
Chase My Love

What happens when 4 girls meet 7 boys who are the most dangerous mafia gang in the whole country? A saga of love, enemity , and thrill all mixed together makes a story of how people fell in love with each other. People are destined to both love and hate, some people believe in it and some don't, but here, the things they have is hate within each other, will they find love in each other or make each other's blood flow as stream? Waiting for true love in the world where love don't even exists, where promises are meant to be broken will they find it in each other or just shed the blood as they are bound to do so?

Hazu7123 · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Mission Alert!

Mk's pov:

"So you're suggesting that we should be with you too? Please clarify."" Hazel asks as she sucks her whipped cream-coated fingers clean.

"You should move back with us, Amadore said so" I say and she sighs and wipes her hand from the tissue papers on the table.

"Damn, that guy's name makes me feel grossed out. The whipped cream was so tasty and now I'm not even in the mood to eat further pieces of the cake"

"Those are for Sienna and Prescilla"

"Yeah, whatever, I don't even feel like eating. 

"So, this boss here wants us to come back to our home and start living together and if the mafias find out about you guys, it will be too easy to get all four of us killed with no guard to protect us in an isolated place. Bravo, dude, he lacks intelligence and desires to become the most feared Asian mafia. He's losing his brain cells earlier than turning sixty"

That is how our Hazu is; always the one to hype things up, both in a good way and a bad way. And over thinker, a lot, so it makes two of us. The chairs beside us move as both Siena and Prescilla sit on them. "Sorry, we're late," they both say in unison.

"Yeah, whatever, just sit down, you two," Hazel says as she eyes them.

"Why were you late?" I ask them.

"We saw a few puppies in a box on the way, so we delivered them to shelter, they can take care of them" Sienna answers.

"So, you and Hazel, you both have to move back with us" I say.

"Oh well, finally." The youngest one says.

"Nope, it will be dangerous, they have put some trackers in the necklaces they gave us, and it's obvious we would have them with us while moving back in our home, unless –" "we trick them somewhere and then trap them?" Prescilla cuts Hazel in her conversation.

"Yes, something like that. But we have to discuss it with Amadore, I'm sure he'll get pissed as fuck if we do something like this," hazel says.

"Sure, I will talk to him. Until then, order your food and eat it before it gets cold, "I say as I walk out of the restaurant after grabbing my coat off the chair. 

"Wait, I'm coming with you too," hazel says as she joins me after a few steps outside of the building. "I have something to tell you, it's about Amadore"

Without a word, we walked to the car and I drove her to a park to have a talk there, because there's a saying, isn't it, which says that what have ears too. We spot a bench beside a tree and sit there to have our conversation.

"So what is it all about?" I ask her and she begins her story.

Sienna's pov:

 The next day after we met in the café was the day when Amadore called us to his office. I hate him, and so do the others. He is a cruel thing on earth. The earth struggles under the weight he carries. He's been insulting Hazel and Prescilla since the past five minutes because Hazel mistakenly dropped the pen drive she brought from the mafias in his wineglass and it turned out to be of no use right now.

 "What sluts I have here as my assassins? They are of no use. They fucked those men as much as they've wanted, but they couldn't even keep a copy of the fucking pen drive with themselves," he shouts at them.

 "Boss, like she said, Hazel didn't have any idea that something like this would have happened, or she would have made a copy of it," Mk accounts for them.

 "You, you've been using your tongue quite more than you have ever, shut your mouth or I will shut it," he warns her and the things heaten up.

 "Sir, I'm simply stating the facts. It's not my fault you're averse to hearing the truth," she smirks at Despite Amadore's attempt to attack her, Hazel prevents him from reaching Mk, who remains calm and unflinching, maintaining eye contact. Him. Hazel signals for us to exit the room while Prescilla forcefully pulls us all away, but Mk remains behind, watching him closely.

 We close the door behind us and hear Mk's voice nearing us, she opens the door, steps outside and closes it behind her. She looks at us with a questioning look.

 "Why are you guys still here?" she asks us.

 "Waiting for you and her" Prescilla says.

 "We'll be late, you guys can go back to the apartment, and I will bring Hazel"

 "But –"

 "No buts just go" she says and Prescilla starts walking, I remain there but Prescilla is already out of sight.

I hear a scream, from the room, it was feminine, I'm not sure if that's from the room Amadore and hazel are or not. But that is the only place where people are right now. I hear things fall and tension forms in my head, is it her? I look at Mk, she is static.

"Why are you doing nothing and standing still here? Instead of going inside and stopping that devil to harm her" I say her.

"What do you mean, actually?" she asks me back.

"Did you not hear that hazel was shouting?"

"She wasn't"

"She was"

"No, Sien, it was maybe your assumption, she wasn't shouting or anything, they are having a conversation on what she saw among those mafias"

"Are you sure it's just that"

"Yes, damn sure it is about that" she says and tugs me forward to walk. While walking away from the room, I again hear a scream. I ignore it and walk away.

I grab my helmet, swing my leg over my bike to sit on it and drive towards my favorite place. It is a café near here. The sun is already setting now, with its orange flames retreating back, a warm weather embracing the nature. The rays of light peek in through the trees beside the road on the way to the café. This is beautiful, I love it.

And when I park my bike at the café, another guy does the same beside me. He has this black bike, similar to mine. I remove my helmet and smile after seeing that both our bikes are of same model. I look at the owner, he was removing the helmet and I see his face. He is just as fine as the bike. Plum, pink lips, ear piercing, eyebrow and lip piercing too. Buff, messy hair, chains in both neck and his hands, with his fingers full of rings.

But he looks familiar though, I look at his face again, he was looking at me. As our eyes meet, he winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk inside the café along with my helmet. He is one of those perverts roaming around in every corner of the city. I walk to the counter to order something for me to eat. And when I return, I see him sitting on the table behind mine. I sit on my place, and play games on my phone, while trying to recall where I have seen him before.

This is self service café, so I have to walk to the counter to get me the things I ordered.

"Hey" the guy says when I return with my items. I ignore him. I think I'm close to recall who he is.

"I'm I-seul, you might know me, this security system here" he points at the cameras in the café and then directs me to look back at him, "is by my company" he winks at me. Now I know, he is one among those seven mafias, and he's security in-charge.

"Hey, I'm Selina" I lie, a step taken by good measures; I don't want to mess things up for us earlier than we could even think of.

I thank Mk, mentally, when she rings me, I take an excuse and drive to our shared place. Just because they did not harm Hazel and Prescilla severely doesn't mean that I can drink coffee with him.

"Where were you when I called?" Mk asks me when I close the door after me after stepping in.

"I was out" I reply.

"I know, I'm asking for the place"

"A café, stop over-reacting. I'm fine" I say and dart to my room after setting down the paper bag in which I brought my coffee on the coffee table and close the door from inside.

I decide to take a shower, it might calm me down. Because all I'm feeling right now is anger, and other shades of it. And when I come out of my bathroom, there is a tray of food, with the food covered with a lid and a jar of juice, in ceramic cutleries which Hazel brought one and a half month ago, it has blue flowers with black vines, and green leaves, in circle. I remove the lid from the plate and fresh smell hits my nostrils. I sit on the other side of the tray on bed, and dig in. I moan in the first bite, the flavors all burst in my mouth. I feel like I just had a mouth orgasm.

I'm sure it was her who made it.

There was a note beneath the plate which I saw after devoured all of the food. I pick it up and start reading it. 'I'm sorry, Sien, but it's good for you to not know whets happening right now. I hope you understand about that, it's a matter of Hazel's life. Let's not make Prescilla know about it, or even Hazel. Let's pretend that it never happened.' I gape at the first few sentences. Was that that serious? I never had a clue about it since I heard her this noon. I continue the next paragraph of the note.

'I know that you know that I can't make food. And I know that you know who made this food, come out so you can hang out with us. But destroy this paper before coming out. Love, Mk.' so she is here. I walk to my dustbin after pulling out my lighter from one of the drawers and lit the paper up and throw it in the dustbin. The bin was empty for the time being. After double checking if the paper is fully burnt to ashes, I walk out of my room with the empty tray and plates and just as I thought, Hazel and Prescilla, both were here.

This is the day when we will be spending time together after so many days, watching movies, playing games – though it is only Mk and Hazel the ones to play them, and then sleep in the living room, being tired of everything. Everything is perfect, but I'm not sure if this perfectness will last long. It would if he let it.

When I woke up in the morning, with my hair sprawled on my shoulders and the seat of the couch, we were watching a movie last night, sitting on the floor and I slept not even halfway through it, because it was getting bored and I was quite to sleepy, I cannot control my sleep, you know. I try to stand up, but a heavy weight on my lap prevented me from it, I look down and see a heavily sleeping Mk on my lap, her hair is stuck to her forehead and some of the strands on her lips. I wake her up after realizing its just the two of us here.

Her phone rings and she picks it up without looking at the screen, and sets the call on speaker.

"Mission alert" its Hazel's voice, alarming both of us. She instructs us and we do accordingly she says and reach where she has called us.