
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The D-day

At the dawn of the third day, the sun dawned and all the participants for the expedition were gathered at the front of the castle listening to the rules and instructions, while the rest of the soldiers remained at the base. The instructions were just an elaboration of what knight Roger explained to the other three groups. He also talked about how this year's expedition is about uncovering the mystery behind the south wasteland.

All the participants were putting on the village's special battle suit, black protective gear with fire designs on it, technologically enhanced to resist attacks to a certain degree and also their back parks containing food pills, preserved foods with water, the village's map and some blankets.

After all said and done, the king also gave them a briefed speech, then they all readied themselves to set out with captain Drek being there commander and leader.

Walking through the street, all the traders and bystanders were hailing the small army, making Saz and the rest nervous.

Exiting Takeki village from the open ground at the end of the street was another mind-blowing view of the world.

Skyscrapers from Visgard city at the far North could be seen, forest at the right that spread wild and broad down to the South and then the view of the other two villages, Razeki and Maneki, their rivals.

Apart from the soldiers and Jade, the rest of the group haven't really seen this amazing sites and changes since the world became divided.

Going through the forest at the right, their journey began.

Slowly and steady they were traveling, defeating every beast they encountered. When it gets dark, they would usually set camp.

Five days later they finally came out of the forest to a desert, arriving at their destination, the South. Everything was a complete ruin with a large abandoned castle at the center.

Looking at the castle's surrounding from a dune, they were seeing green human figures with spikes running from their shoulders to their wrists putting on only trousers that were torn up to the shin part.

Captain Drek started observing the beasts till he finally laid a finger on it. But it was too late as they started hearing loud approaching step of the unknown being from behind.

"Everybody run, run! It's a grogg." Captain Drek shouted.

The beings known as groggs were just few inches taller than an average human but very huge.

Seeing this grogg, a shiver went through all their spines and without a second thought they took to their feet.

Running pass the other groggs below the dune which seems not to care they realize just how huge the castle was.

Not having time to be amazed, they all ran into the castle door. Everywhere was as dark as a night without a moon, pitch black.

They lighted fire on their palm to view the place and even then, Drek the captain who was at the front, without realizing it stepped on a button on the floor.

Rumbling was heard and before they knew, the place started to change form like a maze, doors was opening from different directions, the floor was swallowing them one by one and after thirty seconds of constant rumbling, it stopped, leaving few others there.

Without knowing what to do, the ones still remaining decided to stick together and follow a certain door. Walking through the maze-like castle, captain Drek was trying to confirm those that got separated from them and this included eight soldiers, Rhen, Jade, peter, Casey and billy.


Coming out from an underground part of the castle was Jade and three other soldiers. They found themselves in an arsenal filled with ancient weapons. Worst of all was someone that seems to be observing them, a grogg.

"Hey guys, we've got company." The grogg said, smiling at them.

"What! They...they can talk!"Jade exclaimed stutteringly, looking at the other soldiers who just shrugged slightly.

Immediately, the door swung open and two other groggs entered.

"Well well, and what do we have here?" One of them said.

"Em, what was it again.... groggs, yeah groggs, shouldn't we all just work together to get out of this trap." Grizz, a man with bushy brow and bald head said, stepping in front of the others.

"Ah ah ah, work with you! Ah ah ah...."The grogg said.

Before anyone would notice the grogg held the soldier's head and smashed it with one hand killing Grizz instantly.

" I guess they're aggressive beings." Jade declared, firing beams of fire as a distraction."Get out here now." He shouted.

"What! We can't leave you he..." One of the other soldiers said.

"Sh*t! Just get out." Jade shouted again, interrupting the soldiers.

The two soldiers quickly ran pass the three groggs and out of the door leaving Jade behind.

"Hm, fire abilities, this is useless against us you know?" One of the groggs said in disgust, walking forward.

"I actually know idiot!"Jade said, running pass them with great speed.

The groggs came out of the arsenal and started chasing after the trio.

Without wasting much time Jade caught up with the other two, which was a surprise.

"Seems like we've got a runner in Takeki." One of the other soldier said.

After coming a long way they ended up in a dead end, a place filled with flowers and blue lights around the walls.

"Damn! A dead end. Who even have the time to plants such flowers in an underground building." Jade asked, cutting off one clover.

The other two was also observing the flowers but immediately Jade cut off the clover the lights went off.

"Hey, what did you do?!" A soldier asked, sounding scared.

"I...I didn't do anything."Jade answered.

They quickly came out of the room, halting as they saw the three groggs approaching them.

"I guess we would have to fight our way out of here." The other soldiers said, ready to fight.


Just the same time Jade and the three soldiers came out of the arsenal room another group of three soldiers along with Rhen and Peter was also trapped in a library room.

In front of them was two groggs observing them. Rhen along with one other soldier brought out their swords while peter also removed his chain and held it with both hands, the rest just remained standing, ready to fight at any time.

"So, let me guess, those weapons are what you want to use in fighting us, come on! Just give up and come with us. At least, me and my man here might even rise up the ladder." One of the groggs said, turning to the other one.

"Oh boy! They can even talk and they seem to have intelligence." Rhen said, tilting her head.

"And what will happen to us if we come with you?" Rick, the soldier with sword asked.

"Why don't you find out when we get out of this crazy trap." The grogg said, smirking at them.

"Don't tell me we are going to follow them." Peter shouted, waiting for a response.

"I guess, but that's if this castle brought us down here for no reason." Rick whispered to peter. " Now let's see what this castle has to offer."he concluded.



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