
Chasing my Luna

Scott Devlin, the bold Alpha of the Devlin clan was so disappointed at his adoptive parents to have him forced to marry a complete stranger, and above all professions, a doctor, whom he hates. He was reluctant to attend the wedding because he thinks the bride isn’t willing to marry him too. Besides, he is devoted in finding his Luna. His siblings managed to take him away so he can escape his fate since Scott can’t say no to their father. While Scott is enjoying his escapade in his friend’s private island, he noticed a faint fragrant scent that lured him towards the bar. His attention directed to a brunette woman wearing a red fitted maxi dress, with mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He can’t help but approach Diana who was sitting at the bar. “Finally, my Luna”, Scott whispered to himself. Little that he know, the Luna he imprinted on is not what she seems to be.

rocksunxv · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Thank us later

"I can't believe the Devlins dared to force me to marry.. Scott Devlin, The Alpha? Not a chance", Scott hissed at the window as he lit up another cigarette. He is the carefree, bold and adopted son of the Devlins. The 30-year old CEO of SD Enterprises looked exceptionally dashing in his white tuxedo, with his ash hair swept back neatly.

"Keep talking, Scott. Look at you, like you're not ready to walk down the aisle! Ha!", his brother Damon teased him as he sat comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed and hands behind his head.

"If not for your father, I would not be thinking twice", Scott said as he put down his cigarette on the ash tray mumbling a curse. As an Alpha, he doesn't understand why the Devlins arranged a marriage for him, and of all professions, a doctor - one he truly despise. He had high respects to his adoptive father, Stanley Devlin, knowing Scott treated him like a real son ever since he was taken by the family at ten years of age. The Devlins gave equal treatment to Scott and his other 'siblings'; Damon, Sebastian and Reina. While it is a mystery why an arranged marriage was set for the eldest son, Scott still agreed with one condition - the marriage will be null as soon as he meets his Luna.

Reina, the youngest of the pack, approached Scott and embraced his arm saying, "There, there my dearest brother. I heard she's a doctor, she might be the key to melt your heart of stone". Trying to hide her laugh, Reina snorted as she lean towards her brother.

Scott, who's starting to get pissed, removed her hand from his arm and pinched her cheeks. "My dearest sister, I would prefer marrying a rock than a doctor", Scott laughed sarcastically as he pinched Reina's cheeks so hard until she whimpered. Reina moved away, growled at his brother and smirked.

"So are we going or not? We can help you if you're really not into it. I know you can never say no to the old man", Sebastian asked as he handed a glass of whiskey to Scott.

Scott sighed as he took the glass and drank all the hard liquor down to his throat. The deal has been made and he knows there's nothing more he can do. In a few minutes, his head started to spin until his vision became blurry.

"Seb..as… tian.. wha.. did you do?", Scott said before he got knocked out on the floor. Reina caught his head before he hit the floor. "Didn't you give him too much?", Reina worriedly asked.

"He's going to kill us, for sure. Sebastian should have added more", Damon said as he carefully held Scott up.

"Thank us later, Brother", Sebastian said to Scott as they dragged him out of the house.


Diana POV

The rain started to pour heavily again drenching me as I ran out of the church. I asked for my car keys from the driver and drove out. I wiped my tears with the back of my hands, and smiled. 'I can't believe my prayers have been heard. Is this a sign?', I uttered. Sighing in relief, I continued to drive without knowing where to go. All I know is that, I will use this moment to escape the fate my mother made for me. And for once, I will do what I want without anyone telling me what to do.

Stopping at the red light, I glanced at the passenger seat and noticed my honeymoon seaplane ticket and hotel reservation. It was a gift sent by the groom's friend. Realizing that my luggage were also in my car, I remembered we should supposedly go straight to his private island for our honeymoon right after the wedding. "How can I say no to a 5-day vacation? I guess he even ripped his ticket so there's no way I'd meet him there", I shrugged and thought of my runaway groom, then drove straight to the pier.

As soon as the rain stopped, I opened the roof of my black convertible car and enjoyed the strong wind blowing my hair. I didn't bothered the cold, even though I'm wet from the rain because as of this moment, I never felt so alive.

Growing up, I've been the obedient, and precious daughter of Alva and the late Daniel Woodsworth. Molded in perfection to become like my mother, I grew up alone and had several lessons ahead of me to increase my efficiency and competency in mind and in strength. More often, I would spend more time with the maids and my trusted butler than my mother who was busy building an empire. Hence, a wall was also built around me whereas my mother fervently chose who I can only make friends with - having Kate as my only friend. By the time I became a doctor, it was only then I started to mingle with different kinds of people.

This is the first time that what my mother wanted to happen to me, didn't go her way. Thinking of it, I couldn't help but smile. 'For once, it's not all about her', I thought. I knew that my mother just wants the best for me, but it's just that, she never asked what I truly want.

It was mid-afternoon when I arrived at the pier. The rains have stopped and the skies started to get clear. I closed the roof, parked my car and grabbed all of my stuff. I decided to change first at the VIP lounge since I'm getting attention from other people. I picked out a white mini dress with a yellow cardigan, and put on my sunglasses. I went back to the car to keep my wedding gown in the trunk before I headed on to the dock.

I handed my seaplane ticket and boarding pass. "Is this the seaplane bound to V private island?", I asked the attendant. The petite young man greeted me and checked my travel requirements. "Yes, Ms. Woodsworth, we've been expecting you. I believe you have a companion to travel with?", the attendant asked while he looked around. 'Maybe this plane belongs to the friend too, how did he know I should have a companion?' I thought to myself. "Oh no, it's just me. Can we leave immediately?", I raised my eyebrows intimidating the attendant. "Yes Ma'am, I will just inform the pilot. This way please!", the attendant said as he carefully assisted me to board the seaplane.