

  Upon hearing this, Serena paused her breath before casually refusing, 'I can't today, Lia and I have to work overtime.'"

  Serena was truly amazed by herself. She could speak so convincingly, but she knew how much her heart was racing right now.

  The person on the other end hesitated for a moment and continued, "Just the two of us, we haven't enjoyed our alone time in a long time."

  Serena could hear a hint of pleading in his voice. They had been cold war for some time now, each sleeping in separate rooms and barely speaking. Of course, she was also deliberately avoiding him. He often wasn't home, so she didn't have to face much awkwardness.

  She didn't understand why he would invite her when he already has someone else. Is this what they called being tired of the old and looking for the new? What exactly does he take her for? Does he want her to blindly follow him for the rest of her life? Then he will just turn around and marry a wealthy woman?