

It was midnight when May arrived at her destination. She disembarked from the plane and ran out of the airport precipitously. Her friend had deciphered to her about a taxi she had organized, so she scanned the environment searching for the cab.

But after half an hour had passed and still no sign of any cab or car, she wailed, frustrated. She was in an unknown city with no money. How would she search for her brother Xavier then?

'Life is weird, after giving me another chance, you are still making my life miserable and difficult…what to do now?'

May thought of phoning her friend, but she thought otherwise and walked away from the airport. She was moving to no return. Her head was spinning from hunger.

'Brother, this is all for you. You'd better feed me well after we meet'.

Because rain had fallen the previous day, the ground was still wet. May tiredly dragged her luggage on the ground as she was lonely. She strolled across a causeway and left the road. The pathway she was walking on was close to the river, but regardless of how weary and hungry she was, she still moved her body.

'Where can I find you, Xavier?'

Amidst her thoughts, a Range Rover passed by. She carefully stared at the car and frowned. 

'Xavier, you are so heartless…you didn't even ask about me' she complained in her heart. 

Another car soon passed by her.

Her lean silhouette squatted down to the floor of the pathway, but as soon as that happened, she was thrown to the side river.


Inside an Audi R8, Xavier was reading the files on his lap when his assistant spoke up.

“Boss, I think the only way to reach home is by driving along the causeway” 

Xavier looked out of the window as he was thinking. With a deep sigh, he hummed in response.


The assistant nodded as he drove the car towards the causeway of the road. His boss was exhausted after the hectic work with their business partner. He knew why his boss was working so much, all he could do was feel bad. 

On the way, he saw a familiar shadow on the side of the road and murmured, 'Is that Miss May, or I am hallucinating?' 

Xavier dropped the folder to his side. He rewinds the window down to throw something, but that item had hit the silhouette that squatted down to the floor, causing her to fall into the river.

The assistant was so shocked.

“Boss, doesn't that person look like the younger miss?”

Xavier hesitated in his seat, he turned around but saw no one on the road. Frowning, he glared at the man driving.

“Hehehehehehe, that person must not be her…why would she be here anyway, right? Today is her wedding day” The assistant fearfully chuckled.

Xavier was once again disoriented as he remembered her wedding. He closed his eyes to remove every thought of her from his mind.

'I wish you are happy'

Meanwhile, May was struggling to be out of the river. She swam herself back to the pathway and crawled back on it.

'That stupid driver' Her eyes flared up in anger.

She straightened herself with her luggage and clenched her fist tightly. Her hand was holding the item thrown at her. She looked at the silver ring. Her frown deepened.

'How could a ring throw me off? I must have been caught off guard…such a stupid rich man…didn't he know how expensive this was?'


Back in City A.

The Easton mansion was in disarray after the disappearance of the youngest mistress. Mr. Easton was so annoyed when he couldn't find his dearest daughter.

Among these people were Amy Easton, the first daughter. She went toward her father to calm him down.

“Father… May must have been ashamed of this family”.

The old man removed her hands from his shoulder.

“Get out of here”

"But father, I am just saying the truth…two days ago, she was seen in someone's bed and got injured. Today of all days, which was her wedding, she is nowhere to be seen. Father, how irresponsible can she be?”

Mr. Easton looked at the woman, “Don't make me repeat myself” he lowered at her.

Amy arrogantly left her father's side and sneered in her heart.

'Even in your absence, you are still the ruler in his heart. What a b***h you are, May!!' She was outraged.

After his first daughter had left, Mr. Easton felt hurt. He wondered why his daughter left. 

“Master, I think you should read this” Silvia guiltily handed the letter to the man. Mr. Easton narrowed his eyes at her to explain, but the maid lowered her head and left the place.

Confused, the middle-aged man opened the paper and read. All through, his eyes became teary until that part that broke his heart.

'I will come back as a strong woman, father…won't need my father or anyone'

The man felt disheartened, but all he could do was support her wishes and desires.