
Chapter 154: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 20, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Escape


She descends the stairs as if the devil is behind her...

He is...

She risks a look up; the briefest of glances. She can't see him, but the clang of pursuit echoes above her.

And she runs...

Down two stories, three. Almost to ground level... and there... As she hits tarmac... a door close by... An emergency exit swings open, a body erupting out of it...


He canons into her, grabbing her by the waist, swinging her around.


"Don't stop." She jerks a head up to where Klempner rattles down the steps after her. "Where's your car?"

"Basement, but the keys..."

"Got them. Move."

The pair swerve, u-turning back into the stairwell, barrelling downwards. From above, the sound of a slamming door; echoing boots on concrete

They burst into the parking lot.

"Where?" She peers into the low dark space.