

Hello, my name is yanne Une, I am currently on a cliff and am about to jump, I've lived a life of pain and sorback a life with burdens, I refuse to carry again, I am only 15, but I am tired, I want to die so this painful life can be over, I thought this was the end of my story, only for me to find out it's the beginning.

I live in a country where people are treated based on their wealth, their family name and their power, I have none of these things, so I get treated like a piece of shit everywhere I go.

I live with my mom who is a hair stylist, she has a shop which she inherited from my grandma, who was a very popular stylist back in the day, but ever since my granpa died, she couldn't bring herself to touch a pair of scissors, it brought too many memories, my grandma later died from depression leaving I and my mom.

Unlike my grandma my mother didnt have that...that SHAZAM she needed to style hair, her work was modest and simple, too simple it was boring, not to talk of all the other hair salons which were around, my mom had competition and a lot of it, for her to get 7 customers in a day was a miracle, and those customers were always old people who came to her shop because it reminded them of my grandma whom they loved.

I schooled in a public school because my mom could never afford a private school, but my school life was horrible!. Do you know why?, I bet you don't, so let me just tell you, I'm dumb!!, yeah, it's not like I wanna be but that's the fact so I gotta accept it someday, you know in all those teenager books you read, the one with the crappy life is smart but no, I'm the girl whose mom is a washed up broke hairdresser, the girl who always comes last in exams, the girl who is hated and disliked by everyone, hell! the only good thing in my life, was my body, even thought I was stupid, poor, useless, I was damn attractive, everything in my body was beautiful, from my beautiful, long black hair, to my mysterious blue eyes, to my pink, rosy lips, i was so pretty, my body was that of a matured 18 year old lady but I was only 15, though I was so damn beautiful, boys we're never interested in me because of my bad reputation, I was considered " pretty on the outside but filthy and disgusting on the inside", some people say I don't shower, some say I don't brush and many more bad rumors about me spreads, every motherfucking day, but I never give a damn about what they say.

The worst thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life is the reason why I'm on a cliff to day planing to kill myself.

I almost knew I was dumb, I didn't know I was stupid but i guess I am, I am so stupid that I would think Asher Lakes likes me, Asher Lakes is the most popular in the entire of WinterShare high, Asher share is the smartest male student, head of the football team and his father is the biggest donator in the school, though he's not loaded, he's rich, he could go to a private school but his parents don't let him, he is the dream of most girls, I including, he has a girlfriend, pfft!, what am I saying, of course he has a girlfriend!, and she is AMIRAH SLYRA, amira is a rich girl, she's not loaded but she has more money than Asher, everyone knows she came from a private school to be with Asher, she's a cool and sweet girl in everyone's eyes but the few students she bullies know her true colours and I'm part if them, she is an evil bitch and I pray she dies one day