
Charming Idol’s Shameless Choreographer (BL)

The most loved K-pop idol, Lee Yong, had exhausted his creativity and reached a block. When he was frustrated about his inability to write music anymore, the new choreographer entered the company. The flirty perverted choreographer became his muse pretty soon. When he realised his love for the choreographer, he denied it for the sake of his career. When the adorable man confessed first, he rejected the choreographer cruelly. But later, he did not want to see his man being pursued by others, and he was determined to get his man back. Choi Haneul hid all his schemes and revenge plans under his shameless perverted behaviour as he entered the entertainment company. Taking revenge was his main job while being a choreographer was a side hustle. He was attracted to the boyband's leader, and he noticed the leader was also stealing glances filled with desire. Hence he started to crave more than the glances. Choi Haneul closed his heart long back and never wanted to be in a relationship. But he wanted to open his heart to the idol and be in a relationship. With all hope, when he confessed, the idol rejected him cruelly. So what would he do when the charming band leader tried to win him back? Or will he choose his revenge over love which comes with many terms and conditions? While the tug of war was going on between the choreographer and the band leader, band members smartly chose the choreographer’s side and ate melon seeds every day as they watched one drama after another instead of helping their leader. *************************** Choi Haneul: I wanted to try the steak from that new place. But all the tables are booked for a month. Lee Yong: Surprise! I invited the chef to cook the streak for our first date this Friday. Choi Haneul: I will come to eat, but it is not a date. Let’s invite others as well. Band members: Our choreographer is the best!!!! *************************** Choi Haneul: I wanted to watch that new movie. My free time and the movie screening time are not in sync. Too bad! Lee Yong: Surprise! I have already made arrangements. We will watch the movie in my flat for our first date. Choi Haneul: I would like to have cheese popcorn while watching the movie, but it is not a date. Let’s invite others as well. Band members: Yay!!! We are in for the movie night! *************************** Choi Haneul: I really wanted those dancing boots, but it is out of stock. Lee Yong: I knew you would like it. So I bought it for you. Choi Haneul: Thanks. Let me pay for it. Band member: Ouch, leader! Does it hurt too much???? *************************** Lee Yong: Where are you going all dressed up cutely? Choi Haneul: My first love is coming to the school reunion. I want to meet him. Lee Yong: Well, you are not going anywhere but my bed today. Band members: What?????? *Ding Dong* Choi Haneul: My first love is here to pick me up! Band members: Woooo hooo!!!!! *************************** Join the journey of the stubborn idol and the shameless choreographer to see what they would choose? Will Lee Yong choose love over his career? Will Choi Haneul choose love over his well-crafted revenge? P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH EXPLICIT CONTENT. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord: https://discord.gg/jSQxjwPV5s Instagram: lazii_ladii

vjey · LGBT+
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115 Chs

Bang Su Jin

Lee Yong glared at Bang Su Jin. He did not like the way the intruding pest looked at his choreographer. "It's team dinner. Since when are you part of Celestials?"

Lee Yong stood up and placed himself between his adorable bit-sized choreographer and Bang Su Jin. As if there would be a physical altercation between them, and his choreographer would be beaten up to a pulp.

The manager Da Hye-Gun who waited for Choi Haneul's return to have lunch together, became frustrated and came to check on the studio. While everyone had heard rumours about Haneul, the manager knew the truth. So he wanted to see how Haneul would handle these things. He knew the band members should not be involved for that to happen. He was determined to make that happen at all costs.

Choi Haneul was almost disappointed. He wanted the physical altercation to happen, and he was surprised by the sudden protectiveness of the man who did not want him to be their band's choreographer in the morning. He glared at the broad shoulder of the man standing as an obstacle before him, facing the other side, messing with his plan for a split second. He fixed his expression quickly to a harmless, laid-back choreographer.

As much as he was disappointed with the fact there won't be a chance to beat the crap out of the man who was part of ruining his life, he knew how to make that happen. All he needed was a window to start it, and he knew Bang Su Jin, who was nothing but an arrogant idiot, would soon open the window for him.

"It is not my fault I am not part of the band. Haneul should know the reason behind it better. Leader Lee should not be stingy and let me experience band life occasionally. Now that Haneul is part of your team, you should be fine with seeing me often with your band." Bang Su Jin moved to the side casually, trying to gain access to Haneul and make sure the choreographer was not hidden behind the lean but unnecessarily tall and broad-shouldered band leader.

The celestials members and their manager watched everything that happened with fascination and worry.

Haneul also took a few steps back, away from the band leader's unwanted protection. "You failed to be part of the band just like you failed in the music. You only have yourself to blame for all of that. Do not try to mooch off celestials and use me as an excuse for your pathetic behaviour." He knew which button to push to get a reaction without breaking any sweat.

Bang Su Jin lunged forward, grabbed Haneul by the collar, and easily pinned him to the wall. "You bastard! Don't you dare to speak to me like that? You piece of trash…"

Entire Celestials were on their feet to defend their new choreographer. But with one look from the manager, the entire band backed out without protest, even though they did not want to do it.

Lee Yong was surprised by the sudden turn of events. He wanted to intervene, but the carefree attitude and smile on the face of the choreographer, even in this situation, made him hesitate for a moment.

Haneul grinned like the gremlin he had always been without any fear. "I am sorry. Please don't tell madame Sun Eun Ji. What if she ruins my life for insulting her 'beloved sister's bed warmer?' I forgot you are very close to her cousin Sun Jung Mi. I can't afford to go against two ladies of the Sun family who married into the mighty Lim family."

As was his facial expression, every word of Choi Haneul was filled with mockery.

Bang Su Jin, who had his hands on the collar, moved one hand to the neck as he tried to strangle Haneul, not to kill him but to make Haneul fear for his life and exercise the show of power.

Su Jin believed that even though Haneul knew most of his secrets and he was the one with power, Haneul had to bow his head to him forever.

Now the Celestials members were terrified. They did not expect a turn of events like this. Lee Yong and Na Hyun Joon moved faster towards the two trying to diffuse whatever this situation was. But their manager stepped in front of them silently and stopped them from intervening.

"Who in the entertainment industry hasn't played here and there for resources? Shouldn't you know well? Considering your mother was in the industry for a long, and you don't even know your father's name… Doesn't that says a lot about you, a true bastard!" Bang Su Jin had a mad glint in his eyes as he spoke.

Lee Yong froze when he heard the words. He gritted his teeth angrily and did not know why he felt protective over Choi Haneul. His manager had to restrain him physically from attacking Bang Su Jin.

But Haneul did not need a knight in shining armour to protect him. He was neither in distress never again a damsel who needed the protection of others. As if no hand squeezed the life out of him, Haneul smiled at the man before him.

Haneul headbutted Bang Su Jin ignoring the strain on his neck because of Bang Su Jin's chokehold, and then his knees landed between the legs.

Choi Haneul doesn't need a knight in shining armour. Then what should Lee Yong do to be by his side? Comment your thoughts.

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