
Hell Day

=toot toot toot= (alarm clock sound)

I woke up with sadness and trauma is written in my eyes. I saw my hands trembling upon remembering my dream that was the darkest day of my life has. Did you encounter a dream whose dreaming also? if not well, better not dream it especially when you dream something unforgettable because it will hunt you forever. I saw my alarm clock continue ringing I turned it off and go to the washroom doing my morning rituals.

Thereupon doing my rituals I decided to cook for breakfast because I know this is the start of the day that I'm waiting for note the sarcasm. TSS I prepare my food and cook the egg and bacon accordingly.

I took the egg and bacon and prepared what needed to be prepared.

After I ate I took my bag to the sofa and drive my way to go to Lerwick University. I park my car and to my surprise, every student is looking at me. wow what an entrance I mentally smirk I know I am...

"Ew, you still have the guts to come here, nerd!"

Ugly, I know I'm ugly that is the reason why they're looking at me for pity's sake it's almost a decade since they treat me like this. Fucking immatures I ignored them and go inside to my fucking room with my fucking immature classmates. Sorry for the cuss but I can't help it they're too old for doing the bullying thing tss humans.

I sat on my chair and take a nap if I know our teacher for today will just say these two words "Introduce yourself" nye common entrance. A few minutes passed I covered my ears as my female classmates started to scream. Like what the fuck is going on again? I raised my head and there I saw a man smiling in front of us. I mentally rolled my eyes I thought aliens gonna attack us for them to scream that loud psh stupid bitches.

I continue what I'm doing and ignore my environment his not important though but what makes me interested is the second guy who goes inside to introduce himself. He's childish as fuck! you don't believe me if I tell you this his bringing a rainbow pop, stitch bag with a stitch at the back, stitch watch, and everything that's in his body is all stitch design again this guy is losing his brain who would go to school with that kind of outfit. Mind to inform you that he's also wearing an overall stitch suit. I don't know what kind of dress was that but he's hilarious as he introduces himself.

"Hi Everybody I'm Kieth Jonathan Lerwick" he pouted and look at the guy who's smiling earlier then again the girls scream damn his cute! I mean his annoying.

"Do I need to do this Brother?" he said while pouting. He's adorable can I keep him? it's them while me his annoying can I kick him? spear me with his so-called cuteness I didn't even see it promise even if our gossip neighbors die.

"Yes, so mom and dad will be happy" Corny.

"Really? even Stitch will be happy?" what the hell?

"Yes even stitch" that's why he grew up mongoloid and his sensible older brother also agreed to its nonsense toys.

"Yey! I hope we can be friends with everyone stitch" he said while he gets stitch on his back and faced it to us. He's driving me crazy!

"Meet stitch everyone," he said joyfully. how long have you been introducing yourself kid?

"Okay, Mr. Lerwick sit beside Ms. Rutherford" What the fuck?

"Excuse me miss? did I heard it right?" I complained. This is not happening while he's introducing I know to myself that I hate him.

"Yes, Ms. Rutherford" I was stunned and my mouth gaped as he started to walk and sit beside me.

"Ms. You're mouth is open you want a lollipop?"

"Hell no!" he pouted.

"But this lollipop is my favorite I thought this is your favorite too" I was dazzled to see tears welling up in his eyes. Damn now what!


*bell rings*

Thank God my hell hour is done Maybe I won't be his classmate in the next subject right please say yes before I rip off his head.

"Hey!" I look at him with my serious face.

"Ahm" he met his index finger as he pouted like a child who has something to request from her mom.

"Don't use it to me it's not working kid." as I said those words I left him there.


3hours later...

I was in the canteen when it suddenly rained and it reminds me of him how was he? is he still the man I used to know? I was about to go inside when I saw a man sitting at the root of the tree. what the hell is he doing? he was soaking wet as he hugged his knees with his hands. What kind of insect does dominate the head of this mongoloid and he let himself wet while the umbrella is on his side?

I walk closer to him and kicked his legs gently. He raised his head then I saw a man who was crying in the rain. I don't know but why the hell it hurts me seeing him like this?

"Kid, what's i-is g-going on?" I stuttered. The hell with the stuttering?

"You left me" so he's crying because I left him?

"As far as I know I'm your sit mate, not your slave kid." I hissed.

"But I want to be with you stitch suggest it for me" my eyes went lesser to their size upon hearing those words.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Yes! you're a genius let's go I need to take a bath and you also" what the hell?

"No way!"

"Yes, way!" stupid.

"Oh, I know what you're thinking hahaha" please God give me some patience and send some angels to stop me from killing this insect.