
Chapter 10 Moments Of Divine Pleasure

It is the first night in my new home. Tyler is up in the main house; I am down here alone. There are so many noises coming from all over the valley. There are crickets, frogs and birds, that I can still deal with. The howling that is just plain scary. I have no idea how someone can live here and not be terrified out of their mind.

I know I said no strings attached; I am going to bend my own rule just a little bit. The lights in the main house are all out; I know he does not lock the doors. I slip on a jersey and head to the top. The door is open; I softly let myself in and make my way to his bedroom. I look over to the bed; he is fast asleep.

I drop my jersey to the floor; I make my way to the bed, slowly lift the covers, steady myself, and get on top of him. His eyes open, it takes him less than a minute to adjust

"For fuck sakes, Jenna."

"What?" I look at him shyly from underneath my fluttering eyelashes.