
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

What sort of training....?

Fully entering into the forest, Jade has continuously turned left and right at every rustle of leaves and sound he hears until he laid his eyes on a tiger with three heads coming down a tree.

'Wow!!! Is that the 'Triple headster' I keep hearing about back in the village? I never thought I would be meeting one here.' Jade thought. "I'll make you a stepping stone to my future, eh eh."

Running towards the triple headster beast which looks to be preparing to also charge forward, he put on his knuckle-spiked gloves that he uses when training.

Getting into range, Jade shot out fire from his fist which soon disappeared before he could realize. The middle head of the beast absorbed it into it mouth.

'I guess this is where I rely on melee attacks and brute strength'

After absorbing all the fire energy, the beast had continued to charge forward. In a second, the triple headster was within range of eating away jades hand, when he swung his body to the left and manage to land a punch covered in fire to the head at the left side of the beast which made it jump backward.

The blow had cause a large burn on the beast face which scraped half side of it outer face skin, revealing the brownish teeth and skeleton.

"Now that's what I call a dangerous melee!! Eh eh eee." Jade rejoice.

Before Jade could take notice, the triple headster middle head has chopped on his right hand, bitting into it hungrily.

"Darn it!"

Jade shot out another load of fire into it head which exploded within a second.

The death of the middle part of the triple headster caused the whole beast to collapse to the floor, slightly shivering.

While Jade who had sat down on the floor, close to a tree to relax was breathing heavily from the excruciating pain, trying to come up with what to do about the pain. Before he knew it, the triple headster was already standing up again.

"What! You are still not dead.... Don't tell me this thing has three lives." Jade complained. "Now, how do I deal with such monster. Wherever you are Saz, I hope you are struggling as much as I am. "


Rhen has come a long way, deep into the forest and is battling a 'muslarch' beast, a beast without eyes, using the smell of it's surrounding to hunt for prey. An animal with threatening muscles all over it body.

Usually, muslarch hunts in parks of five which makes them all the more dangerous.

'how do I deal with this number of muslarch' Rhen thought, holding her sword forward which was covered in fire with both hands.

Rhen wasn't a warrior type, actually, she wanted to join the soldiers so as to become a weapon forger for them. With this she would get really famous in the village, and this was her own goal, always. To become a famous forger just like her dad.

Still putting up her fighting stance and surrounded by the muslarch, Rhen was trying to come up with some sort of plan.

Four of the beasts dashed towards her, leaving one that looks to be the leader of the park behind.

'alright, all I need to do is bring them into a single file, that way I can concentrate on each one at a time. It doesn't look like they are any stronger individually.' Rhen thought, taking a deep breath.

When the muslarch came into range, she spread the fire, allowing it to surround her as she jumped out of the circle. Leaving the beasts to collide into each other.

'Now, moving on to the next step'

Rhen sprinted forward and swung her sword to the first beast to turn around, slicing it head in a clean hit.

"Wow! That was easy."

The rest of the beasts charged forward altogether. 'oh boy!' Swinging the blade, expecting the same result, the sword got stuck on one of the beast's fangs.

The beast pulled the sword out of her hands and flung it backward close to where the park leader was, leaving her to use direct attacks while the other kept on their pace,

"Oh boy, this ain't easy."


While Saz got surrounded by the three Earres', he plans to attack the Earres' off guard since they all really rely on their speed, the problem is how to go about it as he has become the center of concentration.

One of the Earres jumped forward opening it mouth, Saz swung his foot covering it with fire hitting the Earres on it neck. Before he could recover his balance, the other two was already biting on his shoulder, breaking his silver shoulder guild and piercing into his scapula with their fangs.

'sh*t! This wasn't the plan.' Saz thought, as he held their heads in position and burnt both of their heads till it disconnected from their bodies. "But a distraction is always a distraction,if I can't get to you then I'll just make you come to me." he said, sitting down on the floor.

The beast which he kicked at first was still hatefully grimacing at him from afar.

"I guess it's a good thing we have Mrs Lillian."Saz said, standing to finish what he started.

The Earres charged forward again but this time Saz was already close to it throat again, without waisting time he poured out loads of fire to the same point where he previously attacked, killing the beast instantly.

'that was really tough,....' Saz thought, wobbling to the ground because of the effect of the bites on his shoulders as he said 'what sort of training did I pick'.


After tying his torn cloth to the injury on his wrist, Jade stood up steering at the triple headster, though the centre head of the beast was hanging on to the body, dead, the others was still looking at Jade dead in his eyes.

'I wonder where such beast comes from' Jade thought, focusing on the beast. ' And is this even a training if our lives is kinda on the line.'

Hitting his fist into his palm, he charged towards the triple headster, but this time he was a bit faster than the last time.

'Wow! I think I just got faster' Jade wondered, smiling to himself.

Though, it wasn't much but that's all Jade needed to finish this 'life-experience training.' In a short time he was right in front of the triple headster launching his right hand towards the beast.


Rhen, a daughter of a great forger in the village. She wasn't really good at direct melee attacks, relying on her self-forged sword.

After her sword got pulled out of her hands, she did everything to get it back but to no avail.

All she could think of was to run back to the village, probably someone stronger might help with killing them.

Running out of the forest, on the field was Jade tending properly to the injury on his wrist. By his side was something that looks to be a tiger with three heads.

Rhen shouted to him.."hey Jade, please I need your help over here. "

Recognizing the voice, Jade rose his gaze towards Rhen only to realize it not yet 'break time'.

"Jeez! What do you think you're doing Rhen? You want to get us killed?" Jade questioned, putting back on his knuckle-spiked gloves. 'I guess this is my time to shine, I'm going to save you Rhen and then you'll surely fall for me, eh eh eee'.he thought.

"Hey idiot, are you helping me or not?" Rhen shouted, making Jade come out of his daze.

He ran towards her in a fast pace that didn't go unnoticed. Rhen jumped out of the way leaving the quads in view. "So much for surpassing our limit, did you hit yours" he mumbled

Jade slide on the ground to the center of the beast', putting out both of his hands in a claw-like way equipped with fire. He cleared off their feet, making them stumble to the ground.

He quickly got up his feet and pounced on each one of them, burning them to crisp.

"*Sighs* that was a bit easier." Jade realized, turning back to Rhen who seems to be stunned by his unexpected improvement. "Do you mind helping me with this, I kinda got injured back in the forest?" Jade asked, raising his right hand to show his wrist.

"Yeah sure, why not, come here." Rhen answered, looking around. "And eh, what about Saz, I thought he would be the first to get here ?".

"I thought so too but I'm sure he's alright, if he doesn't get back here in ten minutes time we'll go find him."

"I agree. So what do you think about these beast'? Don't you think they kind of keep to each other's territory?"

"Now that you make mention of it, some beast just kept steering at me without attacking, i thought they were afraid or something, but I think you're right, they are terrirorian beast. " Jade confirmed.

" I just hope Saz isn't in trouble."

"I assure you, he isn't. Don't worry, he's our prince."

They both sat down close to each other at one corner of the field waiting for Saz while Jade got his wrist taking care of by Rhen.

"This should be enough, later, we'll go see Mrs Lillian, she should be able to fix it cleanly" Rhen assured, smiling towards Jade.

'who would ever believe a goddess is residing in a village like this, so beautiful.' Jade thought, blushing as his face turned red.

" Hey, are you blushing?"

"What! Me, no, no I'm not."

"Of course you are."

"I said I'm not"

