

The wind whistled in the cold aether that evening and the birds in the sky all gathered around in an aeroplane formation. The clouds turned foggy and wet and the temperature in the sky was humid. Underneath, city lights braced and glimmered the entire sequestered abode.

By the side of the road, a pitch-black BMW halted. Men in black receded out of the car. The hollow cries of a baby were soon heard but the men remained resolute about it. The man lifting the baby wrapped in a white fluffy shawl stepped forward and crossed the road along with two other men.

Ahead was a medium building that had a slogan called 'END ABLEISM AND ABLEIST'. On top of the building was a slant rectangular board written as 'HOME OF THE DISABLED ( CLARA'S ACCESSIBLE HOME)'. Another board a bit lower was written 'WELCOME ABOARD' 

The man sneered and thought 'You are better off here than been killed by your own biological father'

He quietly collected the basket from the blonde man beside him and dropped it on the cold floor. He gently placed the crying baby inside it. His eyes were mist but his hands were tied. Taking one last look at the pretty crescent dark eyes, he signalled the men. They left.

The city light began to dim as the evening turned to night. The depressing cries of the baby were so loud that residents in the area began having difficulty sleeping.


By the porch of the disabled home, a young boy in his early seventh sneaked out of his room to get a glimpse of the stars. His legs hadn't reached the dark canopy when the tired cries reached his ears. His eyes widened in shock when he looked outside with a stretched leg to a basket.

He took slow steps towards the basket, his dainty self feeling cold and worried both at the same time. He clenched his hands behind the green sweater he had on.


His heart almost dropped by the cry. The seven-year-old boy was always quiet and stern. He finally stopped at the baby inside the basket. His distant peerless countenance was dark and unpredictable but the moment those crazily adorable eyes met his, his heart sped rapidly.

He had never seen a beautiful baby like her before. 

The wind howled around and it looked like the rain was about to fall but it didn't.

As if she noticed someone's presence, the baby blinked her eyes and stopped crying. She looked at the person staring at her. Her dark eyes sparkled and in no time, she giggled and cooed in her babyish voice. She raised her legs and arms waiting for something.

Unfortunately, the grey-blue-eyed boy didn't get her meaning but he couldn't get his eyes off her. He frowned his face and so did the little girl. He rolled his eyes and so did the girl. He stuck out his tongue and so did she do trying to stick her tongue out. She opened her lips weirdly and cooed. The boy curled his lips upward by her cute attics but he composed himself. 

The baby cooed again and began smiling trying to clap her hands. The boy couldn't resist her cute charm and laughed his heart out. Unknown to him that people in the house were observing him, and his merry laugh filled the air.

The people behind him were all smiles as it was the first time they had heard him laugh.

From the view, two kids were laughing happily.


"And who do we have here?" The matron, Miss Clara along with two other women walked towards the two. "Xander" She called. The grey-blue-eyed boy looked at her with a deep frown.

"You sneaked out again? It's not a good thing....bad thing...a very bad thing" Miss Clara shifted her gaze from him to the baby in the basket. She squatted to the ground to lift the child up but just as her arms were about to touch her, the baby was out of the basket and her arms were left mid-air.



The other two guardians watched the scene with a shocked and unbelievable expressions.

"S...she is mine...i ... I found her first. I...will be her friend" Xander stammered. He lowered his head to the baby in his arms. His eyes softened tremendously.

Miss Clara smiled heartily and stood upright. 

"She will be your friend then but she has to be registered first....then you two can get along" She smiled at him and tried to touch his hair but he was too fast to move away and secured the baby in his chest.

Miss Clara signalled the guardians to leave. Left alone with the two kids, she crossed her arms around her chest.

"You are possessive of your new friend?"

Xander nodded and kissed the baby's head.

"And if she is disabled like the others, will you distance yourself from her? For a social phobia like you....can you take care of her? Are you worthy of it? Just hand her over to me" Miss Clara remained her soft face as she muttered harshly. She knew what she was doing.

Xander paused, his eyes dissolute and austere, he glance at the girl looking at him. 

"I...i...will try. She is cute and I met her first...I want to care for her all my life...I will love her more than myself" The twenty-eight-year-old woman laughed out with a bewildered look. 

Scoffing, she asked "Do you love yourself? You lock yourself in the room all day and leave at night....how are you going to care for the beautiful baby girl when you despise yourself? Xander, you aren't worthy of her...she deserves someone better like...Drake, Katy or Cullen"

"Noooo!! I am worthy of her...I will love her for the rest of my life...she will be my beautiful may. She will be 'MAY'...My May. I will love myself from now on. She will only be mine...JUST MINE" He tightened his hold around her and smiled.

Miss Clara hadn't experienced such before. For the two years, she knew Xander loved darkness, and never wanted closeness with anyone. But tonight, he indeed was out of the bag. She wondered who that baby was....who left her and why? Was she disabled? She looked like a newborn baby.

"You named her May? Why?" The woman was curious. She never had a heart-to-heart talk with him like this.

Xander bit his lips and touched the baby's cheek "She will become my May because it is the month of may I met her and she looks cute...I remembered my mother say May kids are the cutest" All the while, his eyes were on the girl who was smiling cheekily and cooing at him.

Miss Clara smiled happily "Then she is all yours to care for"

Xander beamed brightly. He kissed the girl's cheeks and announced to her heartily "May, I will be your one and only friend".


Two years passed.

Two tiny legs were trying to catch up with the long legs running away from her.


"Catch me little pumpkin" The boy challenged "If you do, you will get huge kisses from your brother Xander"

The little girl giggled and cried "Kiss....m...May....kiss....wants.....kiss"

The other children looked at the scene with envy and bitterness. Miss Clara was also watching by the side, her chest heaved up and down from distress but she tried to calm herself. Those two had been too whipped for each other.


A few months after.

A fire broke out in the house. A young boy was yelling and shouting out a name but his mouth was sealed by a man in black.

"Young master, you have to return to your family"

The boy wriggled out of the tight grasp and ran into the house. He needed to search for his little pumpkin. His May.

"May, where are you? Your Xander is here....please come out. I am very scared...I need you little pumpkin. Don't break your Xander's heart...I am sorry for avoiding you but please May......May...COUGH COUGH" He was inhaling a lot of smoke. His eyes clouded moistly. He fell to the ground and coughed out "MAY!!!" and fainted.

"Little pumpkin, I will find you...wherever you are....you can't separate from me" He mumbled and shut his eyes.


Alex opened his eyes and scoffed painfully.

"All I got, in the end, was hatred....little pumpkin. Our child in there will be born without his mother...if that's what you want"

He stared at the stars outside the opened window. Quietly, he removed her hands from his chest and left. He closed the windows and the curtains and returned the room's temperature to a lower degree.

He glanced over at the woman who was sleeping as usual like how she used to. She was sleeping on her chest and caressing the pillow beside her.

'May, you have always been my pumpkin and will forever be...I fucking don't care about this Xavier of yours. You have always been mine and forever will be'



