

While the Grand Tisza Villa was being peaceful, somewhere in the middle of the city. The wind vanes moved to a light breeze. Light, almost quiet rustling of leaves and small wavelets began to form. As strong as the wind howled, it slightly blew off the dust, loose paper and leaves from the ground.

The whistling of the wind in the air immensely caused the twigs to begin to break off trees.

On the corner of the road, men on black motorcycles circled a man. They all had helmets on, covering their faces.

"You are alone, so benefitting" A man spoke out and pointed the pistol at the man in the middle, who looked nothing else but unbothered by their threats. His expression was cold and unreadable. The strong wind blew lightly into his ponytail hair. His blue eyes looked everywhere but the intruders.

"Still stupid as ever" The man with the gun scoffed. He knitted his brows and smiled before laughing out. The other men on their motorcycles felt bewildered and disappointed by their boss' reaction.

"Long time no see, when as it been since that faithful day? Two years?" The man returned his gun to his pants pocket and came out of the bike. He walked over to the blue-eyed man and embraced him tightly as if two lovers had been reunited.

"Adrain....oh no, I mean Orlando...you look quite handsome" 

"Of course, he is because he is my best friend"  A man came out of the shadows and a wide smile was plastered on his lips. "Adrain, wifey....why did you meet this man behind my back? I am hurt wifey" Zach pouted his lips and wrapped his arms around the man's waist.

Two sets of angry yet calm eyes glared at his arms, and with a slight chuckled, he retreated "Hahahahaha, wifey, don't be shy. Is it because he is here? Key, you scared my baby...how dare you?"

Key fixed his sight on Adrain and then to Zach.

"You two are still in touch? So Alex is......." His eyes flew wide open.

"Correct, that blind narcissist man is still our friend" Zach spoke proudly.

If a stranger from behind saw all of this, they would think the men were crazy to be chit-chatting in the middle of the road and the middle of the night. 

"Wifey, let's go to the club, I miss that place....we could......Ouch!!!" Adrain threw him a punch on the face and cursed "Fuck off you sicko and nice meeting you again Key but I hate your arrival"




The loud bustling sound of rock n roll music filled the club.

A fair woman entered the club and took her heels to the bartender mixing cocktails. She sat on one of the empty seats and scanned the room. Her mind was muddled and disorganised, she needed to find peace. She glanced over at her phone and frowned.

'Stupid girl, how can you leave your best friend and run away?'

The bartender tapped beside her and said "Would you like Margarita?"

The woman smiled and him, her red lips seemingly seductive. She popped her head upward and smirked "Well, we have a hot chap in the room"

The bartender tilted his head and got to business. He took a glass from the shaft. He created a salted rim (Coat rim of a glass with salt) and filled it with ice. He smoothly took a shaker and added 2 oz of agave tequila, 1 oz of Cointreau, and 1 oz of lime juice and ice before vigorously shaking it.

The woman smirked and fixed her eyes on his muscular arms and biceps. The bartender was half-naked causing the ladies to scream over him.

"Ahhhhh, he is so hot"

"I want a drink from him too"

The lady hissed and rolled her eyes at the shameless some behind him.

So the glass and uniquely garnished with lime slices.

Spectacular. Rebecca, you will fucking enjoy this evening. She giggled inwardly.

There was a massive number of crowds, she felt safe when she took the glass of Margarita and gulped it down in one go. Her face flushed slightly. She thanked the man and handed him her card "Call me anytime" Her smile broadened.

She took her hand over to her tied hair and released the curly brown hair until it touched her shoulder, her dark green eyes scanned the room in search of a male prostitute. She draped her head with red silk.

'I have become reckless without you...stupid woman but never mind...I will just enjoy the night' She laughed out and joined the crowd shaking their a**es.

Her dancing went along with the loud banging, roaring melodious music … She raised softly curved arms, and a myriad of silver bangles jangled to the rhythm of the mounting beat. Only her green feline eyes were visible above the diaphanous red silk draped loosely about her head and across the lower half of her face. A red peasant blouse slipped down one shoulder, sparking the imaginations of her hushed, perverted male audience. Inky tresses swirled about her undulating hips, hips that invited a man’s caress. … She pivoted abruptly and dashed into the oblivion of the night.

"Woooooooooaaaaaaaah I am spinning" She yelled out and continued swaying her hips seductively and enticingly. Her green eyes fixated on the men by the booth. She nakedly f**k them with her eyes and left the dancing floor. The perverted men's shoulders dropped with disappointment and dissatisfaction when she left.


Zach was kissing a woman o his lap and making lewd noises that the man beside him got irritated of it. He shot him a deadly glare and warned "Get a room and do whatever...Zach, my warning, my rules...remember" The most intimidating thing about Adrain was that, when he was angry, his expression was always calm. For the past half an hour his stupid friend had been kissing the woman unstoppable.

"Such a bore...you ruined my fun" Zach paused and gestured for the lady to leave. Her black boots and sexy thigh enticed him but he forced himself to look away. Almost immediately, he noticed eyes on him and looked at the person. His eyes narrowed and his lips curled upward.

"Fuck, do you see that woman? China is so dope...I am gonna have a f***ing sweet night" Zach wrapped his arms around Adrain feeling exuberant. His excitement increased when that woman was approaching them. Unknown to him, Adrain had long noticed her. From the time she entered and when she chucked down that Margarita.

His blue eyes pierced her as if he wanted her out of the world. He shook his head and looked over at his phone that binged.

Rebecca forcefully carried herself towards the men inside the booth and smiled brightly. As she was heavily drunk, she staggered and unintentionally fell against Adrain. The crowds didn't notice anything as they were immersed in their own time. But Zach dilated his pupils and cussed "S*it Shit, she is dead"

He quickly sneak a peek at his friend and prayed the beautiful woman wouldn't be sent out in a corpse.

Meanwhile, Adrain was typing something on his phone when all of a sudden, he felt something heavy on him. He looked down and saw the previous lady. His calm nerves momentarily flaunted and he pushed her off.

"As expected" Zach chuckled. He hated it when women threw themselves at that hopeless man when he was proud. For a playboy like him, his job was to tame them and at that moment, he was hoping to help her as well.

"Beautiful, what's your name?" He touched her arms but the woman, out of reflex, threw a punch at his nose and eyed him "Shhhhhhhhh, I am busy here"

Zach cussed and touched his almost broken nose "Fuck it....f*ck...f*ck"

Rebecca in her revelling state pouted her lips and pointed at Adrain "You seem clean...I want you....this is a clean deal, I get you and you have a sexy woman for the entire night"

Every time she lifted her lips upward to a bright smile, her peerless green eyes would shine radiating and make any man want her badly but Adrain...Oh NO, Orlando Bloom, he was different...very different. Right now, he felt nothing at all...like how Zach was aroused, none of his complete man sense was shaken. He threw her a cold look but the stubborn woman didn't yield.



Adrain growled inwardly and pushed the woman off but she remained her stand. Zach shook his head "What's the fuss about? She is a neat chick man...just have her and get it done with....you aren't a saint yourself old fool....remember those blonde chicks you'd f*cked...think of her as one of them...."

Adrain threw his car keys at him "F*ck you!!"

"Not bad though, I would like to be f*cked by you...I accept any gender handsome" Zach winked at him "Well, I will leave her to you....she's all yours, so damn lucky"