
Chasing The Good Dog


Crystel_Arive · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Two weeks have passed since Louise and Johan met. In those 2 weeks, so many things happened, like Louise's dedication to learning self-defense and such to help Johan in his time of need. Also, Louise thought that this place might be a little dangerous for her. Louise asked her father to help her, but her father didn't want it at first and just told Louise that he would hire a body guard for her. Louise refused to do it because she felt it was a bit exaggerated. At the end of the conversation, Louise's father agreed to her, but in return she promised her parents that she would not let herself be hurt or worse, be admitted to the hospital again.


"Good afternoon, mom!" Louise said as she walked down the stairs. "Afternoon, sweetie," her mom said while arranging the dinner table. "Where's Dad?" Her mother looked at her with an annoyed face and said, "at work again!" Louise laughed and walked towards her seat to eat.

Louise was now comfortable in her new family. She loved her new life, but that didn't mean that she hated her past life. In the past weeks, Louise often snoozed off while looking at the sky while thinking about her friend, who she saved in the car accident, and her father, whom she loved the most in the whole world. She always felt sad every time she remembered her father and how much he loved her. She often prays to God to help her father forget her and be happy without her.

"Sweetie here!" Louise looked at her mother with twinkled eyes. "Woah mom! Is that a pizza? " Her mother let out a small chuckle and nodded as the answer. "So how's your teacher in self defense?" Louise stopped munching the pizza and said, "Mom, it was great. I think I can now protect both you and dad in case something dangerous happens!" Louise stated this while demonstrating the stunts she learned from her teacher.

Louise's mother laughed while wiping her tears, "Honey, calm down, you looked like a bunny who's angry. Please stop" Louise looked at her and ate the pizza while pouting, "Mom, you're so mean!" Her mother's laugh became silent and, "Sorry honey, I just j-ust..HAHAHAHAH" Her mother couldn't handle the cuteness in front of her. Louise stood and stomped her feet towards the door when suddenly the door opened and she saw her father.

"Dad! Help me! Mom is so mean to me! " Her dad looked at her mother with suspicious eyes and looked back at Louise only to laugh. "DAAAAD!" Louise's dad looked at her, "Sorry swettie, you're just so cute!" Her father said, while pinching her cute cheeks.


After that, Louise decided to go for a walk to help her digest her food intake much faster. While walking, Louise notices a small figurine who's following her. Louise tries to act as if she didn't notice it, but she suddenly runs towards the figurine place, only to find out that she's been followed by a kid. She sighed in relief and asked the kid, "Hello kiddo, where are your parents?" Are you lost? "

"Yes, I don't know where I am. I only followed you because you looked really nice. Please don't think I'm a creep!" He said, while defending himself.

" OK, I don't think you're a creep, and you're so cute, how can you be a creep?" Louise stated this while carrying the child. "So kid, do you know where you live?" He nodded and said his address.

While looking for the kids' house, the kids' tummies began to grumble, "hahahah wait here!" Louise said while telling the kid to stay at the table near them. The kid just nodded and looked at Louise, who was walking away. After a couple of minutes, Louise came back while holding a large fry and a small sprite for the kid to eat.

The kid looked at the food with his mouth watering. "Go ahead, eat it all, and after that, we will continue to find your house." The kid smiles and starts eating it, but stops in the middle. "Are you not going to eat?" He asked. Louise just brushed his head and said, "No, silly. I just ate, "the kid looked at her while raising his eyebrows.

"Thanks for the food!" Louise smiles and continues to pick him up and carry him. "Are you now full?" "Yes, thanks to you!" Louise asked while walking and finding the address. The kid said, while giving Louise a small kiss all over her face. Louise just laughed and continued to walk.

They stop in front of a white and gold house. "Hey kid, is this your house?" While asking the kid, but the kid fell asleep, she looked at the address plate and saw that it was the same as the kid had said. She pushed the doorbell twice, and after that, there was a handsome guy who was half naked and dripping with so much sweat. Louise suddenly closed her eyes and murmured, "holy mother of..." He heard what Louise said, so he immediately put a shirt back on and asked Louise what she needed.

Louise looked at the guy in front of her with her face reddened, "This kid said he lives here?" Louise said, while pointing at the kid who was asleep. The handsome guy then recognized the kid and suddenly shouted, "KAYDEN!" Louise was startled, and so was the kid, who's now fully awake. The kid suddenly jumped down and ran to the guy.

"Sorry brother! I lost and she helped me. She even fed me. "Please don't be angry at her," the Kayden kid said. "I'm not angry at her, it's just haytsss," the guy said while carrying Kayden said as he returned his gaze to Louise. "Sorry," Louise shouted. "My name is Ken. You?" Louise looked at the guy and introduced herself, "I'm Louise."


"So your name is Louise! What a pretty name! Can I call you sister Lou? " Kayden asked as his brother shut him up. So Louise laughed and said, "It's all right."


Ken offered to drive Louise home. But Louise refused, saying, "Ah no!It's OK, I can handle it. "No, I insist. You help my brother, and it's a bit late, and what if something happens to you? No more answers. I'll drive you home. "

Louise was sitting in the shotgun seat next to Ken, "ah, so my address is XXXX." Ken nodded and started to drive to the address she said. While on the ride, a song comes down. The title of the song is "History by One Direction." This was Louise and her best friend's favorite song in the past. It brings back happy and sad memories of their time together. Louise started singing in a small voice, making sure she was the only one who could hear, but in this case, Ken heard Louise's voice. It was a soft voice, a voice that anyone would want to hear.


"Is this your house?" He asked Louise, and Louise just nodded and said thanks. Louise was now closing the door of the car when Ken said, "Your voice was so sweet!" Louise blushed as she ran backwards to her house.

"Never! He might be handsome, but my baby Johan is much more handsome than he is! " Louise said to herself while washing her face.