
Chasing Back My Contract Wife

Alla thought her five-year affair with Casiano would lead to a happily-ever-after, but he left her without a second thought. She accepted her fate with grace and moved on. However, when Alla became engaged to another man, Casiano's possessive side emerged. He couldn't resist claiming her with a fierce and passionate kiss. Now, Alla must decide whether to give in to her old flame's desires or follow her heart to a new future.

Audrey721 · Urban
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369 Chs

She Has Passed Away

By the time Maggie finished reading the letter, she was sobbing uncontrollably.

The bank card enclosed in the envelope was like a dagger, once again stabbing her in the heart, making it hard for her to breathe.

How foolish to worry about her not having money even before death, but...

"Alla, I don't need your money... I just want you back..."

Maggie clutched the envelope, an unprecedented longing filled her mind, making her cry until her heart broke.

Finally, Maggie fell asleep in exhaustion, even in her dreams, it was a scene of Alla coming back.

She was unwilling, her subconscious was full of hopes for Alla to come back, that's why she dreamed of it.

When she woke up and returned to reality, a sense of helplessness as if falling into an abyss occupied her heart, making her feel suffocated.

Her eyes were already swollen to the point of barely opening, she stared blankly at the ceiling, the world was quiet, as if only she was left.