
Charming Billionaire Mending Her Heart

Synopsis She : You will be better off without me. We were never meant to be. [ Esther Ross ] He : Without you, I am as good as dead. You are the only one I ever desired and you are meant to be mine forever and ever. [ Felix Carter ] _____________________ Mini scene "Hey, you! Be my husband." Esther grinned at the delivery man in front of her. "Sure, let's get married before the matrimonial courts close down." The guy held Esther's wrist as he dragged her. "Don't worry, if they close down. I will make them reopen." Esther looked as her hands entwined with the guy. However, she missed the fox smile on his face. ________________ She got her trust broken down by the one she considered to be hers only. Her love was called to be cheap and disgusting. She lost her first love to her younger sister. From then onwards, she began to dislike handsome males. She viewed them as bait to catch the big fish. She detested handsome looking faces. _____ He was the most handsome and sought after guy in the whole country. His face has been declared 'the most handsome face of the generation' by World Records. He garnered attention wherever he went but he was too shy to ask others to stop staring at him like he was a delicacy. Yet he had to disguise himself to meet her. He couldn't show his real face to her. ___________ Can he make her fall for him after everything that happened with her? _____________ Hello to all out there, this is me your not so amazing author back with another story. This time I am writing this book for WPC - 195 under the ice-cold CEO. I hope you guys support me!! Stay safe and love you all __________ Updates schedule: Max 3 chaps per week. Min. 2 chaps. One update on Sunday while others on any day within the week. *Disclaimer The cover isn't mine. The picture is from Pinterest and edited by my friend.

Shiny_Star5683 · Urban
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42 Chs

I Feel So Blessed

I feel so blessed

"The food delivery came faster than I thought," Esther asked the man covering his face with the cap.

He nodded at her. Esther took the box from his hands, however, their fingers brushed.

It electrocuted them. Both froze.

Esther had her eyes set on the pizza box while the man looked at her.

His eyes widened as he observed her face.

'It can't be her? Right?' The stranger began to ponder over inside his brain.

Her face contorted. Eyes held uncertainty within. She knew she had creases over her forehead and the reason was the electrifying feeling she got as she lightly rubbed against the delivery man.

The man also removed his fingers off the box when he noticed her holding it. He hid his hand behind his back. A frown coated his sweating forehead. Tiny drops were visible sweat only if the cap was not worn a little bent downwards.

Esther shook her head to push away all those weird feelings, "Thank you."

Just the moment she held the door lock, "Can I get a glass of water?"

The delivery guy spoke. Esther halted.

Thinking for a while, she gives a firm nod to him and opens a door wider.

The man enters her penthouse.

"You sit and wait on the couch. I will come with a glass of water." Esther walked past his immobile figure.

The man didn't respond to her either. She assumed that he had heard her loud and clear.

While the delivery guy skimmed his eyes to every nook and cranny of the penthouse with his hawk-like eyes. It emerged as if he was aiming to memorise each detail of that place.

The glass windows illuminated the light outside of the penthouse. The L-shaped couch decorated the living room along with a low bookshelf. A glass vase filled with fresh-cut colourful flowers gave off relaxing vibes. The fragrance wafted to his nose. He sucked a deep breath. The man never got time to indulge himself and appreciate the beauty of nature.

He glanced over to the glass sliding door of the kitchen where Esther had disappeared. He couldn't see her but he could feel her presence.

'A one-way see-through glass… Interesting..' He murmured inwardly.

He glanced at the stairs leading to the upper floor of the penthouse.

He was assured that the floor must consist of Esther's room and other rooms. He had seen a guest room on the lower floor too. Considering the area and the height of the penthouse, he didn't doubt that the upper floor will have 3 rooms other than Esther's master room. He also concluded how she seemed to love nature.

Attached to the living room was a balcony.

The balcony had a hammock and two one seater couches placed opposite to each other. A coffee table in between them.

Pots consisting of green plants surrounded both narrower side lengths of the balcony.

Esther came back and found no one in the living hall. She got confused. She wondered where the man had runoff.

The next moment she glimpsed at the towering figure of a man, standing on her balcony.

Strangely, she should feel alarmed to have an outsider inside her house yet she felt no signs of bad news from him. She strode to him.

Sliding the door, she stepped forward to him. She guessed the man was so immersed in his deep thoughts that he didn't hear the sound of the door.

She cleared her throat to catch his attention. She succeeded when the man turned to her.

"Your water," she passed the brimming glass of water to him.

The man took the glass without saying a word. Gulping it down in one go, Esther found herself shamelessly gazing at his bobbing up and down adam's apple. She gaped at him. Her eyes, not blinking for once.

What she failed to notice was the rise and curl of the man's lips….

Enthralled by the beauty of the man, she felt like drowning herself in his hazel eyes. She had met many with hazel eyes yet none fascinated her to this extent.

Those hazel eyes seemed to suck her in a never-ending saga.

"Uh uhhh….." The man bit his lips to prevent his laugh. He knew Esther would get embarrassed and flustered up.

She blinked her eyes and the unknown spell cast by the man broke off, "Thank you for the water." He handed the empty glass back to her.

She grasped it and their fingers touched for another time. Time seemed to pause. They kept gawking at each other.

Esther observed the man's other features. Before due to the cap draping his face, she didn't get a chance to see apart from his lips that enticed her at her first glance.

Discerning his thick and uneven eyebrows, long black eyelashes, tall and straight nose, a big black mole near to the upper left corner of his lips, freckles scattered all over his nose and cheeks, his dark and tanned skin.

But her most favourite was his lips, she couldn't fathom for what an unknown reason they tempted her to kiss them.

His lips were peculiarly perfect.

The red colour felt to have originated just to increase the charm of the man only.

While she sized the man in front of her, the same went for the man; he too beheld the ethereal Goddess lady ahead of him.

'Aaahhh… I feel so blessed now.'

The man wondered. He swallowed his saliva when his eyes fell on Esther's heart-shaped lips with a well-defined cupid's bow. A mere glance was enough to give the other sex a huge turn on.

The man could feel the extreme hard-on, 'She will be the death of me.'

The man realised the power she held over him is inexplicable. She could either break or keep him.

He understood that if this continued for any longer, he would not give a damn and kiss her senselessly until the only thing Esther would remember would be his lips on hers and their ragged breathing with the taste of his lips and tongue.

A phone ring tone reverberated in the silent atmosphere.

Well ~ well ~

Who is unknown man that Esther had let in her house?

Any guesses to it?

Thank you <3

Happy Reading!!

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