


Su Mansion.

Sitting and having a serious discussion were Old Su, Mason and Mark's father. They had stern expressions on their faces. Meanwhile, the women in the house except for Barb were exceedingly preparing breakfast for the first time. Inside the exclusively usual maintained and imposing kitchen, the floor was now stained with Thai shrimp paste that looked burnt. Drops of egg yolks and bread crumbs littered the white furnished counter. Even worse, the already chopped veggies were scattered all around.

The maids behind the masterminds, all lowered their heads to hide their laughter.

"This is so bad" Isabella complained, her round eyes looking dejected "I destroyed it...again". Gloria took the apron off her mother and smiled "Mother, we told you not to enter the kitchen...even father forbad you but you still...don't feel bad now" She tried to pacify her mother "The true fact is...."

Isabella stared at her daughter as she anticipated the completed sentence.

"You can't cook"

"Pfft" Suzy burst into laughter.

"Brat, are you insulting or consoling me?" Isabella's face was unrelenting.

Gloria shrugged her shoulders "I am only saying the truth....the women in this family can't cook, it's already been passed from generations....have you forgotten mother? Besides, father kept a huge delirious food to himself and that's YOU!!"

"Now you are teasing me, you brat....how old are you exactly? Twenty-three, yet you have no man...not a single male friend at all"

Suzy smiled at the affectionate duo of mother-daughter cute conflict. Her lips curled upward bitterly as she removed the apron around her neck and strode out of the kitchen, receding from view, noticed or unnoticed.

"Mark hasn't been home for a month now...where has that rascal disappeared to this time?" Elder Su complained to his second son. Mark's father. As the kitchen was in another room apart from the living room and Suzy came from behind, she heard his words causing her feet to come to a halt. Unknown, her heart pricked and skipped a slight beat.

"Father, I called him but his phone wouldn't go through....the men searched the entire city for him, checked every passenger's name in every airport station but in vain"

Suzy blinked her eyes.

"Is it because of me? He really wants me away" She sadly mused to herself, her eyes unexpectedly welled up in tears.

"Your son should better take responsibility and must never hurt that young lad's heart" Elder Su's voice was cold and filled with a menacing warning. His two sons could understand because for the months Suzy had stayed with them, he had become fonder of her and her presence.

Suzy took her eyes away and turned to leave. But just then, the door opened, with a man falling back in and landing on the floor.



Guiding her slowly inside, Alex wrapped his arms around her slender thin waist. He was wearing a toffee-coloured dress shirt, and casual pants, and on his wrist was a luxurious limited edition Patek Philippe diamond watch.

As he had hidden himself well, no one was able to recognise him. The attendants and guests just thought of the two as rich casual customers.

"Long time no see...Xander" A young man in his late twenties, who happened to have worn the exact same outfit as Alex came rushing towards him. Guardedly, Alex possessively tightened his grip around May. The young woman knitted her brows and forcefully gritted her teeth.

"Now I understand why you personally called....she is pretty, your wife?" 

The employees at the reception table shared a look to see their boss this shameless. 

"Hello, I am Kinn Telson....but you can call me brother Kinn" The man brought his hand forward but suddenly felt hot from a menacing gaze. He nervously looked away and scratched the back of his neck. For the first time, the employees were finding this boss of theirs vulnerable and dense but they dared not speak a word out.

Alex's hand was still circled around May's waist and she was starting to get irked. Accusingly, she looked at him. Coincidentally, he also stared at her.

"Can you re...release me...I am not some property?" She whispered as she had given her word not to cause a scene.

He lowered his head to her and muttered "Whose arms do you want to be? He?" he was insinuating Kinn. May frowned and looked away.

A little lower, he whispered "And about the release...I could release you in another way....you'll love that kind of release"

"COUGH COUGH" Kinn narrowed his pupils at the shameful word of his friend. When did the man become so clingy and cheesy? He and Alex had been friends since childhood, alongside Krist but two years after bonding that friendship, his friend suddenly becomes blind and disappeared from the country. Until a year ago, he returned.

May could not help flushing. Her cheeks were now painted red. She grumbled inwardly when she saw some of the customers looking her way. Gosh!! How much she hated attention.


May scanned the room with excitement. By her side was Alex, whose expression was as cold as ice. She acted like he wasn't in the room and that irritated the man. In no time, Kinn came back with a young lady, along with a hanger filled with beautiful dresses.

"These are the expensive ones...as a special guest, I ordered all this...they are to your taste, right?"

Alex snorted "Can you not be so annoying in front of my wife? Look your employees are starting to think you've lost it"

Kinn was speechless and turned to his side. He gave a harsh look at the young woman, who instantly shook her head in denial.

May began to wonder about the type of man she had married. He wasn't the owner of this boutique, why was he giving the real owner an unreasonable difficulty?

"If you are in a temper, why pour your frustration on others? No one asked you to be vexed, that's your problem" She murmured.

She proceeded towards the dresses and selected the ones that caught her eye. Alex had clearly heard her words but pretended not to. Since she was so happy, he'd decided to keep his boiling emotions to himself.

Indifferently, he sat back down on the white sofa and said "Go get dressed, I'll pick what best fits you"

'Stop bossing me around...I hate you' May wanted to yell out but swallowed the words and sighed with a vague nod.

Kinn looked at her, then back to Alex. If everything changes in you....your bossiness can never. Giving a meaningful look to the female attendant, he excused himself from the room.

"Get going...time is patience," Alex told as he leaned against the sofa, his legs crossed and eyes focused on the changing room.

After a while, May came out clumsily, her hands adjusting the dress. The yellow flower flare was one of the most expensive and daring dresses. The length of the extravagant dress tremendously suited May and the present female attendant could not help blinking her eyes in awe and admiration. She had never seen someone as pretty as the woman. As expected May loved the dress as well but that happiness was short-lived by Alex's arrogant words.


May knitted her brows "I like it" She said as a matter of fact.

"But I don't...go change into something else" His cold aloof resounded in the VIP room.

The female attendant thought it totally was May's style and tried to convince him otherwise but the second, those set of grey-blue orbs threw harmful and dangerous glares at her, she zipped her lips and never spoke again.

Reluctantly, May forced herself to leave. That's good for nothing man. How could he make a pregnant woman his dressing slave? So annoying.

Minutes later, She came out with a summer collection outfit. One of the most valuable pieces in the world and with a kind of cute girl concept but even with a plain dress like this, the irrational man still rejected it.

"Not competent" that's what he said.

The female attendant couldn't believe her ears.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed and May was still being treated as a mannequin. Finally, she had enough and blurted out "Mr Alexander, why don't you try these dresses and I'll be the audience"

From his leisure comfort, Alex raised his body upright and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. No matter how much he teased this woman, she still found a way in stepping on him and his pride. Why couldn't she just obey his words?

Not minding the female attendant, she cried "At least consider my pregnancy, will you?" pouting her lips "I am pregnant with your baby, have mercy on me...when you can't give me an abortion, I endured.....when you couldn't give the divorce, I endure....what are you playing at now...you piece of shrewd arrogant bully...do I look like some toy to play with. All those days without you were horrible, I thought you wanted to make me happy but you.....You self-centred bully. I changed my mind, I don't like this place. Take me home...I just lost the appetite" She harrumphed.

'These couples are interesting' The female attendant thought inwardly. Looking at the situation at hand, she decided to excuse herself. As soon as that happened, May was suddenly pulled for an embrace.

"Do you still want an abortion?" His teeth were gritted and his body cold.

"I....hmmmmmm" Alex covered her lips with his. "Never talk with strangers...especially not that Kinn. He is very dangerous"

May head was spinning from the hot sudden french kiss that lasted for over five minutes. 

"You bastard" She coughed out for breath and elbowed his chest.

"I never asked you to be jealous...and it's not like I have no rights again...whoever I speak with is not of your concern. If I want to make friends with him, then that's my choice and stop being so bossy. Let me make something clear to you Mr Alexander...Our marriage is based on a contract, so I have every right and obligation to get a boyfriend or lover. Besides, this is the twenty-first century, your choice is your opinion. Will you stop acting like we are real couples? The only thing binding the two of us is this child and as promised, I will birth him to you as per the agreement. I hope you also fulfil your own piece of promise as well"

She looked at him, expecting his lashes or anger, but nothing happened. 

"Your attitude doesn't insult me, it only adds more respect and love for you in my heart......have you heard the saying 'What kills you, makes you stronger? Words once spoken cannot be taken back. I am being nice only to you because of my feelings for you...don't make me go back to who I was before...this is a clear warning. May." His voice was stern and sharp. It was the first time of using such a tone to May. She could already feel his undeniable rage from the tone. Scared, she stepped back a little but then thought of her pride. So what if he was angry...she also had every right to be angry as well. With that in mind, she stood her ground

"I m not scared of your threat....think whatever you want to. I am leaving....you've ruined today for me" She hissed, and twirled around to leave. This time, May had driven him to the edge...how could he have loved someone as heartless as her? Was she curbing death?

He called Kinn and ordered "Arrange all of the dresses to be sent... I'll reward you with my new creation"


Su Mansion.


Suzy panicked when he fell drastically to the floor. Before everyone, she ran to him.

"Ah sorry, darling...I had to park the car properly" Suzy's feet came to a stop when she heard that feminine voice. Soon enough, a jet black-haired woman came forward, her straight hair covering half of her face. 

"Who are you?" was the question Suzy threw at her. Elder Su and the others immediately looked at the woman and by the relaxed look on their faces, she seemed to be someone close to the family.

"Emily, it's you" Barb, Mark's mother, who was upstairs a while ago hurried over to her drunk son and the familiar woman beside him.

Feeling left out, Suzy turned her focus to the man leaning on the unfamiliar woman's shoulder. She felt conflicted and heartbroken. She could already see the imprinted lips mark on his face and neck, her heart feeling terrible.

"And you are?" Emily eyed the little girl before her, her face cold as ice.

"Oh my dear Emily...forget about her, she's just a guest...come inside...what happened to your childhood friend?"

Emily smiled at Mark's mother widely and took the drunk man in. Elder Su glanced over at the girl and sighed 'Nothing changes as in the end, you'll still get hurt'

"Grandfather" Emily bowed her head in respect "How have you been? Ah, uncle, you're back" She was referring to Mason, Alex's father. The latter nodded and smiled weakly at her.

Emily's eyes flickered brightly as if she had finally got her favourite stuff "Does that mean Alex is back too?"

Everyone began interacting with one another, forgetting the heartbroken girl by the door.

"I have got good news...Mark and I have decided to give us a try and after some weeks, we began dating....hehehehehe...next month, we are getting married"




The phone in her hand fell to the ground, and her eyes beamed with hot tears. She lowered her head to the floor and bit her lips hard to suppress the pain in her chest. Her dainty eyes fluttered miserably and before one could know, hot tears were now streaming down her eyes.

By then, Gloria and Isabella were out of the kitchen.

Noticing how the girl's shoulders were shaking, Gloria induced she was crying silently. Hurt, she threw Emily an unwelcoming gaze and walk over to Suzy.

"I...am sorry, i...must have overstayed my welcome...after all, I am only a guest" Suzy announced in a broken voice, bowed and left the room. The members followed her dejected back and felt guilt arise in their hearts. Most especially Mark who hadn't been drunk but pretending. This trick was the only way to let her know the true reality of life.


Author Note.

I feel so bad for Suzy now...she is so fragile and young. We just hope she becomes strong and does not let the likes of Emily weigh her down.

The next update will come soon.