
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

What to do?

"What do you mean by "the last grogg"?" Jade asked.

"I'm not certain..." Captain Drek said as he sat down close to Peter. "But when I interrogated those captured groggs fifteen years ago, one of them said something about the other candidate...."

"Candidate for what?" Saz asked immediately.

"...for kingship. During their battle the other one was left on their planet runes in space."

"There's no way he would have survived, is there?" Casey asked.

"Nah, not without a suit or even oxygen" Billy answered.

"He definitely would have died by asphyxiation. Your blood holds enough oxygen for about 15 seconds of brain activity. After that you'd black out, with complete brain death following within three minutes." Mark explained. "But what if they don't need oxygen. I mean, they're not human?"

"He will still die, getting close to a star in space would burn him to crisp" Dr Bryan said walking into the palace. "For him to get to another planet he would either come across the sun or a star. In other words, if he survives then we'd be up against an apex being."

"Can we not jinx it, let's just think of something more logical." Jade suggested.

"Like... Let's say a planet is right over earth and earth is using a bit of its gravity to pull in some of the other planet's beings." Mark said in a funny tone.

"Umm, is that logical?" Billy asked.


"Jade, i thought you could leave earth...." Saz asked.

"....to other planets not space." Jade answered right away.

"Maybe you should check if there's a planet over earth."Peter asked.

"Wait! So that means it's logical?" Billy asked turning to Jade who just shrugged slightly.

They all stood up and went outside the palace.

Jade stood at the center, he held his hands out and started forming a large crystal covering him. The crystal started turning to dust. After getting to the knee part the crystal began to rebuild itself.

Jade broke out of the crystal.

"What just happened?" Rhen asked, looking puzzled.

"I guess it's because there's no destination over there." Jade said, pointing up to the sky.

"Can't believe we fell for that." Cindy said as they head back into the palace.

"Nevertheless we need to start preparing for what is to c...."

"Wait what about a spaceship?"Dr Bryan asked cutting in to captain Drek.

"Spaceship? Now that you mentioned it, if it's a spaceship Jade won't be able to go there." Mark agreed.

"So we're saying different species of beast are living in harmony on a 'spaceship'? That ain't logical."Billy said.

"What's it with you and logical, you are not giving us a factual theory or hypothesis." Peter stated turning towards Billy as they approached the chairs.

"Anyways, we need to start preparing for what is to come." Captain Drek said.

"What about building a spacesh..."

"Don't you dare complete that sentence." Mark shunned Jade.

"What? Is it that hard?"Jade asked again.

"Jade, building a spaceship is going to take years besides there are not much talented people out there and to top it off we're gonna go broke before we even start." Dr Bryan said as they all sat down.

"Well, whatever it is, as captain Drek said, we need to prepare for it. Jade, I think it's time you do your thing, Mark, get some of those species and try doing some experiment on them, Peter, send backups to Visguard, Billy, we need to report this to the other villages, Cindy, get as much resources as we need to make weapons, Rhen.... Just do your job. " Saz ordered. "This meeting is adjourned."

"Why do I feel like I'm not needed in this plan?" Rhen asked as they all stood up to leave.

"A little advice from your king's advisor, take Racle and Selina out on a picnic" Billy whispered to Rhen's ear as he walk passed her. "That could be considered logical."

"Tch! Whatever."

As the king ordered, everyone got to work. Jade tried to recruit a group of people to be trained as an elite, the other villages were told about the situation while the rest of the pillars just did as they were told.

....Two weeks later....

"Alright, you didn't tell me you were recruiting children too." Saz said in an angry tone.

"Children? You call them children, they are teenagers and mind you they came on their own free will... " Jade argued.

"Whatever your point is, I'm not going to let you turn my kids into some little monsters. We're not even certain of what's up there that we're so scared about." Saz said as he turned towards the group of people in the empty field. "Guriel, Yeln, get over here we're going home."

"But dad ...."

"Say one more word and I'm going to lock you up in your room." Saz said before Guriel could finish his sentence. "Yeln..."

Saz, Guriel and Yeln left the field leaving the rest of the group.

"Well that's it, the five of you would have to rethink your decisions. If you still want to join, gather here in two days time. " Jade said and they all dispersed leaving two candidates remaining.

Racle and Selina walk up to Jade.

"Dad I was wondering what was going to happen but why's the king so protective of Guriel and Yeln?" Racle asked.

"You could say he doesn't want to lose his only heir and I mean Guriel." Jade replied as they walked home.

"What do you mean only heir, Yeln could become the queen if anything." Selina said.

"Selina, you are sixteen, right. Do you think Racle could take your guardian power away from you?" Jade asked.

"Hmm no, even if there's a way, it could disrupt the flow of how it should work." Selina replied.

"Don't you think if Yeln becomes queen she would have to get married and bear her husband's name in other words she would have to live Saz family for another, leaving the thrown empty."

"Now I get it."Racle said, still deep in thought. "But what about Yeln why can't she join us?"

"The thing is the king believes it's better to be at least seventeen before joining the army but...."

"...this is the elite squad. We don't need to follow the normal routine and procedures, Right." Racle continued.

"That's it Racle, even you understand my point." Jade confirmed. "You're really my son."

"Hm, whose son did you think he was?"

"Seriously, Get over here Selina, you this....."



**At the king's castle**

"Don't you dare think of returning to that field, especially you Guriel." Saz ordered as soon as they entered the castle.

Casey came out of the kitchen to meet with the two who were looking sad, she embraced Yeln.

"Mom, why's dad treating us like children?" Yeln asked with tears on her eye.

"Hey come on, your dad is just worried about you." Casey said in a soft tone then she whispered to Yeln's ear. "I'll try talking to him so don't worry."

"Mom!" Guriel shouted. "Why aren't you petting me too, Is it because I'm older? I want to join the squad too."

Casey then walked up to Guriel. "You are a man so stop acting like a kid if you want your dad to succumb to your request."

"(Cries louder) that's harsh, that's harsh..." Guriel cried out as he runs to his room.

"You know he's not gonna let you join if you keep acting like that." Casey shouted from behind.

"Mom, seriously that was harsh." Yeln commented.


