitation was nice to see but it was also awfully upsetting.

"Do I have to say it?" Max asked, his eyes brimming with displeasure and Valerie, with a straight face, got closer to him.

'Screw it. I should be prepared for worse than this. So what if he wants to have sex with me here and now? I shouldn't act like a young duckling who knows nothing about the world.'

With determination in her eyes, she sat on his thigh, making him pleased and he smirked.

"That's a good girl."