
Chasing The Odd Dream

Hannah Corey is a teenage girl whose life can be considered as a synonym of the burning abyss. Nothing goes on her way. School life? Bullies made it hell. Home? Financial problem makes her parents always abuse her, even for the simplest reasons. Moreover, she has to work all the time because of which she cannot follow her dreams, do what she likes, enjoy her life like any other teenagers. One night, out of the blue, she found herself in another world through an odd dream which seems weirdly realistic. Everything there is unknown to her, things she had never seen in her life. She begins to travel there through that dream and came to like it more than her own world. Her unbelievable adventure through the dream made her life more and more interesting. Every night, she dreams of her other life and is found to get more addicted to it. At one point she got an offer to finally live in her dream, every memory from her past life will vanish, and she'll be able to live a normal, beautiful life like she sees in her dream... Will she regret chasing after the odd dream?

hannah_axine · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter - 15

After talking to Robin, I somehow felt great and a bit happy because of the way others felt about my disappearance. I never thought anyone would even care if I went missing someday. The main problem is I can't even figure out why I was missing for three weeks, where I stayed all this time. All I remember is the dream. This is so strange...

My disappearance changed a lot here, which is absolutely not something I've ever imagined. My parents were worrying about me, they were so upset that even Robin felt guilty... it still gives me shivers to think though. They never took care of me like a parent would take care of their children, never made me breakfast nor lunch or dinner, never took me out, never played with me as long as I remember, they even abused me to the point that I was afraid to go home. Even so, something in me felt guilty for making them worry. The thought of them crying Should make me happy after all they did to me...then why do I feel so sorry...

'I don't want to know anything any more. I wouldn't even care if they were only pretending in front of others, please just don't beat me up... please!' - I thought as I was walking towards my house. Robin was still there, waiting for me to enter. I just don't want to get beaten up in front of him.

I knocked on the door hesitantly, peeking at Robin if he was still there, he was. I signed, No one wakes up this early in the morning-

"Who's this?" - My mom said with her usual voice... She seemed well awake, judging her voice... she never wakes up this early, and I wasn't expecting anyone to open the doors until a few knocks.

The door swung open, revealing her usual flowery night gown and her eyes being swollen red, just like Robin's. Her empty eyes sparkled with tears and a small smile formed on her thin pale lips as she noticed me.

"H-Hannah... You're back... finally." - She hugged me tightly as she's weeping on my shoulder. Seeing her crying like this and the warmth I felt from her was everything I didn't expect but yearned for. Everything looked so dreamy, I never wanted to let go. Instantly I felt the urge to say I was sorry, but I had to wait until she clams down a bit.

"I am sorry... I was such a bad person to you, and I feel so...so guilty. I never should have treated you badly. This is all my fault. Please forgive your mom." - She said, keep weeping. She held my hand after breaking the hug, her weak hands trembling every second, and I couldn't keep my tears seeing her trembling body.

"You were worried about me... I'm sorry for worrying about you, mom."

"It's all my fault... I vented it all on you just because of all the pressure and stress I was receiving from my boss. I've always given you a hard time, who would've liked to stay with the family that kept on hurting them... Please forgive me." - She said before pulling me into another warm hug. One by one, she opened up to me why she was being so hard on me. Most of her reasons were because of her strict boss and her short-tempered head. Even though I still think she shouldn't have done something like that to me just because her life was hard, I can't seem to be mad at her. In fact, I love this moment...

"Where have you been staying all this time, dear?"