
Chasing Back My Contract Wife

Alla thought her five-year affair with Casiano would lead to a happily-ever-after, but he left her without a second thought. She accepted her fate with grace and moved on. However, when Alla became engaged to another man, Casiano's possessive side emerged. He couldn't resist claiming her with a fierce and passionate kiss. Now, Alla must decide whether to give in to her old flame's desires or follow her heart to a new future.

Audrey721 · Urban
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369 Chs

Mutual Hurt

After wiping his hands, Casiano glanced at the discomposed Alla and remarked coldly, "Did I not warn you to keep away from Keyon?" 

Upon seeing Casiano appear at the Walters' family manor, she had assumed he was here for the soirée, not to confront her. 

He was certainly formidable, having uncovered her dalliance with Keyon in barely a day's time.

Yet, the blame could not truly be laid at her feet. Had it not been for his fiancée, she would have languished at home rather than accompany Keyon to this gathering. 

Alla saw no reason for subterfuge and spoke plainly: "I did intend to distance myself from him, but your betrothed, Ms. Reed, insisted I entertain him. Had I refused, she would have fined me. Thus, I was compelled to defy your admonition and play hostess to him." 

Her implication was clear: if blame must be assigned, direct it at his Ella, not her veiled provocations.