
Chasing Jessie

one doesn't want to be alone, the others never left alone.

Gardener81 · Realistic
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17 Chs

Secrets no more




My eye lids fluttered , soft rain drops fell upon my face,my eyes were trying to focus as screaming sounds came rushing back to me. My head throbbed, my minds blank, no thoughts are coming to me. " Night already?" I tried to get up but my body aches and I feel heavy. It hurts to breath, rain falls softly on my face ,I can taste blood and dirt. My visions blurred but I can just make out that there's a body on me. I try to move but I cant. I look harder to see , its Jessie, he looks to be covered in blood. My heart sinks. . Dear God No....

"Jessie" , I scream shaking and shoveing his lifeless body. God please ,no, no. "Jess please come on", I try to slide out from under his body. When did he get so heavy? my head hurts and is pounding, I grit my teeth, stretch my body rolling to the side. Pain shoots through my lower half. Finally, I am able to move his body off mine.

I grab the side of one of the dumpsters we are behind and start to stand up. Dazed I tried to remember how we got behind the dumpsters. Looking down, I notice my clothes are torn, my shirt hanging wide open, one leg of my pants completely off my leg, the other around my ankle. Rwd scratches covered my body from the waist down. Bite Mark's around my chest and arms. Blood still flowed down my legs.I knew then why my body hurt.

My secret of being a woman was out, I'd been not only raped but severely beaten. Anger, humiliation, fear boiled deep within me. Seeing Jessie's lifeless body, I began to cry, did he try to save me? I knew we couldn't stay here any longer. Lowering my fingers to his neck I felt his pulse. He was alive. Wincing in pain I grabbed him under his arms drug his body across the parking lot to the truck. I hoisted his body into the passenger side and climbed in to the driver seat, grimacing in pain, it hurt to sit, I fought the pain with gritted teeth and sped the truck away.

I dont know if it was from my blurred vision, the searing pain, or the rain, but as we pulled into my cabins driveway, I ran Jsssies truck through the gate. We slid side ways to a stop just feet from my porch. Jessie's body slumped over hitting me in my thighs. I suppose the jolt woke him, his body began to move slightly.

I didnt wait to find out if he was ok, I yanked the passenger door open, grabbed him by the under arms, slammed the door , toted him up the steps and inside , laying him across my couch. My body slid down to the floor. I was exhausted. I'm eyes became heavy and sleep took over.