It's early, still not light or even close to it. I had trouble sleeping. And after a restless doze of a couple of hours, I'm awake again, staring into the darkness. Although our impromptu bonfire party was a success and the evening ended amicably enough, my gut is still coiled tight.
I need to burst out somewhere.
Perhaps I should demolish another chicken shed?
Grow up, why don't you....
Charlotte is curled up in my arms, her spine pressed against my chest. It helps. But what I really want is to fuck-make-love-with-fuck-my-brains-out-with her.
Everything's alright when I can lose myself in you.
Will she want to?
Unsure of my reception, I don't quite dare rouse her, so I lie there, wishing for her to wake, wanting her to tell me that everything's okay between us.