
Chasing Back My Contract Wife

Alla thought her five-year affair with Casiano would lead to a happily-ever-after, but he left her without a second thought. She accepted her fate with grace and moved on. However, when Alla became engaged to another man, Casiano's possessive side emerged. He couldn't resist claiming her with a fierce and passionate kiss. Now, Alla must decide whether to give in to her old flame's desires or follow her heart to a new future.

Audrey721 · Urban
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369 Chs

Alla, I am yours

After the events had unfolded, Alla nestled in his embrace, her hand tenderly caressing his immaculate cheek.

"Why were you so distant towards me just now?"

It was clear he had lost his desire for her, casting her aside into the snow.

His return seemed solely an act of compassion to cover her with a coat, not to take her with him.

Alla understood well; their reunion lacked the previous fervor from Casiano's side.

It was her own fear of losing him that drove her to explain, confess, and approach him with such fervor.

If not for her desperate grasp at hope, Casiano might not have touched her at all...

Deep down, she felt his love and trust remained, yet something had provoked his sudden coldness.

Could it be that upon seeking her, he saw her disguised as her sister, sharing tender moments with Gordon Collins, and thus mistakenly believed she no longer wanted him, choosing to greet her with indifference?