
Charly is a shy and popular boy

What is someone hiding behind their mask, we never show our true selves to friends, Family, and even to ourselves... if someone is shy what do they hide? We don't know. Perhaps we follow one shy person's aimless adventure maybe we can find out... maybe... just maybe... not All belong to EnvyV3 illustrator: Unknown sauce: somewhere in Google

EnvyV3 · Teen
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118 Chs

Chapter 13.5: Practice #2

"just get in!" She pulled him inside... She sighs, Charly looked around the room, Plushie litter the room, cat Plushie to be more precise...

"Let's get started!" He tilts his head, "oh! Did you want to talk over it first?"

He takes out his phone and asked for the internet password. "Right!" She quickly typed her password out for him.

He pointed at the windows, "uhh... Alright..." She goes to close the windows and pulled the curtains, The light go off and classical music began to play...

She turned to Charly who had his hand out... She takes his hand, the two began to dance to the slow and Calm music... But without hiccups, unless we wouldn't be here... So PLDT internet do your thing!

The classical music stops due to awful internet services and slow! Internet!.

Jade lost her train of thoughts and began to mess up... To eventually... *Thud!*

"Ow..." Charly helps her up... She sighs as the light turned back on... "No... Keep off please" the lights turn again. He walked up to her...

"Maybe, you should try by yourself?" He wrote down on his phone. "That be a good idea..." She said.

He began to perform the slow and Calm dance moves... She performed almost flawless... Even the parts where she struggled...

Charly clapped his hand... "Hehe! Thanks..."

She smiled, he gave her a thumbs up... "We should try again later!" He nods, she sits down.

"So, uhh... About-" "your mother?" He titled "you're... Quick but yeah it's about my mother..."

"She's nice! And also she looks like you!"

"Does she now?" He nods, "have you met my little sister?" He shook his head, "her name is Via..."

"That sounds like a wonderful name" "ehe! Thanks I was actually the one who came up with it" she said.

"Is your parents the reason you're number 1 in the class?" She looks away... "Yeah... Kinda, how about you?"

"I take it semi-seriously" He said... "If you tired harder, you could beat in the Rankings" he scoffs at her... "What?" "Nothing is that I don't really care about the Rankings, but if they demanded good grades, they yeah probably I could beat you" he smiled,

"Don't get to cocky now! I challenge you then... When the unit test comes Try to get the highest grade! If you don't get the highest scores, then... You'll have to spend... And entire day... With... Me..." 'why...? Why? Did you had to speak...'

Charly gave it some time to think... "That doesn't sound like a bad punishment" he wrote down...

"Ahaha! Forget I ever said that!" She said standing up, "you know what I think we should practicing" Charly stands up and began to play the Music again...

He takes her hand, they slowly began to move, "How about the waltz" she Asked... Before the music stopped... "Uh oh..." But a soft Tone began to hum... She didn't derail and stayed calm...

'what a soft Hum...' she smiled as they finished... Their dance...

Charly clapped slowly, knowing full well that he may need to repeat this...

"Can we do it without music?" He nods, he once again took her hand, she calmed down but the soft touch of the pale skinned boy... Got her and she already slipped up first step...

"I think we should stop here... For now" She said, He looks Annoyed... "But if we continue, we'll you know!" He rolled his eyes and sits. 'hmph, rude... I wonder if I could bring back his Shy side again... I miss the old him'

She smiled at him... "You know, what?" shesaid... Charly looked at her clueless, about the situation... "you've become open since the first time we met, You showed your true colors, You're more wicked... than Imagine." he looks around the dark room, "I figured you out! you're a reserved guy, for what?" she asked, he was still clueless about the things. "yeah, I am a reserved person and you just found that out." He said, "no I knew that for a good while"

she said, "ok then" the awkward silences came back again, she looks around the room, 'this is not good, this is not how I thought we would act'

"I'll go get some water!" she said walking out of the room, he sits down and begins to hum the a sweet tune... he entered into deep thought, Jade slowly opens the door, and observed him humming... she sat down next to him...

he turns to her... she smiled, his humming slowly faded away as he looks down. 'haha! I got him!' she as she giggled, he looked at her angrily. "hey, calm down now! you have a nice voice!" he looked away,

"come on! we have dance to finish!" she said, he puffs and stood up. "don;t be like that!"

*in the hall of the mountain king*

practice #1:

"one... two... three..." she steps on his foot. "sorry!" the twist and turned around. she couldn't keep up with him and so... *thud!* one misstep they both laid on the floor... the two sat up and look at each. "again?"

practice #2:

one... two.. three... "right foot, left foot, right, left... pull in, pull out" turning, twisting! and tumbling around the room, the more they failed the more Jade became impatience. "again..."

Practice #3:

the twisting and turning and turning, Jade became dizzy she couldn't focus and eventually she stopped dancing, that decision made Charly lose balance and he hit his head... "ahhh! so sorry I didn't mean too!"

Practice #10:

"again!" she yelled, Charly looked at her strangely, "uhh... again?" He patted her back, "thank you"

"again!" "again!" "again!" "again!" "again!" "again!" "again!" "again!" "AGGGGAIIIINNN!!!!"

*thud!* *thud!**thud!**thud!**thud!**thud!**thud!**thud!**thud!**thud!* *thud!!!!!!!!!*

Charly pulled her up, she sighed... "one last time..." He nods, 'one... two... three...' "Lunchtime!!!" Her mother's voice rang out. She pulled him closer... ... ... "s-sorry..." she looked away, "aha! it's lunchtime right? let's get going!" Charly just stared off into space "what's with that blank stare!" he begins to shake violently.

"oh no! hey! now! calm down!" she waved her hands around.

the end.