

The sky was damp but soon turned bright as the sunlight shone above the city.

Su Corporation.

Two black BMWs halted just in front of the imposing enormous skyscraper. From the driver's seat, a man in black came out and briskly proceeded toward the back seat. He opened the door with the black leather gloves in his hand and bowed.

All the employees were inside forlornly awaiting the president. The last they heard, the president was blind and incompatible with the business. What now?

Outside the building, a black shimmering shoe was out followed by another. The door to the seat opened widely and a poised peerless man receded out.

"Master" The driver respectfully inclined his head.

The employees inside the building gasped in shock. For the first time seeing the president's face upfront, they were captivated. His set of grey-blue eyes was so radiating and bewitching.

"No need for the introduction" Alex adjusted the Rolex around his wrist and scratched the bridge of his nose. He aloofly looked around and frowned "Old Man, you Sly granny" he cussed inwardly.

Assistant Lui came out of the other car with Elder Su, who still looked dominating like ever.

"Stupid grandson, welcome back to the land of the living" Elder Su patted his shoulder causing Alex's brows to tighten. He continued "You'd better return my beautiful granddaughter-in-law to the mansion" he whispered.

"Second young master...Master, I should get you to a better shade, the sun is scorching today" Assistant Lui told them. Though he was in his mid-thirties, his whole countenance and aura were so refreshing making him look ten years younger than his age.

Alex arrogantly brushed off the pat his grandfather had given him and adjusted his suit. Coldly, he took his legs towards the company.

The entrance and the vast hallway of the skyscraper were decorated with beautiful Lilacs and fresh blue blossoms with other alluring and pleasing decorations. At the entrance, the employees waiting bowed their heads in unison and greeted the moment the president and formal chairman was in.

"Welcome Mr Alex"

Assistant Lui quickly signalled them to leave and attend to their work. The female employees were reluctant to leave as they felt the enchanting face would never be seen again. Chillily, the assistant glared at them, and out of fear, they dissipated but this didn't go unnoticed by Alex. He frowned but overlooked it.

The three men entered the elevator to the third floor which was the CEO's office. All through the ride, Alex maintained his stoic expression. Finally, they got to the floor. With a fast pace and not to mention his long slender legs, Alex got to the office before the rest. He opened the iron door and got in relentlessly.


The employee's floor.

"OMG!!! Mr Alex is hot...did you fucking see those eyes? It was intimidating" A young blonde wearing a white shirt and a brown pencil skirt announced to her co-workers.

"Yeah yeah but too bad, he is blind....a blind person is impossible to achieve anything. If only handsome CEO Mark was back" A brunette man typing on the computer nonchalantly spoke. He was the gossiping parrot in the building and most importantly, he was gay and like the first master of the Su.

"CEO Mark lost his wife, didn't you know of it? And let me tell you, no one knows how she died...for six months, CEO Mark went missing. We all thought he was dead.....Daniel, the walls have ears, I advise you to watch what you say" Another young woman spoke with a warning.

Daniel sneered "The Su family have a terrible secret which they are hiding from the world. Rich people are suckers you know"

The blonde woman walked to his table and slapped his head with the files in her hands "You walk under the suckers?" She eyed him and went back on with her work.

"But President is very handsome and charming" The blonde woman dreamily thought of him again but the others sighed and shook their heads.

Daniel looked ahead of the computer. He saved the document he had been working on and went straight to google. He had a feeling something wasn't right with the Su family. He touched the search button and typed out the words 'Mark Su'

Soon faces of the first master of the Su family popped out. He stroll down and saw a confusing picture. The picture showed the faces of two tranquil and delighted adults. The man kissed the woman's lips with his hands caressing her belly.

What did it mean?

He read the bold writings under the picture.

'MARK SU AND HIS BEAUTIFUL WIFE, ACTRESS VICTORIA BLOOM' He adjusted his reading glasses and strolled down for more clues. Of a sudden, a touch on his cut hair scared him. He reflexly removed that page and opened his document page.

"Hey lover boy, you seem so intoxicated...I felt suspicious...what were you doing?" A blue-eyed man patted Daniel's hair. The latter threw his hand off and yelled "Fuck off...the hell is wrong with you, Aygo"

"Whatever" Aygo raised his hand in defeat and meaningfully went back to his seat.


Back in the Villa

May had slept from vomiting and tiredness. Five hours after, she woke up feeling extremely hungry. The pregnancy was killing her. She wondered how her biological mother had to take a girl like her. Probably, she was disobedient, that's why they had thrown her to the orphanage.

'May, you should feed yourself and the baby...staying here feels like prison'

She rubbed her head and left the room. Her shaken legs took her down the stairs.

Exhausted, she fell flat on the bed and cussed "Shit!!! When did you become lazy? Look what that sadistic has turned you into"

She spoiled and pouted her lips as if she was about to cry.

Luckily, she spotted Nanny Janet entering the house with three paper bags in her hands. When the two looked at each other, May sniffed and began sobbing.

"I am wronged"

Nanny Janet narrowed her brown eyes and hurriedly dropped the bags in the kitchen. She poured water into a glass and handed it over to the weeping woman.

"Young Mistress, you should not cry...the baby will be affected by the dull mood. Tell me, what's wrong?"

May sniffed and complained like a wronged child "I am starving and every hour I vomit or sleep. What is going on with my body? I hate the sickening feeling...I am uncomfortable, please do something" She unpredictably embraced the older woman and complained further "And I feel like a prisoner...I want to see the City *sniff* I want to see my family...I want to be free but that sadistic blind mutt wouldn't grant me that wish *sniff"

May rubbed her red nose and looked at the stunned woman "You know how obedient I have been right? And I am pregnant but not once has that man ever made me happy. All he does is get on my nerves or he would anger or get head to head with me" She innocently counted the number of times Alex had offended her "He is not a true man because a true man is one who would make his woman happy b...but do you see me happy now...I feel awful" She pouted "Take me out of here...you are like a mother to me" She blinked her eyes trying to convince the woman.

Nanny Janet touched her hair and sighed "About the second master not being a true man, I think that child already proved if he is a man or not"

"AUNTY JANET!!! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE" May's ears and face were flushed and flustered. She covered her red face and groaned.

Nanny Janet began caressing her hair, cheering her up "You must have a grudge against the second young master. Master Alex is a kind-hearted man and very honest. He may be cold, tough and hard to understand, but he is one of the great people in the world and young madam is very lucky to have him"

" *Cough* Aunty Janet, can you not speak off? I will be grateful if you'd spared my life.....you call that man great? That sadistic grumpy man. Do you have any idea of what I have been through with him? He is a psycho. A freak who needs to be checked. First, he wanted me out of his life but then he married me. I haven't seen a narcissist like him before...Well, maybe brother Xavier but.....you know never mind, you are of no help to me. You don't even understand the girl code"

Nanny Janet chuckled "Girl code?"

"Are you making fun of me? You Old Woman" May rolled her eyes and harrumphed.

"Young madam...."

"Can you stop calling me that? I feel weird...May...call me May" May told.

Nanny Janet smiled "I wish you will be patient with the young master...right now what he truly needs is company and that is you......May. You and the baby are the only families he has. He loves you, he may not have said it but I can feel it. His feelings for you are pure and genuine. Give him a chance"

All her expressive words felt like lullabies to May. She felt a chunk in her stomach, instantly, she ran to the guest rooms hurried to the bathroom, opened the toilet seat and vomited whatever she had eaten in the morning.

"Argh!!! Not again please *Bleh*"