
Chapter 1 - First Taste

Walking into the bar Aaron could tell it was a piece of shit. The smell of mold lied heavily in the air, looking over at the bar he could see about 3 people, a lanky guy with a hoodie on, chatting casually with the bartender on the far left. A bigger, colored man on the right on his what seemed to be 11th drink while sobbing, and a smaller guy seeming to be his follower. Helping the guy as he cried heavily into his arm, rubbing circles into his back and whispering kind words to him. Aaron approached the bar and sat down, grumbling about his day, he hunted a shiny Snorlax all day and the 1 he got to spawn ran away. Ordering a small glass of Fireball and looking at the 2 colored gentlemen. He nodded slightly and spoke up first "Hello there, I'm assuming you're friend here had a bad day?" He inquired in a curious tone. The smaller one looked over and scowled "No shit Sherlock, William here has had the worst day ever!" He exclaimed. William, so his name is, continued sobbing loudly into his arm. The lanky fellow got up and left, waving a goodbye to the bartender. Aaron was confused by the smaller male "What happened?" He inquired, genuinely intruiged by this. The shorter male sighed and shook his head "I don't know what happened man, all I know is he told me that today is the worst day ever and to meet him here." He explained in a mildly worried voice, why did he sound so young, he was now looking at William with worry reflecting in his eyes. William finally raised his head and looked at the shorter male "Arreis, I dropped from Master to Silver!!!" William exclaimed loudly, waving his arms about to further exaggerate his point. Aaron looked at William in worry "I'm sorry what?" He asked simply, his confusion only growing. William looked over at him "None of your business!" He cried out. The bartender gave a warning to calm down a bit and Aaron and Arreis nodded. William started shouting for more alcohol and the bartender shook his head "No I'm cutting you off, now get out of here I have to close up." He nodded to the door and William sighed heavily. Aaron got up to leave and left enough to pay for his drink and walked out, shaking his head at the weird to males he met today. He went home, opening the door and taking his shoes off, laying on his couch with a groan,