
Chase My Love

What happens when 4 girls meet 7 boys who are the most dangerous mafia gang in the whole country? A saga of love, enemity , and thrill all mixed together makes a story of how people fell in love with each other. People are destined to both love and hate, some people believe in it and some don't, but here, the things they have is hate within each other, will they find love in each other or make each other's blood flow as stream? Waiting for true love in the world where love don't even exists, where promises are meant to be broken will they find it in each other or just shed the blood as they are bound to do so?

Hazu7123 · Urban
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21 Chs

A Lie

Hazel's pov:

''Eat food, my ass'' as soon as I said those words, my stomach started rumbling, what a thing to have, and great! Now even my stomach wants me to go to those assholes and have dinner with them. I glanced at the clock, it showed 8:17 pm, I have still about 43 minutes left to have the food, but I'm more than hungry, I need food. 

The door opened and two woman around my age, or maybe even younger than me, entered the room with a big tray of...food? Yeah it's food, but didn't that guy just paste a sticky none on the door for me to come out and have dinner? Anyways, one of them was holding the tray of food while the other opened and closed the door for her.

 "Hey! I'm Kang Ae-ri, younger sister of Kang I-seul and she is Min Jin-ah, Younger sister of Min Ha-jun" the one who opened and closed the door says.

"And I suppose, you're Hazel Lynn" Jin-ah says, keeping the tray of food on the nightstand, I grit my teeth by hearing my own name, I had always hated it, so I always go by Hazu.

 "Yeah, it's me" I reply, she seemed to be a person who tends to talk with other people, unlike her arrogant, pessimistic brother, why do I care anyway? I'm here for a mission.

 "You know you can trust us unlike our brothers, and we won't harm you, again, unlike our brothers" she says softly which made me smile, how can they be sisters of such people?

Prescilla's pov:

"What do you mean she can't come?" Mk says from the other side of the screen of the laptop, frustrated, she looked annoyed.

 "She's busy" I reply.

"Busy my ass, she always used to ditch her every work when we were having any calls together while we were far from each other, don't make up any silly stories which aren't true and let me talk to her" she says me, more like, warned me and that's when Sienna entered the room where Mk was sitting 

"Hey Pres", she says and waves at me for which I imitate the same actions in return with saying a small 'hey' back to her, she frowns a bit when after her eyes roamed all over the screen, maybe searching for her.

"Where's Hazu?" she ask, okay, this is the second time I have to repeat it all again, and I'm totally cool to do it.

Such an irony.

"She can't come because Prescilla says she's busy" Mk says. More like mocked me for saying it, I sigh. 

"Wait, let me call her" Sienna says and she does, but a ring could be here from my nightstand so I get up, pick it and again sit in front of my laptop and show them her phone which was with me, disappointment is visible on their faces, but it's for their own good, they'll be safer if they don't really know what's going on, at least for time being. 

"Isn't she home? I thought to drop on you guys today" Sienna says. Guilt drops down in my guts and the truth almost slips off my mouth as soon as I realized that they love her as much as I do to her and she does to us, but, to the safety of my own best friends, I must stay strong, I can also transform into a stone if I have to. 

"Don't know, she just said that she has to go somewhere out of town, and she forgot her mobile here, she's not here since last night" I act calm. Sienna's eyes watered and I swear I thought to kill myself at the view I had in front of me, she was worried, she was about to cry, the guilt crept me again, my shoulders stiffened. It was the first time to see her cry, we never cried since last three years that's a year after we met, and the time we started doing things like killing people or abducting them or do things which are illegal. 

"Are you crying?" Mk ask her, while she wiped the tears which just left her eyes 

"I'm worried about her, Pres said that she hasn't been in home since last night, might she be okay?" she says.

They can't do anything to the person who can give them information.

"She will be okay, Sien, she's Hazel; a trained assassin, she was trained long before we were" I say trying to assure, I don't know who, my heart or her. 

Mk was about to say something but my phone interrupted her, it was a call from my step-father, or you might say, our boss who's making us do all these things. 

"Yes? Amadore?" I say after picking up the phone, I never called him dad or anything, because I hated him, and never even called his name, but this time I did, to make Mk and Sienna know that he's the one who called me right now. 

"Was that Hazel who got captured by them?" he asks, coldly, does he even care about us? 

"Yeah" I reply not providing further details of last night; because the last thing I would want is my friends to know the truth before it is the time, right time.

 "Is someone with you?" he asks me.

 "I'm on Face Time with Mk and Sienna" I answer him.

 "Call me when you're done, you should be careful from now, their spies can be anywhere, we have to take over them at any cost" he says and hangs up. The girls sigh after I keep the phone aside.

Hazel's pov:

      The food was quite tasty though, it wasn't expected.

I took a complete hour to adjust to the surroundings, I mean, my room, it's quite luxurious though, never saw this coming. Never thought that I will have to live with some strangers in one home, correction, mansion, and they're men whom I've never known and never saw personally before now.


It felt like hell being away from the girls and staying with the heartless mafias.

I wish the mission ends soon and I can go away from here.

I don't know what they are doing right now, are they safe? Is everything alright? Do they miss me? Of course they do.