

  Afterwards, Lia immediately answered the phone. "Mr. Turner, what? You have to go to a dinner party now and have me send someone to retrieve the documents? Okay, okay, tell me the address and I'll make a note of it..."

  Lia quickly took a pen and recorded the address of the banquet that the other party mentioned.

  After hanging up the phone, Lia turned to Serena and said, "Tomorrow we need to bring a document for the client to the dinner party. His secretary took the day off today, so let's send someone over to pick it up now."

  "How about we let Sarah go and get it?" Serena thought for a moment and said.

  At this moment, Lia said, "Why don't you go get it instead?"

  Serena was stunned for a moment. Lia quickly whispered, "You always sit in front of the computer now, full of radiation. Why don't you go do this errand? Once we finish with the files, we should be done here. You can just go straight home afterwards."